This is an INGAME screenshot

>This is an INGAME screenshot
>Every tree is dynamic physics-based
>Leaves and grass move in the wind
>All trees can be cut down at any point
>Grenades and shockwaves will bend the foliage around it

Holy shit guys, I'm nearly crying now
It's been 11 YEARS, and Crysis STILL haven't been topped

What the fuck went so wrong with gaming??????

Other urls found in this thread:

>What the fuck went so wrong with gaming??????
"AAA" Publishers and consoles.
Feel free to /thread fpbp me because you know I'm right.

>not playing Crysis of this generation

except the game actually looks like this


Modern consoles except for Switch are much more powerful than PC's that were needed to play Cryshit on ultra

>Midday vs. sunrise

You sure showed him haha


lol division was a total shit piece and everyone knows it

what kind of bait is this?

Graphics doesn't matter. Gameplay and author's vision do.

Hahaha, no, user

sorry poorfag your PC cant run this

and yet they still wouldn't be able to do it due to shitty design

good hardware needs to be utilised correctly by the OS

Faggots fuck off

>one solid blob of polygons
Minecraft has better physics

>random poorfag appears

what does it matter how it looks if the game is fucking terrible?

>those textures
>same car used everywhere
>the completely flat snow

i mean its probably not much behind crisis but cmon mate

division has good lighting/shaders and thats it.

this shit looks like the god damn movies

never played battlefront

does the foliage move and stuff like in crisis?

have 40+ hours in the game and confirm its shit

>shitting on textures

Funny saying it in a Crysis thread

>inb4 but Crysis was good XDD

>those jaggies

I feel like people have forgotten what unmodded Crysis looks like

again, nice lighting

everything else looks crappy

It just doesn't look that good user

-no mod tools
-no single player
-tps bullshit
-shitty, genuinely unnecessary RPG aspect
-extensive repetitive gameplay
-paywall after paywall
-not the same level of interactivity

I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but those textures are tiny.
Like 16x16p tiny.
They're just looped.

Look at the knuckle of the glove. That's a texture they couldn't loop.

it does

too bad the game is literally shit

Crysis Was good you underage memefag

oh right
Fallout 4 is the Crysis of this genreation lmao

yeah buddy im sure you are right thats why this is the only game with such detailed textures this up close outside a cutscene and in actual gameplay ;^)

Why would you play it unmodded?

I'm just looking at your picture, m8.
It's very obvious.

t. 3D fag

Because it's incredibly poorly optimized as is

crysis was a generic and shitty fps but it was ahead of its time with its visuals. how you don't realize this is beyond me.

the division, on the other hand, is a generic and shitty ubisoft game with visuals that are par for the course for its time. quite the difference.

more like getting btfod hard by Ubisoft kek

>button has the same texture as the leather
Tom Clancy is rolling in his grave. How could they do this to him?

I like Crysis 2

Because we are comparing it to other unmodded games you fucking retard

this, crysis is the pinnacle of "looks good but runs like shit"-trend we have.

the button has the same material as the leather

t. actual 3dfag

What did he mean by this

u wot

Are you playing on 7 year old laptops??

>muh division

Your mind becomes blown when Snowdrop is just a heavily modified CryEngine.

>Snowdrop is a modified CryEngien
nah, then The Division wouls look amazing and run like shit instead of looking amazing and running amazing

>muh static garbage

>messy picture with lots of visual noise and nothing to guide the eye
visual design >>> graphics

>implying crysis wasn't

>visual design >>> graphics

It's not actually destruction, it's dynamic parallax mapping. Which is really unfortunate since it would've made the game marginally less awful.

user, do you seriously type out what other posters say when quoting them?

and it looks like ASS lol

i type faster than selecting it and clicking

actually yes

even tho just avoids the subject of the discussion

>he was too stupid to play with the engine

>What the fuck went so wrong with gaming??????

