What's the best Telltale game?
Yes, I'm aware your choices don't matter. You don't need to keep saying it.
What's the best Telltale game?
Yes, I'm aware your choices don't matter. You don't need to keep saying it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Borderlands hands down
You're choices don't matter in any of those.
Wolf Among Us and then Borderlands.
I loved The Wolf Among Us, and and Batman is a close second to me. I've heard that Borderlands is amazing but I never played it.
>Anything in the Borderlands series
Get your pussy fairy tale bullshit outta here. Big bad wolf and snow white and shit fuck off
>What's the best Telltale game?
Wallace & Gromit
Borderlands by far
>Being a faggot
>OP asks for best Telltale game
>people keep posting their shitty VNs
if borederlands was so good why didnt it get a sequel
Burch got to write nothing for it.
Not all games nees sequels you millennial fuck
Incorrect. Though what he did write was insignificant.
Didn't expect to like the Borderlands one so much
I really liked the first Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us
Just remember, your choices don't matter
Because it didn't sell well.
Sucks too since it their best game, and yet Minecraft is getting a second season because it sells well even though it's trash
He wrote a couple of scenes.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, those were some of the worst scenes in the game.
>because it sells well even though it's trash
That's the exact reason Telltale stopped making games and started doing VNs.
Whatever you do, do NOT play Game of Thrones.
Poker night at the inventory 2
The only correct answer, although I did kinda like the Poker games even if they only existed for TF2 cosmetics.
Puzzle Agent 1 and 2.
Sam and Max
how can something be the best when theyre all the worst video games ever made?
I heard 2 wasn't so good
Gonna ignore all their non-VN titles since nobody ever talks about thise.
>The Walking Dead (s1 only)
>The Wolf Among Us
>The Walking Dead (anything except s1)
>Game of Thrones
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>tfw pic related actually had choices that mattered and was made by a completely who-developer that never even touched the genre before.
l loved this games until I got into layton and realized, that layton did everything 20 times better. Most disappointing thing with the puzzle agent games was that all the puzzles were similar. If you played through Part 1, Part 2 was just a story dump with reskinned puzzles.
Borderlands and Wolf Among Us. Choices don't matter so I just watch them as shows via playthroughs. The logic ball does drop a lot in WAU though.
Borderlands intros were fantastic
Quality is relative.
When you have two bad games, one is still better than the other.
Yeah it does barely introduce any new puzzles and just brings back the same kind of puzzles from the first game with different solutions. They are not even harder, bc they did not want to alienate people who did not play the first one I assume.
Hey that looks like Liv Schreiber's son
Borderlands elevated its source material. Most other Telltale games just copy it, or make it worse.
I think Borderlands worked as well because they had freedom. Since The Pre Sequel had been poorly received, Borderlands looked like it wasn't going to see any more games anyway, so nobody gave a fuck about the canon, letting them do whatever they wanted.
It's also the only game I can think of which has legitimate comic timing. There are a lot of jokes which would fall flat if it wasn't for the way they're told.
I finally got to play since it was free on ps+, and I fucked loved it. It's on the level of Tales and Wolf
Their Sam and Max games and their Monkey Island game are dope.
For me it felt a lot like heavy rain. Your choices barely matter unless you are an idiot in an obvious situation. What matters is failing certain quick time events bc they kill of characters. That's fine. What elevates this game above heavy rain is that it is written by a somewhat competent horror movie director/writer.
In defense of the telltale games, they never said the choices would lead to different endings and then did not deliver (*cough* EVERY DAVID CAGE GAME". Their only claim is that the game adapts to your choices wich is true. I see them as an interactive movie with a story from which you can not stray away too far.
I never played any walking dead after the first. Are the others good?
You need to pick one
Fuck off. Tales of Monkey Island was irredeemable shit.
Sam and max
I really enjoyed the Mira parts in GOT but yeah
>frogposter has shit opinion
It's like poetry, it rhymes
>walking dead S2 and 3
>not pure and unfiltered garbage
I still can't believe how hard they dropped the ball with those 2 seasons after how good season 1 was
The biggest problem is that these games should have been an anthology. 400 days kind of had the right idea but it was too short too have any significance
They missed the point. People didn't like The Walking Dead 1 for Clem herself, but for what she represented. It was you acting as a father to a vulnerable daughter figure. Even the most spergy game player has a built in desire to protect a child.
They thought people liked Clem as a character though. Which is why it didn't work.
It's not a shit opinion when everything in Borderlands is trash
As with every other sequel disappointment, the path to understanding is realizing the original really wasn't that good.
Original Borderlands and Tales are great. The rest got corrupted by very obnoxious writing that tried to force memes into it.
They have their moments but they suffer really badly from cut content, Like in one of the episodes in season 2 episode 4 you can see all these characters on the intro screen and none of them appear in the game.
This, I hated the first 2 borderlands games yet I loved Tales of the borderland.
It didn't help that they made every character except Clem a fucking retard in season 2, and basically forgot how to write consistent characters in season 3.
Seriously, who approved of season 3's writing? Every character flip flopped all over the goddamn place ever third sentence.
Season 1 was actually good tho
No they are not. Save yourself some effort and time and don't play them.
The question is, who's better at this point, David Cage or Telltale?
Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead First season.
The Sam and Max episodes they did were pretty good. Also I remember enjoying Tales from Monkey Island a lot, though I haven't played them since they first came out.
