Video Game Version Differences

Can we have a thread about differences in retail versions of games? For instance when a game gets small, little-known patches in re-releases.
Region differences also welcome.

One that I read about that surprised me was for Final Doom on a level for TNT Evilution with the yellow key. Apparently this was fixed on some printings of the id Anthology box although there were no patch notes explaining such change.
Its fixed on some people's copies and not others.

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Probably not little-known anymore, but the star and crescent moon in Ocarina of Time would be swapped for another symbol in later releases. Additionally, the music in the Fire Temple - which was actually a prayer in Arabic - was likewise replaced.

The issue in both cases was their association with Islam, which was apparently not well received. For my own part, I didn't actually realize that this changes had been made for many years, having only played a pre-patch copy on the N64 (which I still own).

>this piece of shit nullifies all divides in the ps2 port of the game
>gets fucking Time Stop
both of these ontop of an already undodgable Meteor Storm and when most of his attacks oneshot you on Mania

There are versions of earthbound with pink bubblegum monkey and versions with grey bubblegum monkey

A photo frame in MW2's favela that had arabic writing on it saying "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty" was edited because muslim teaching are not allowed in bathrooms

What's going on in the OP's picture?

Did they change the model for half life's soldiers?

Was it for the Australian version or something?

what's the deal with this? Is there a version of the game that replaces all commandos with robots or something? Let me guess, Germany?


Yeah, if this thread goes on it'll just be a German video games thread

I wonder why that is.

Fascinating read on Mother 1 if you're interested

That explains the multiplayer model.
Shame it's just a model. If it were canon...well it wouldn't make a damn difference, Earth falls anyway.

It's always Germany.

Used to. They don't do it anymore.

That actually looks way better

>turn him into a robot
>demote him
Tell me again how silicon defamation isn't a real thing? Robots are people too.

the 4th star was photoshopped in actually. look at the other shoulder

The JP version of Ace Combat 3 has an ambitious story mode with fully drawn and voiced cutscenes from the studio behind Ghost in the Shell, and with more meaningful choices and diverse story paths than most modern rpgs or "adventure" games

The US version has none of that

kek i just noticed that

>games will never be radically different between systems ever again

Funny thing is Nintendo removed it on their own and not due to pressure from the complaints of muslims.

Never spotted that before. Guess someone in the studio realised their mistake just before the game was launched and hastily shopped in his 4th star.

Does the german version of Counter-Strike still have enemies "surrender"?

Fire Emblem awakening in japan had an exclusive story mode where your create a character is completely silent and people respond to you differently due to your silence

If you're talking about cs1.6 then yes. If they did, then Probably. But source and GO don't have that.

Final fantasy X in europe had ten extra bosses not in the us

>not well-received

It wasn't received at all, there was no complaining and no outcry or anything. A lot of people like to assume Nintendo removed it because muslims got offended by it. Nintendo has a strict "no real life religion" associations in their games so they removed it on their own.

Extermination was a launch window title for the PS2 and had a completely different cast of voice actors for US and EU copies of the game despite the fact the game is entirely in English. The US one (in my opinion) makes some of the already stiff dialogue significantly worse. The main character Dennis also looks different depending on which version you're playing and comes across as whinier/more clueless in the US one


it's that fucking Otacon on the right?

MGS Peace Walker features a CIA commando with an orange jacket as your first in-game enemy.
That guy wears a much more subtle camo green jacket on the jap version.

In japan all enemies bleed white but Jetstream Sam

But what about dragon quest XI?

Why does Japan censor violence so much?

Raiden also has semen blood and it's the same with MGS4 If I recall.

This isn't censorship this is how cyborg blood always was in metal gear since 4. The west changed everyone's blood to red for some reason. The western change pretty much ruined the entire impact of you beating jetstream sam as since he was the only enemy with red blood you faced showing how human he was compared to you making him even more badass even in death

Carmageddon had a period of being censored in UK, with zombie peds and green blood, and later sold with a CD jewel case taped to the box containing the red blood pack. I'm not sure but I feel like the original release was actually uncensored to begin with, until media scare.

Jetstream Sam was the least augmented person in the game. It makes sense from a lore perspective.

>Because pandering to kiddos>plot

Why did they change it?

did this only happen in america? I've literally never seen a copy of the a game with the new symbol

The Japanese version of Metroid Fusion had Easy and Hard modes that were removed from the Western releases for whatever reason.