Is this actually that bad of a game or is everyone just exaggerating?
Is this actually that bad of a game or is everyone just exaggerating?
You know how nostalgiafaggots are. If it's not exactly identical to the first 2 games, it's shit.
I enjoyed it.
Its not bad but its not worth playing to completion either
I liked it, but it's definitely not as complex as 1-12.
It's a good game. People had too high expectations
It's an average-good game on its own
I didn't mind the story, 12 was better imo
I find 13's story better if only because it's actually finished.
12 has half a game worth of cut content that never resurfaced in any way, 13's cut content became 13-2.
Snow was hot as fuck
The game is primarily focused on the storytelling, which affects the gameplay by limiting your options and forcing your teams until late game.
If you like story based games and gorgeous CGI cutscenes, then it's a top tier game. If you want heavy emphasis on gameplay and having a lot of stuff to do, you will say that this is the worst FF in the series.
Personally, I loved it.
It's decent, XIII-2 and Lightning returns were better though.
All the 13 games are shit. Skip them.
i thought it sucked balls and i liked every other FF game at least a little bit. XIII is probably the worst game that i actually finished
The dialogue is Tommy Wiseau tier.
Constant difficulty spikes. Seriously did ANYONE play through orphan's cradle normally opposed to running past almost everything?
It was okay. Vanille and Hope can fuck off though.
it's bad, you can use your time for far better jRPGs
they're exaggerating, it's not a masterpiece but it's definitely worth a playthrough, LR was GOAT
never had a problem with anything in the main game, outside of getting OHKOed by Orphan phase one but that's just RNG
the first 15 hours are very linear and can force those used to traditional FF games like myself to quit before the game really starts to pick up.
my opinion on the game is that by the end of the adventure you really start to connect with the characters as the plot line comes to an end but it takes a lot of grinding to get there but was ultimately worth it even if frustrating at times.
I hated FF 13-2 though and lighting returns was mediocre af.
What difficulty spikes? I can't think of any main fight that would be problematic if you actually took time to have at least one acceptable SEN/MED paradigm.
I found it boring, none of the characters were doing it for me, and I don't even think I made it half-way through before growing bored of it and putting it down.
To me it was.
It really took out what made final fantasy Final fantasy, by making the game cut scene after cutscene, no chances to explore towns or really explore where you were.
This was a layman's Final Fantasy. This was for people who like visual novels and limited game play and customization.
Not to mention the characters were awful.
There could have been one thing that may have saved this game and it's with hope.
Hope has a dramatic scene with snow, hope blaming snow for his mother's death and snow just taking it. Instead of just moving from there, we see hope just start loosing it on snow until he starts yelling how he fucked up. Hope then starts blaming himself for his mom's death because he knows deep down he didn't take the gun. He didn't man up and he fucked up, snow punches hope saying you can't do that to yourself, you are still young and that's too much to bare, I can handle your hate for you, that's why I'm still here. Snow pretty much points out that he allows lightning and hope to use him as a punching bag so they can hang in there. His idiot behavior was one that was holding a noble burden.
13 was a bunch of bad decisions.
At least everyone can agree that the XIII trilogy soundtrack is god tier.
I love lighning and her game
cud never make run 13-2 on potato and gave up
Its a good game when the world opens up. Its just getting to the good part thats the fucking problem.
it's ok at best, most other FF games have better OSTs
>Is this actually that bad of a game or is everyone just exaggerating?
I've recently told this same thing, but it really isn't as bad as people say.
I personally picked it up for dirt cheap couple years ago, despite having heard all sorts of shit about it.
The BEGINNING really didn't even try to prove all the bad claims about it wrong, but luckily, to my own surprise as well, the more I played, the more entertaining and hooking it became. It's not GOTYAY or best JRPG ever in any sense, but it's FAR from the "worst crap ever" -category. A solid 7/10 experience IMO.