It went wrong when they made Crysis a dumb sci-fi game with a jumpy suit instead of a a Vietnam War game.

pure graphics will always win and look better
visual design only looks good at certain moments at certain angles at a certain set-up and it will only get close a tiny bit to actual graphics

God damn it man i loved TD got the season pass an everything played at 1440p in max detail but god damn it just like any multiplayer PC game it got infested with cheaers day fucking 1 so god damn hard it killed it. I kept playing regardless but watching that game die was the final straw after almost 2 decades of PC gaming just turning into a fucking pussy cheat fest. literally made me buy a PS4. Shits my single player station now.

>AT-AT in Endor

>I've never actually seen Star Wars

Crysis was the opposite of generic.

It had some improvements over 1 but they shit the bed badly in many respects.

Crysis 2 and 3 looked amazing and run really well, Crysis 3 still looks great.

That's literally the worst shot I've ever seen of crysis, bar none. Picking awfully hard there.

I'm not ya boy,

But there needs to be a balance. Visual design is a huge part of making a game appealing, stylization is a huge factor in graphical design. I think this is what he's talking about, the art style and not necessarily it's portrayal. With that said you are correct, it's extraordinarily complicated to design non-linear segments to showcase certain graphical elements, and in many cases to do so is a detriment to the actual gameplay value.

What I believe, and especially now is that striking a balance between the two will become increasingly necessary as things like AR and VR hit the market, whether it be commercial or consumer the resources, in most cases, aren't there right now. With increasing resolution there is also a lot of resource draw. In order to prevent a schism it's necessary to compromise on the photorealism for better lighting, which is the most important component of all graphics.

shut up poorfag.

>Crysis 2 and 3 looked amazing and run really well,
No Crysis 3 runs like shit. Even a gtx1060/rx480 still struggle. Also it fucks i5 CPU.

It runs at over 60 FPS on 1060 at 1080p. 1060 is a midrange card, so this seems fine.

Wrong. And not with an i5.

>not with an i5
Should've bought an i7, goy.

>No Crysis 3 runs like shit.
First time I hear of this. Crysis 3 runs great. I could run it on high settings on my fucking GTX 750 and first generation i7.

I'm posting from the first page, only having read the OP and not the content of the thread. But I agree with you, although textures and other graphic settings have been topped to nearly ten fold, the physics placed on

it wasn't in any of the war scenes tho

I'm posting from the first page, only having read the OP and not the content of the thread. But I agree with you, although textures and other graphic settings have been topped to nearly ten fold, the physics placed on nearly everything in that game is amazing! Is Warhead worth playing? I'm keen even if it's just more of the same!

>I'm keen even if it's just more of the same!
Yeah that's basically exactly what it is

>Is Warhead worth playing? I'm keen even if it's just more of the same!
Warhead is a more action oriented than the sandbox-y do-it-entirely-your-own-way Crysis, but really it's pretty much more of the same yeah
I would argue that it even surpasses the original at some points, though it shits the bed after the midway point just like every Crytek game ever

Maybe it's still the best for environmental graphism but it aged poorly on the facial animation and 3D characters modeling department side.

Pure graphics without and art direction gets you bland or messy visuals. You can't just throw tesselation and an object, bump map and shader the fuck out of it and call it a day. Someone needs to work out a uniformity to all objects in the game within the constraints of the rendering engine.

Ideally, you have some measure of visual design to massage your technological limitations. Also, a weak game graphically can look pretty, but an ugly game is always ugly no matter the resolution, poly count, and underlying tech.

Warhead nerfs Koreans but makes aliens fun to fight. It's good.

The only Crytek game that really shits the bed in the middle is Crysis. Warhead quality is pretty consistent, and the last level is the best one.

In a different manner. Crysis does it better but BF is still impressive.

I love retards who think maxing the game out = mods.

Good thing I own R5 :^)

And yet a game with Genisis tier graphics will prove to be far more entertaining in the end.

Why do people argue about graphic power again?

=Crysis is one of the most fun FPS games.

Play the game and enjoy it. How many of you actually played Crysis 1?
It was a pretty fun shooter- it doesn't deserve to be remembered only as a tech demo. The first was a superior Far Cry. Gameplay is more important than graphical fidelity, and even disregarding graphics Crysis is solid.

Nice textures

Just remembered this

>posting pre-release bullshots

Why do PCtards do this?

Fuck off to Plebbit, retard.