
New trailer
New Desert zone
New monsters
New Gigantic

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Dead game on arrival

>shills post the same thread thrice at the same time


Can't believe ppl thought this would be shit lol.

cant take these seriously anymore after that fag kept posting XX styles hurr anime movies, World wont have that!

>3 consecutive threads
Neat, tho.

I want to be excited but I know that trailer is going to end up being 90% of the monsters in the game and we are going to need to wait 4 years for the games to get back to a decent number

It looks like another version of Tri.

It will be shit tho

Finally something new. It only took forever.

Now for more diverse gameplay.

The problem is that this is not going to sell enough.
And that hurts the franchise.

Multiplayer in MH seems so plebby, like summoning in dark souls

Basically easy mode for people without skills

>new Desert zone
Looking good. Looks like Sandy Plains 2.0 which was the beset desert zone.
>New monsters
The Kleptodrome and feathered chameleos thing look fun.
>new giant mon
Hopefully more like Gog 2.0 than another Lao or Mohran.
>Lavasioth is back

Your both Sup Forums tards which means your going to be wrong like usual.

Do you not have friends or what? Playing MoHo with your pals is one of the best gaming experiences I've had. It's so much fun.

Once you solo the game once summoning on subsequent playthroughs is much more fun though.
Same applies to MH. Hunted a monster before solo? Time for jolly co-op.

It's easier to solo because you get a better read on the monster's behavior. When you have three other people running around distracting the monster, more random factors play in.

>Playing MoHo with your pals

More like playing HoMo with your pals

All I said is that we finally got something new rather than the same hunt three times in a row.
But keep jumping at shadows.
I aint hyped, but I want to see more before making a decision.

Monsters are properly scaled up for multiplayer though, unlike DS.

Actually, it's the other way around, now that I think about it. Instead of monster being scaled up for multiplayer, its that monsters are scaled down for SP.

>the blacksmith is actually black


Looks like they're reusing assets from that Chinese PC Monhun for the legacy monsters.

I'm actually glad to see it being shilled around here. I want it to do well and I look forward to playing it


You're the first person I've seen to say it like that.
Who says it like that?


Nothing wrong with that. MHO looks good, if nothing else. Helps to save time for making the brand new stuff too.

>that upgrade tree on blacksmith menu

fucking finally

Why wasn't this the reveal trailer, this actually feels like Monster Hunter

I just can't get behind those hitsound, they sound so bad

Looks like western casualised trash. The game will crash and burn, nobody cares about this.

Did you just assume my gender?

Is that the town at the start?

>properly visualized upgrade trees
Only took them 20 years to implement.

This looks like another qurupeco

>Looks like western casualised trash. The game will crash and burn, nobody cares about this.

Oh boy, here we go again.

Is that monoblos near the end?

Chameleos' retarded cousin?

How do I put myself in coma until the next year?

I need it. It's been so long since I've played a console MH.

I could never sit down and play handheld MH for hours like I could with MH3U.

Are you gonna feed your Felynes Sup Forums?

Man, I really am not a big fan of that UI.

It's like they can't decide to go for the modern, clean look with dark overlays, or the tribal markings/carvings and stamps look the previous games had.
I mean, I kinda get what they're going for, they're doing the thing of applying traditional media textures to a modern, clean UI, but it's not working the way they want it to work. Just looks like an awkward hodgepodge of 2 different UI styles.

The only Blos I see is Diablos

Can't wait to feed my sausage to my palico.

Also can't wait for XX next week. I tried brave LS today and I came everywhere

my boner


There better be an option for Palico headpats


>haha bird mixed with a dinosaur because feather memes lmao!
>haha explosions! excitement!
>haha he gave sausage to the cat! LOL!


>Another MH game that would bring changes like Tri did

They're trying to hit the west harder, which means showing fancy shit to normies. Least all the gameplay and trailers after the initial announcement has confirmed that it is Monster Hunter 5.

>game looks the same as the others with a shiny coat of paint
>western casualised trash


ill feed my felynes some sausage if you know what i mean

this looks pretty good to me, I have never played any monster hunter game so I can't say for sure what is good, so which game in the series is the one that fans can agree is the "best"?


Up to 4U, monster hunter is an incredibly iterative series. It builds upon its predecessors rather than breaking down and starting again.

Most people'd agree that newcomers should start with 4U, assuming you have a 3DS.

There is no such game.
The most popular among the crowds are Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP) and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

>It builds upon its predecessors rather than breaking down and starting again

so does this game look like it's building further from the previous games or does it look to be the opposite?


All i need now is for them to announce khezu and gravios

I still really hate the way it looks.

I love that they dropped this the morning of that shitty Dauntless game alpha coming out.

It apparently offers more movement options, which can be good or bad.
Used to be you could not drink potions or eat while moving. Now you can.
Jumping around was not really a thing, but now you can use a grapnel to do so.
You can now use the environment to trap monster contextually, which will either become the go to strategy or a shitty gimmick. Or possibly just a cool addition.

Remains to be seen if it adds to the game or breaks the AIs.

btw will it worth it to play this in regular PS4, payed online and all? or should i just stick to low-med (i hope) setting with my toaster?

you can be sure that the classics like khezu, rathalos, tigrex and yian kut-ku are gonna be in



>this fuckin guy .png

Are you in a hurry to play and not a poorfag? PS4, it comes early on console.
Otherwise PC.
Though no way to know how well it will run on either platform

I'm glad these new monsters look better than the trash they debuted the game with. Except Mudsioth. Why the absolute fuck did this need to exist?

Don't worry, XX is already confirmed for Switch and will have crossplay with the 3DS version


it wont have a big community

Must be the samefag just for this dumb joke

All of this in 4k on PC.

At least its not paid online.
Though if you play multi, its better with friends and thus the platform of choice becomes obvious.

>Neat Hammer Spin
>Gunlance parries fireball

>HH just plays a song

Why do they always neglect HH users


>weapon trees ingame

oh thank fuck

>an entire new generation of hunters will get destroyed by plesioth hip check

>it eats a fucking barioth at the end of the video

>Have to wait for a .5 second book animation to start a quest


hurry to play and not really poor fag, just don't like to be jewed out. good point about community though so it's decided, thx

Its not a plesioth though. Looks more like Lavasioth in the mud.

>Fastest unsheathed running speed is two pokes away
>Melee weapon with the longest reach
>Can stun
Hunting Horn is versatile, but you kinda only use it for sentimental reasons once you learn how to dodge or block every attack.


God, I wish the PC release isn't delayed for too long.

I stopped paying for plus months ago, and I don't really plan on paying more in the future.


To be fair, the E3 reveal trailer was utter trash. This new trailer pretty much redeems it though.

>accept quest from handler
>you fly there afterwards
>she instantly gets there before you do
s-she's fast!

Fucking diablos...

They are going to fix his AI and actually make him less of a chore to fight... r-right?


>her cloaca is super slippery.

Pure degeneracy.

Looking pretty rad-
>another plessy relative
Please no

Zinogre will be back r-right?

That Mudsioth hugging the Barroth is fucking lewd.

First fight/challenge is always solo, farming is better with friends.

This looks fucking incredible. By the way it is not on the Nintendo Switch. Just thought you Nintenbros should know.

Reminder that the bait goes into the OP as a conversation starter, not into the thread.