The sequels fixed, expanded and improved many things, especially pacing and gameplay. Up to you whether you like the direction they went with the plot and cast, but they're not hideous either. I found especially LR to be total blast, easily my 2014's GOTY. The 13-2 was simply fun, easily 8/10 at least.
>it's ok at best
No, it's superb. Literally the cream on the top in the entire series' scale. And trust me, I've played practically all of them, even the shitty GB's Adventure titles.
>let's take ffx and remove most of the things people liked about it.
It's a 4/10 game and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I love its artstyle, music, battle system, stats animations, I even like the characters, except for snow... BUT
The story and linearity ruined the game.
They designed snow for girls and teenagers to hate because he had an uplifting personality.
>The story and linearity ruined the game
Whats wrong with the story? I found it + the world and lore to be one of the most fascinating things about the game. Combined with all the other stuff you said, it was all around an entertaining ride.
And for X
>take out things that everyone liked about final fantasy
It was downhill from there
JUST below average game. And Squeenix needs to never make a sequel to a FF game again, let alone double down and make a third steaming piece of shit.
O places to explore and learn about cacoon and it's world other than cut scenes with poorly written exposition.
The story was fucking terrible,some characters were annoying as shit, combat was mediocre aside some interesting fights in "end-game".
Worst FF I've played and I 100% XIII. It just isn't that great of a game. Also the very reason I haven't bought any of the never games.
You are telling me people kinda enjoying now FFXIII is not nostalgia? That game is actual thrash.
13 was a game that took style over substance. To a point that style would make Andy Warhol say "that's just retarded"
Story isn't bad but is relegated entirely to cutscenes because there's no downtime, as the game is practically a 40+ hour chase scene
Combat is good but simple, basically a rhythm game but you just repeat the same two- three beats every time you paradigm shift
The voice acting direction is fucking awful though and vanille is literally ear cancer
What do you mean?
Lighting is cute, that's why I like her, but the only really good character was Sazs. He is the only one that takes actions that makes sense.
But I'm okay with the characters.
Confusing story, no exploration, poor expostiion of the story ( you have to read log entries to understand it ), you can't mix the team...
>Confusing story
>poor expostiion of the story ( you have to read log entries to understand it
I still don't get this claim. I never once opened the encyclopedia thing, and I got most of it just fine. You just gotta keep your eyes and ears open, since quite a lot of important stuff is either told environmentally, or even brought up in random chatter the characters babble when running around.
Yep. It's a 3/10 game at most.
>Lighting is cute, that's why I like her, but the only really good character was Sazs. He is the only one that takes actions that makes sense.
If you like violent loners that blame all their problems on something else, then I can see why you like lightning.
The characters were everything that is wrong with a teenager mentality. Lightning: acts like a moody loner blames everything on some one else for shit they can't control
Hope: the pussy teenager who blames his ineptness and is over critical on the strong guy who tries to keep things positive, and uses "you can't understand how I feel" excuse to be a little rat bastard instead of taking charge for himself.
Snow: happy go lucky idot with a strong sense of justice, is hated by most fans because he's not a brooding sack of shit. How do I know this? When people talk about snow, they say he gets better in the 3rd game because he acts like a brooding edge lord like the fans.
Sahz:decent character his kid was adorable and his motives were just and a very forgiving dude
Vanille: air head, but happy go lucky too. Basically I had these 3 my main party when I could.
Fang: kind of a throw away lesbian, given buhamut to give her more meaning to the story.
In the end when these characters are given a chance for redemption they double down on their original character types and learn nothing. Basically the plot just shows them being a terrible character is good because fuck analysing my selfdestructive behavior and learning from it, it's the world's fault for being who I am.
FFXIII is the core example of how to NOT make a game.
I should be a case study for every wannabe game developer/director/professional. It's that bad.
It is complete fucking trash both gameplay and story wise. Anyone who tells you otherwise is functionally retarded.
>hmmmm if we kill the final boss the world will end.
>fuck it lets do it anyway
>oh but it's okay because deus ex machina
Gameplay isn't much better and outside of a few specific bosses, consists of watching the game play itself and switching between one of three general party compositions.
