Is BotW the ultimate proof the gaming is dead?

Is BotW the ultimate proof the gaming is dead?
It fills all the checkboxes of a shitty Triple A title yet people praise it.
>Open World
>Survival elements
>MMO tier quests
>Ubishit towers
>Shitty DLC and Amiibo content that should be free
>Nostalgia grab
>Huge brand

Other urls found in this thread:


It does all the things people complain about, but does them correctly. You forgot to mention that part kiddo.

it plays like a Ubisoft game
people praise it only because it's Nintendo and Zelda

You forgot to mention
>GOAT level design
>Verticality, Interaction, optional solutions
>no loading times, cross-room puzzles/out of box thinking, no padding

You're still mad because BotW has better, more interesting and intuitive game design in one single fucking room than ALL his Sony, From Shit and Ubicancer open world games in their entirety.

>Open World
so this means it's just objectively bad? every open world game is just bad and there's no room for debate?

oh, so you haven't really played it at all, ok

>Survival elements
literally >stop liking what I don't like

>MMO tier quests
nah, not really, more evidence you haven't actually played it

>Ubishit towers
this is subjective

>Shitty DLC and Amiibo content that should be free
you haven't played the dlc, as we've already established, and the majority of it hasn't even really been revealed yet, and why should all extra content be free? are you still sad Bernie got btfo?

not even gonna bother with the rest, you're shit, kiddo


How it feels to be fucked by Nintendo in the ass and having to pay ~20$ for a shitty costume DLC and a low quality figurine.

>It fills all the checkboxes of a shitty Triple A title yet people praise it.
No. It's a great proof of the fact that it's not the individual, superficial details that matter, BUT how you implement and utilize them.

If you list features merely found in the game, BotW starts to sound very much like SH: Downpour, which was fucking awful. But BotW is not, because Nintendo re-designed most elements and plain out ignored some other traditions, just to provide a superb experience.

I've played a fair share of Ubi-shit, and BotW's literally nothing alike. It's like comparing DooM to CoD.

I bought the amiibos because I collect Zelda merchandise, as it's by far my favorite ip, I never even scanned any of them, they're all still in the package

idk if it was a widespread thing, but I actually got a preorder for the expansion pass for free at my gamestop because I preordered a switch and botw collectors edition

Great because it makes children like you cry in desperation.
>Nintendo claims they weren't inspired by Skyrim or Witcher 3
>proceed to use every Triple A meme mechanic there is
nintenshills will defend this

You'd think 10 years of shit posting would get you your masters. Are you retarded? Or just slow? How stupid are you?

I bought a used wii u for BOTW. I'm pretty disappointed. at least I modded it so I didn't pay for any of the games. it's good for playing pikmin, mario kart and woolly world with my girl but that's about it. actually, the virtual console is pretty great too. still

>anons still think they can shitpost Zelda into being bad if they try long and hard enough
I used to pity them, but not anymore.

>Nintenshills still think they live in 1998 when Zelda was good

Desperate. Simply desperate. We've had this thread daily since March and you always get BTFO and try the next hour.

Meanwhile in almost every OTHER source, they plain out stated that they took a lot of inspiration from stuff like Witcher and Minecraft.

And again, taking inspiration = copying to the bone. It's the whole "linear games are BAD!" argument all over again; naive, shallow and ignoring all the finer details and nuances.

>I bought a used wii u for BOTW. I'm pretty disappointed.
I did the same as well couple months ago, and I am glad I did. 220 hours to BotW alone so far.
Helps that it doubles as a real deal Wii as well, which I never had. Finally got around playing Skyward Sword and Shattered Memories, both which were great.

you forget:
>not only fills all the checkboxes but uses them in the perfect dosage with perfect complemantary gameplay

Whole Nintendo fandom looks like people eating shit from a silver platter and pretending it's good because Nintendo always delivers.
You could sell syringes with HIV infected blood named Zelda and people would buy out everything.


you literally have no other arguments? I'm a PC mustard like 99% of the time, and I got WiiU just for BotW.
As expected from people who did not play the game.

>inb4 "I put 45 minutes to it!!"

Imagine being this desperate for replies

then why do nu-tendo fans buy stuff like wii fit fit plus wii party brain age just dance and the same mario game 6 times

You haven't played it

Also nothing wrong with open world and survival elements, and I enjoyed Ubisoft towers in the far crys and ass creeds that let you glide off them

do you have anything resembling an argument or are you just shitposting

I doubt an average Nintendoos do, but the literal, casual "normies", all thanks to their "proven health benefits".
Many elder care homes and such have literally bought NDS consoles and Brain Training games to help old folks fight Dementia and stay entertained.

Meanwhile, the core-Nintendo audience was already complaining about the shift to casual markets when Wii arrived, and it didn't really get proper "HC games" before very late to its lifespan.

How is this relevant to anything he said? You're a weird guy user

What do you honestly think?

It's the most polished formulaic open world game; it's very streamlined.

