Is Intel doomed?

Is Intel doomed?

>touching it with his nigger fingers

Imagine being a shitskin

I prefer my threads intact, thank you

Kill yourselves

you first m’lady

No its software is useless so it's useless

bad gaming cpu

What noticeable benefit does this give me over my 7700k?



Pajeets must have water cooled PCs because I can imagine the shit particles floating around in the air clogging up the fans regularly.

That's not a meme by the way newfriends, look it up. India is a literal shithole.

I wish I had that. Upgraded just before Ryzen started to be rumored about.

Until AMD can make a CPU that does well with emulation, I'm stick with intel.

Hello I'm from Team Just Wait™

>hardware thread on Sup Forums

You stole that?

For gaming? None.
Untill every software released on PC will be optimized to utilize all of the cores/threads, it's pretty much enthusiasts' gimmick. Surely, computing, rendering and shit like that happens phenomenally fast according to benchmarks, but for gaming? Single thread performance is still king

>for gaming
Are you compensating, OP?

I'd love to build a Threadripper capture/editing rig, but I just don't have the money for it right now. Which is fine, since by the time the second gen Threadripper is released, I should be able to build a nice system.

It's not for gaming though.

>it's a "plebs thinks games can run on AMD CPUs" episode

shit nigga, i've ran every game thrown at me just fine with a amd cpu and i don't even have ryzen yet.


What does that even mean? "Not for gaming", ok, so it can't run games at all? Or is it just the i7 7700k gets 3 - 4 fps more, so that means it's a gaming CPU?

No, it means paying triple the price for worse performance in games is not a good deal if you can't use the extra cores in other work.

>He thinks he's been playing games
Buddy, you just don't understand how superior Intel is. Get a real CPU, then you'll see what those games are really like.

>60% more cores
>30% more performance
Nah, it's the usual AMD pitch of muh cheap value.

Worse performance in games that use a single core/thread. Most AAA games have support for multithreading now, since the consoles all have quad(?) core CPUs.

Except most radiators still have fans on them.

>Volunteering to eat shit.

Nvidia going back with amd... what year is it?

>being a nigger

That's not true at all dumb dumb, look up benchmarks.
Threadripper is massively more expensive (including platform cost) and gets you worse or at best comparable performance to a 6700k/7700k that costs a third.
It's a great workstation CPU, but purely for games it's a total waste of money.
Unless of course you're a streaming cancer man, but in that case you should commit an emergency suicide.

no because vega's gonna tank the company

So it would still be an upgrade from a 4790k, right?

What's a thea dripper?

Yes, but barely (for games).
You'd be much better served by a 1700(x) or Coffee Lake 8700k, for less than half the cost.

Hello /u/birdbolt1! Reddit is over that way!


implying it was some Sup Forumsirgin who took the photo from reddit just to post here as bait

Pretending to be retarded is the same as being retarded.

>holding a processor with no ESD protection


posting simple bait isn't pretending to be retarded
the retarded thing is biting


You would be better off building two computers, one overclockable dual core pentium clocked as high as you can go solely for emulation, and a ryzen for everything else.

>Sold out almost everywhere
Don't get me wrong, Vega is shit, but miners are shoveling that shit into their mouths. and RTG may be hurting, but AMD as a whole is seeing massive gains in market share in the CPU sector thanks to Ryzen.