On the contrary.
It sure as hell was way more fun to play than the total snore-fest that was XII, which I never finished for obvious reasons.
Personally the only difficultyu spike would be barthandelus 1, but again it's just a matter of preparation and setup
Don't even start. I'm not even comparing it to Final Fantasies. It's a bad videogame in general.
It's just a complete fucking mess, wrong in all levels.
You seem to be upset.
It has very fine visuals, soundtrack, world, cast, and fun gameplay. That's already many positives.
That's the thing you shouldn't have to do that for the main plot line and important exposition, they just throw out random made up words with out any logic behind it, if they were going to do that, might as well not be in engish or japanese or what ever at all to begin with.
Use real words to convey your story or use better descriptions to explain what they do, like L'Cie saying that they provide everything isn't sufficient information. Factories provide energy too but we don't call them demi gods.
Not only that the imagery was really fucked up because everything was so over stylized, like in the begining the only time you can differentiate the Lcie with everything else is when the L Cie is in front of a duller background. There is no focal point so you are left going what the flying fuck am I looking at?
The best Final Fantasy
>best waifu
>god tier graphics
>on pc
I don't care for the old school cucks who are trying to defend their shit tier looking game. Read a book for fucks sake if you are only in for the story and don't care for the graphics
I like you
You just enjoy watching it
I'm still wondering if Lightning is as legitimately popular as Square seems to make her out to be. Maybe it's a Japanese thing?
Are you me
13 is dull, boring and cringy.
13-2 and 13-3 are both decent games though.
You should take your own advice and stop reading tween books.
"Oh no, we must fight the LCiee because we are the MacGciee and leave Cocoon to save ourself from becoming Falciee."
This go on for 25 hours. You don't know what the fuck is a Cocoon, what the hell this faggotCiees are and you are still receiving poppup tutorial messages.
I didn't even bring up XII and didn't finish it myself, but at least in XII you can boot it up and go
>Maybe I'll work on the main quest today
>Or go on some hunts
>Or see if there are any side quests in the many towns
>Or try to get some better equipment for my party
XIII you have
>Maybe I'll keep grinding down the hallway today
>Or MAYBE do a faceless side quest if I happen to be on Gran Pulse.
Gambits are also objectively better than the paradigm system.
>You just enjoy watching it
No. I enjoy PLAYING it.
XII is just a generic MMO made into offline SP game. There's a good reason I don't play WoW and shit: I don't want my game to feel like work with no goal. Not to mention the ""gameplay"" was fucking monotonous, and the cast + writing from arse.
Lightning is focused on reality and completing her goals in a practical way, without letting emotions get to her - she is military trained after all.
Snow on the other hand also wants to complete whatever goal he sets, but he is overly optimistic, cheerful. He cares deeply about other people and will go out of his way for them.
You can clearly see the similarity and differences between these two characters in the whole trilogy
> Read a book for fucks sake if you are only in for the story and don't care for the graphics
>god tier graphics
>best waifu
Play a visual novel for fucks sake if you are only in it for the visuals, shitty waifus and don't care about gameplay.
>This go on for 25 hours. You don't know what the fuck is a Cocoon, what the hell this faggotCiees are and you are still receiving poppup tutorial messages.
Not only that you don't know where on cacoon you are at. Idiots like this fag here thinks liking a movie game is equivalent to reading book. When obviously it breaks the rules of story telling and exposition all together and reads like a bad fanfiction.
Being a bitch means stronk woman apperently. Japanese are pretty held back so when it comes to strong woman the think a total cunt.
yeah XII isn't great, but it's has a significantly deeper combat system and at least the characters didn't attempt to kill millions for their own selfish reasons and then pretend to be the good guys.
Sure auto play with that could do the job for you. No matter how intuitive you think the system is, you have to go put of your way to make it that way instead of making you play it that way. Just auto and switch classes when ready.
Lightning also uses that personality to blame shit on others, which isn't military, her issue is that if you don't think like her you are in her way.