Back when the games they made actually had gameplay/
>poker night 3 never
TF2 unlocks aside the banter was fun
The Game of Thrones one was so unbelievable horrible.
It was, without a doubt, one of the worst ''gaming'' experiences i've had in my entire life. I'm not even being hyperbolic.
Walking Dead was alright, haven't played the other games.
Why was GoT so bad? Cause it seems like literally everyone hates them
Honestly 2 and Pre Sequel aren't even that bad. There's some parts which are incredibly obnoxious, but most of the time its side quests that you can avoid by just reading the title.
I'm not defending the writing, just saying that it wasn't all Burch, and (most) of the main plot stuff is ok.
Yes, yes it was. Saying that your choices don't matter is redundant at this point. But imagine besides that you get a story that makes your characters eat truckloads of shit, but you endure nonetheless because it's GoT, surely there wil be some kind of payoff in the end. Noooooope, I hope you enjoyed 6 episodes worth of shit, here's your shitty ending with a cliffhanger. Seriously, fuck that game.
Tales from the Borderlands!
was shit
I have never heard anyone ever speak of the GoT Telltale game
Is it good at all? What happens in it?
13 year old detected
Nah. It was funny and didn't take itself so seriously like other Telltale games. There's a lot of replayability based on the fun characters and different fun scenarios
>Fun characters
dude cute robots lmao
Characters are just rip offs of the Starks to the point where its painful. Main character gets sent to the wall (Jon Snow), his sister is in Kings Landing (Sansa), and your choices more so than any other game absolutely do not matter. I tried reloading after something shitty would happen and what do you know, it was bound to happen no matter what you do. The game tries to make you feel like your choices matter but theres a sketchy feeling like in the back of your mind you know they're not.
I thought it was awful as someone that barely knew about Game of Thrones before playing it. Since then I've since marathon'd the TV show and loved it. So it wasn't because I was a big fan that i hated it, and since being a fan I still hate it.
Its sad because all they had to do was flesh out the world a little more.
so underrated.
OK, here's your last (You). I know you're just being a contrarian. You can reduce literally any character to a (generic shit) lmao comment.
Tell me they don't rely too much on cute or wacky robots. Go on.
That's weird. I would have thought their cash in licenses would be the things they would put the most effort into. Game of Thrones would sell anyway, but if they made it decent they could sell a ton. Odd that they wouldn't.
Meanwhile Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands are based on IPs which wouldn't bring in many fans, but are great.
Wolf Among us or Batman are my favorites, but it's pretty subjective overall.
Episode 1 of season 2 was amazing. Hope the quality doesn't decline too much for the rest of the season!
Of what?
>no one posted sbcg4ap
Why the fuck do they keep doing this episodic shit? It's retarded how you get 2 hours of story, then nothing for a month so you have time to forget what happened and lose interest. Episodic worked for Hitman because there was enough content in each episode and the story didn't matter.
Until Dawn did it right.
>A month
Wolf among us. Knew fuck all about fables but shit was great, followed by walking dead season 1.
I never played borderlands so I wouldn't know how good that is.
You should play it. If you liked those two I can 100% guarantee you'd like Tales.
Properly talking about batman. I think one of the writers for that is Michael Kirkbride as well.
If it goes on sale I'll pick it up. I thought borderlands was alright but was never the biggest fan of it, and the last telltale game I got was game of thrones, which was fucking trash.
Ignore Borderlands entirely. It takes the setting and elevates it massively, and it's mostly about the characters anyway.
Even just pirate the first episode or something. I just wish more people had played it because it's legitimately great and I want more.
personal choice :
God tier
2) Tales from the Borderlands
3) TWD season 1
Decent tier
1) TWD season 2
Shit tier
1)TWD season 3
2) Batman
Beyond shit tier
>Game of thrones
People shit on Telltale for no good reason, just trying to fit in with the "THEYRE NOT GAMES" and "THIS CHOICE DIDNT IMMEDIATELY EFFECT SOMETHING" bullshit spread by their favorite lets players.
The games, along with Life is Strange, are mostly written very well with developing characters, intereting scenarios, and interesting/fun choices.
People love to blow nitpicks out of proportion or literally invent things to hate on.
Life is strange is one that I don't understand really, but not for the game side of it. More that everything I see of it makes it look like teen drama for girls, and yet you see grown men advocating it as some sort of masterpiece.
I genuinely don't get it.
I like that one where there's a COOL NO-NONSENSE troubled gamur grrl who weighs 80 pounds and can shoot a pistol with the accuracy of a rifle and do backflips off of 30ft tall roofs and shit
because aside from some "thats not how people talk" dialogue the writing is excellent with believable and relatable characters and an intereting plot.
If you all you can think about is "this is for young girls not old men" then you are the most mentally undeveloped child I have ever encountered in my life.
For me it's Minecraft.
If you're going to shitpost at least make it relevant.
Walking Dead 2+3, Game of Thrones, and Minecraft all say hi
Walking Dead 3 is a good ass "game" or whatever you'd like to call it.
Season 2 wasn't as strong as the first or third but it's still completely fine, FAR FAR from the "lol its complete shit" literal children parrot.
Can't vouch for GoT or Minecraft because I couldn't give a rats ass about either
But it is relevant though.
>I have no interest in teen relationship drama
>So I'm "the most mentally undeveloped child I have ever encountered in my life"
God forbid someone know what they're not interested in.