ITT: in-game screenshots you've taken

ITT: in-game screenshots you've taken

shit size because image too big
SW2 was pretty

i love this one, /cyb/ as fuck



all i have





Is that Dark Eden?

Goddamn that game is a clusterfuck.


How is that second ringworld going to get any light from the sun?





I think the more pressing issue is building a ringworld around a fucking quasar, user.

What gay?me




>playing a gameboy rts on a phone with screen buttons

I think I just got cancer.

Which game ?

West of Loathing.




The Silver Case








mad white boys?




Looks like Shadow Warrior 2.





>negative ass

Roll credits

i want cinemasins to leave




was trying out some bloom settings






Nobody has any fucking screenshots?


The good ol' days of release.



fiddled with some settings for an upcoming stream of the game.







t. Jordan Vogt-Roberts



love that game

continuing from that point in about four hours.
Didn't think i would get so into it.
Going to be fun




ah, the classic
>Yes (Sarcastic)
>Yes (Sarcastic)
>No (Yes)
Glad modders found a way to make the conversation system like 3/NV.

I had a good run a few days ago with some mates , what kinda build you running on goggles anyway?


Ship I found and salvaged

>running on goggles anyway?
I'm playing it blind on stream and going for a melee build. Punching things in melee is great in general but feels off as fuck in SS2.
Got a few other games lined up after I'm done with it.


Is it worth the modules


parking my AA boat next to the friendly aircraft carrier when he's on minimal HP to defend him from aerial attack


A rarely seen corner of Morrowind

>bought game after Atlas Rises update
>doing the main quest where you find the crashed ship and have to build signal boosters on different planets
>ship wouldn't launch because broken phase engine and no heridium to repair
>had to fly off somewhere else on planet for heridium
>spend 20 minutes trying to find the crashed ship after collecting hereidium
desu the fact you cant place waypoints on planets is fucking dumb

>2% reanimate as: apple tree

every time

>this character and pose


I think so, but i'm playing it blind and melee-focused.
Actual spoiler: i read a short bug thing about the shard and a perk that applies the damage to the shard incorrectly making it very OP

Fuck year. Shame they're not making a new one.

what game?


Scissors are legit OP.
NG was a normal challenge, the other NG+, NG++ and NG+++ were waaay faster and easier.
All bosses except butterfly bitch was killed on all runs

Knights of the Old Republic, not sure if its the first or the second. Probably the second.

Yeah that sucks, I just find signal boosters to find more crash sites.


My personal favorite screenshot.

I wish more games had proper wounds.