Even if you understand the plot and setting it pretty much boils down to a bunch of retards actively decide to walk into the big bad evil guy's trap after said evil guy explicitly tells them about the trap MULTIPLE TIMES and then everyone works out because magic.
>that pic
Only Serah is constantly asking about Lightning, and looking for her was the primary reason she went on the journey in the first place, so it's natural she would ask about her.
Well yah magic ain't gotta explain shit
If they decided to just sit on Gran Pulse then Cocoon would be doomed anyway.
>Find a big god being underground basically stuck sifting through human garbage for all eternity.
>Lightning proceeds to shit on it for being a super selfish evil being that's ruining humanity.
Good writing Square.
Mind you square is never really known for good writing, that being said 13 is the worst of it all.
That was a good laugh
Not to mention they've got their heads up their asses and constantly acting like Lightning is this super amazing character
I'll never have the hours i wasted on this game back. Will take this regret with me to the grave.
They did mary sue the fuck out of her, if you wna strong female protags in final fantasy don't go to 13, all of the other final fantasies do it a lot better.
It depends on what you want.
Personally, I want gameplay I can find enjoyment in and characters I can grow to like. This had neither for me.
I disliked combat because the game punishes you for not selecting auto because there is a delay in input queueing. It's only like half a second for 5 actions, but you still have to add the time selecting those actions. It just wasn't for me, really. I also didn't enjoy Dress spheres in FFX-2, so why would I like it done anew?
I didn't like any character, really. I didn't mind Zazh and Fang for the most part, but they really didn't call to me. Lightning is shoved down your throat... HARD, which is annoying for me because she has next to no growth in FF13 itself aside from accepting Snow.
You can play it for story, but be warned that the dialogue is kind of bad.
Also, I don't judge FF13 based on the sequels, just like I don't judge Xenosaga on ep 2 or Mass Effect solely on ME3s ending. They should each be self contained and judge by themselves before being judge collectively.
tl;dr - I didn't like it, but your opinion may vary.
15 hours? I had to spend at least 15 hours of pure shit before going "huh this game ain't too bad" nigga go fuck yourself and your retarded ass game.
Lighting is cute, that's why I like her. She's a cute. That's it.
I don't like Snow because he's a idiot, don't think before act. That's it.
You pretty much nailed it about the characters, and Sahz is the only good one.
As far as I remember, Sahz had a redemption when he's caught, but I can't remember exactly.
Oh I agree. But it's hard to avoid Lightning when they shove her into every goddamn thing they possibly can.
As I played the game, at times it felt like the game should have been about Sahz. Dude just wants to get his son back. That could make for a decent game easily.
That looks sueprsampled, is it?
I lol'd user, but that's pretty much it.
>dude the game gets good 20 hours in
>mfw i get to the part people say is good
Give me a thousand XV's, Christ. This shit is fucking horrible.
Lightning, Fang, XIII-2 Serah, and Lumina give my dick a bone tho
He was the only reasonable human being in that mess. Like an actual human teleported to the most shitty cliche anime you can think off.
Cute is subjective so fine I'll give that to you
Snow is an idiot but provides comedic relief which is what this game sorley needed to its cringy be serious all the time story.
It is actually that bad of a game
I can't even call it a game actually, the game plays itself
True her cameos is out of control
Why are people recommending this game for the story, it's bat-shit retarded
Because despite how bad it is, that's the main focus of this game.
Uh, what other FF game has better story?
I didn't notice the shortcomings on my first playthrough.
The story felt fine, the cutscenes were good and I liked most of the characters.
The dungeon/area design felt "off" but I didn't know why until reading the shitstorm.
The gameplay never really clicked with me; it's just shy of FF12 in being a game that plays itself.
At the end, it's not really a satisfying game conclusion and you don't exactly want more not that the sequels are any good either
>Noel and Serah will never bang.
FFXIII-2 was a wild ride and fuck that final boss fight. Even after capping Noel and Serah the boss is a bitch.