It's also too streamlined. The cities are empty and all of the cool setpieces are variations of the core game play.

The dumb thing is they push "organic" exploration only to reward it with a trip to Game Developer World (shrines).

>Huge brand

The cities aren't empty, but they could be more populated. I personally did not mind the cities or the shrines

post botw Zelda shitting

Empty is an exaggeration, but modern open world games have nicer, denser cities to screw around in. Tbh, I think many past Zelda games pulled off cities better, especially Majora's Mask with Clock Town.

Couldn't get into it. Felt bad since my brother gifted me the game, and I have enjoyed Zelda all the way to Twilight Princess. I don't know what it was, I had fun, the enemy A.I. was great, the physics were hilarious, and a lot of the little puzzles strewn around the overworld and in the shrines were smart at the best of times.

But for some reason, I got bored. Got halfway through the game, and haven't played since. I think my two biggest gripes:

>Repetitive combat (mash side-step/back flip to win)
>Overworld, despite having some cute things to find, is overall fucking empty.

Not a single soul to talk to out in the world apart from towns, and even then, the NPCs dialogue seems less meaningful than in previous installments.

I felt like I was in Pyongyang, N.Korea, where everything looks nice, but it's all a front to cover up something more grave.

Came here to post this. Keep crying.

>Is BotW the ultimate proof the gaming is dead?
>It fills all the checkboxes of a shitty Triple A title yet people praise it.
This is what you, many developers and managers don't understand: it's not about what boxes the game ticks. It's about how it feels when you play that.

You can have two games that play completely differently yet be identical according to checklists like this.

I think they forgot to spam more NPCs. Goron town was empty although I quite liked the NPCs there. I want to interact with more of them, you feel me? I like how the NPCs appear to have some sort of schedule they follow, makes them almost MM-like. Hope they can push larger towns on the next console, I have a feeling hardware limitations is part of it.

t. didn't play it.
Seriouslly fuck off you toddler, why do you have to waste a thread with your insecurities and shilling.

>>Survival elements
>>MMO tier quests
You can't possibly mean wearing for temperature right? OoT had that.

I mean if you got past TP's repetitive combat I have no idea why you can't get past this one. Even when you unlock moves it's often more inconvenient to use them.

NPCs are weaker than past zeldas, yeah, but I think the writing is better than all the zeldas after WW

If you don't like shrines the overworld will feel empty, that's a definite problem.

>The cities are empty
The hell? Having dozens of unique, named NPCs with implied personalities and daily schedules is now somehow "empty"?

You also seem to have misunderstood the point of the exploration. Sure, the Shrines are sort of practical carrots to hunt, but just exploring and discovering places and their nonverbal, environmental stories is fun as hell.

Watching the dragons float by at night never gets old, it is just breathtakingly beautiful.

People praise it because it's a Zelda game. If it wasn't made by Nintendo Sup Forums would hate it.
The game itself is decent, but severely overrated.

If you like the shrines you basically like 90% of the game, if you find the combat repetitive try using runes or just avoiding it altogether. Since you like the shrines you should probably just go back to do them.

Also are you paragliding or walking? The world feels enormous when walking and just the right size if you ride a horse. Paragliding can make the world feel downright small

>these things are bad because I say so

You can keep forcing this and it won't ever become true, marketer.

>shitty costume DLC
Then why were (You) crying in the first place if it's shit??

>If you don't like shrines the overworld will feel empty
Not him, but I don't get it; what has the shrines have to do with the world? If anything, they're nice distractions from constant combat and adventuring.
I can't even begin to understand how the Botw's world could be considered "empty".

Actually more people that shit on it do so because it is a Zelda game

So why doesn't it -feel- like any other open world cash in?

5 months later, and you're still salty

It's okay when nintendo does it. You should know by now a game gets a 5-10 metacritic point bonus just by being a nintendo game

I don't know if you don't like much the content the world offers and avoid it you would think the world is empty.

I actually never really got it either, the world of BotW is just so fucking great to be in. Wandering around watching the clouds move feels so great. Sometimes I just boot the game up and run around a area doing whatever that comes in my way. Playing at 4K native might have something to do with it though

>5 months later
>still this salty about the GOTY
just get over it, really.

Eh, not all of them.

For example, i don't think that ANYONE will defend just how fucking underwhelming and shitty all the side quests in the game are. "Collect 55 Rushrooms"

Also, the games combat is designed around the idea that you're constantly going to switch weapons so you can't just find 1 weapon and use it the whole game, but then why the fuck do all 1 hand weapons share the exact same fucking moveset. Same with 2handers. Could've done a lot of interesting things with this.

Furthermore i think that the game embraces the idea of "the journey is more important than the destination" a bit too much, as i can't help but be extremely disappointed when i climbd the fucking PEAK OF AWAKENING only to find another shitty Korok seed on top.


>Still talking about this flavour of the month AAA garbage

>The hell? Having dozens of unique, named NPCs with implied personalities and daily schedules is now somehow "empty"?
Yeah, that's exactly what people mean.

So why are survival elements and crafting inherently bad? Are they bad because they have been done badly before? That's not a convincing argument

Then why did the games from the last half of the WiiU's life suck so much to critics and players alike?

>samefagging your own shitty thread this hard
Zelda's legacy is stronger than your entire post history in this shithole. You will never ever rewrite history.

Is there something sadder than sony negroes?

It's been 5 months and a half and here they still are, SEETHING

>all the side quests

Also if you're climbing mountains solely for some reward you're doing it wrong. You climb mountains to paraglide and get a nice view around you, not to find some rupees


None of these are. These threads are just generic baiting, repeating the same old nonsense over and over, no matter how often they're proven wrong or mistaken.

>nintendo bonus isn't re-

>goat level design
>It's an elephant

Then people are nitpicking idiots.

>Implying the majority of PlayStation owners hate BOTW
He'll, alot of em probably own a Switch or plan on getting one.

>user is not a desperate ret-

I don't want fucking rupees. But at least something interesting like a fucking ruin or whatever would be nice instead of one of 5 different copy pasted Korok puzzles.

And who the fuck climbs mountains just to paraglide down?

>All the side quests

Oh, forgive me. only 90% of them. I guess that completely defeats my point!

It may be all those things, but of the gameplay elements you listed it does them well, and the story is a work of gnostic/alchemical genius that will initiate those with eyes to see and ears to hear, and it will prime the minds of those who are not ready for the deeper truths to be able to receive them.


difference is PC usually has the better experience. Nintendo games has highest score despite worst graphics, worst framerate, bad online, list goes on...

i played it for 10 mins on my brothers switch

dint find any enjoyment

>who the fuck climbs mountains just to paraglide
Me. Who doesn't? It gets you the furthest, and climbing isn't hard

>Worst version of a game gets best metascore
And that's why Metacritic should not be trusted.

Not really, sometimes gyro and even waggle can make a game more fun to play. Sometimes the

It gets you the furthest after first climbing up vertically for 30 seconds to 3 minutes, so riding on horseback is usually just faster.

>sometimes gyro and even waggle can make a game more fun to play

>the world of BotW is just so fucking great to be in.
That's what I'm saying. It's amazing to have some places to simply... be there. Then have a random shooting star or dragon bring up a little spice to the scenery and create what'd make a great painting or photograph.

>Playing at 4K native might have something to do with it though
I played on WiiU, meaning forced 720p, but it sure as hell didn't reduce my enjoyment at all, even when playing on a 40" 1080p LED TV. I did often use headphones (via the Tablet's jack), as it obviously helps immersion a ton, but just my cheapo 2.1 sound system did the game fine justice.

Eh no? PC scored higher than switch for sonic mania IIRC

You've run out of rational complaints if that's an issue for you.

Gyro is objectively superior to analog sticks for aiming, and trauma center is fucking impossible without the IR in the wiimote. The motion controls in no more heroes also works to its benefit in giving the game more personality

>smaller sample size isn't an issue
>71 on 3ds a nintendo console

You also need to prove that Nintendo's own games get a boost, which you can't and not that thrid party games are rviewed better on Nintendo consoles.

what's with people claiming it's basically an ubisoft game

is that true? i haven't played it but i can't for the life of me imagine how that can be the case for a LoZ game

Mania isn't out on PC yet

>ONLY version with framerate drops
>highest score


Portability goes a long way, dude

bet you haven't even played it lel

It is not.
It has elements of Ubisoft games like towers, crafting, etc but it plays nothing like a Ubisoft game.

it's the guy's opinion

Not on 2 hours battery life

increasingly desperate marketers and shitposters.

>implying you will ever be outdoors and end up playing on a portable console for longer than 2 hours
do you have no life?

Don't be such a Switch hater user!!
2 and a half hours get it right!

Where does Mania have framerate drops?
How can you not account for portability?

but it true the worst version of the game on the worst console got a higher score

I played for 15 minutes on a friend's Switch and I can confirm it's not enjoyable at all. Shills get all butthurt when you tell them how shit this shovelware is, it's pathetic.

Special stages drop to like 55fps sometimes.
It's a problem on the developers end really but Sup Forums won't tell you that.

Back in my days trolling meant something other than posting stupid shit.

Portability means almost nothing plus framerate drops on a 2d platformer

OP STILL butthurt

After more than 5 months

Will OP anus ever recover, or will the prolapse eventually finish him?

why is it always the developers fault when it comes to nintendo

People are trying to conflate the existence of things like towers to call it Ubisoft game, the only problem is that Breath of the Wild takes a more "holistic" approach to it's open world, it isn't just a space where missions and collectables are dotted around, or one that hands these locations to you on a map and gets you to make a bee line to them, the open world is the gameplay and exploring the world itself is an engaging activity, something that almost all other open worlds seem to just not get. I think the last time an open world did this it was called Morrowind.

>only version that's portable gets a higher score and retard is incapable of understanding how this can improve a score