>think DMC1 finally has a real port
>DMC1 cover and logo is used to promote a sale for DmC bundle sale
What is capcom thinking?
Think DMC1 finally has a real port
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It's called being retarded.
It's been like this for over a year.
Yeah, that was fucked
Are we ever getting a new one?
>Use DMC1 cover for a bundle containing DmC and DMC4
>Thinking people interested in DMC1 or 4 would be interested in buying DmC
Apology edition makes DmC playable surprisingly. Too bad pc players will never get it as it turns a 4/10 game into a 6/10
I wish they would re-release DMC 3 on PC. I want a version that isn't fucked.
Just emulate it. Looks and runs better
Just emulate it or play the PS360 version.
Theres a mod for the PC version that fixes everything wrong with it and adds DMC4 style switching
>What is capcom thinking?
I thought it would be Steam's fault.
Style switching mod still doesn't fix everything like the music issues
It's a good mod/patch, it even fixes the sound bug
But it does.
Never fixed it for me. I still had buggy audio
Did you set ForceMode0 to 1?
What would Sup Forums want DMC5 to be like if it was confirmed?
Don't remember I uninstalled everything, got a steam refund and emulated the original over a year ago
I have the DMC Trilogy on PS3. Should I play it?
>over a year ago
Ah that explains it, that fix wasn't in back then
The way capcom is nowadays, I'm unsure if I'd actually want DMC5 at all
Yes definitely, though be warned DMC1 can be a little difficult to get used to at first and DMC2 is straight up not good, you can skip it if you're not in the mood for a half-baked experience.
Yes but skip 2 for the love of god. It's so bad everyone forgot about it and think only DmC is bad
Itsuno's working on it
I assure you
>no DMC1
>THAT port of DMC3
PC wins again amarite
If you asked me which game was worse, DmC or DMC2, then I probably would have to go with DMC2.
With Style Switcher Mod the PC version becomes the best one
And I can emulate DMC1 whenever I want
It's not up for debate user, DMC2 is FAR worse than DmC memes or no memes.
>not playing DMC3 on a crt tv
>i could
Funny how it's a common complaint then, you would think no one would ever mention it, and yet here we are. PC often lives on the arguments "i could if i really wanted to" or "just". PC is always the most convinient platfrom, until it actually isn't, then suddenly the "just" brigade come out.
Is this when you pretend your gimped computer is super convenient because all you have to do to make a game work is throw in a disc then download 50 gigs of data from a server hosted on a toaster? Console wars have always been retarded, but are even more retarded since the last couple of gens.
I already emulated DMC1 (didn't like it tho)
What exactly are you saying ? That emulating is hard ? (just follow the guide on the website)
Orginal PS2 hardware actually. Was good enough then, is good enough now.
Right on cue. Did you read my post at all?
>want to play game
>just play it
what is the problem?
Except PAL regions got fucked with 50hz versions for DMC, resulting in a slower framerate. Defend this consolecuck
I already told you that I emulated it myself. It isn't that hard. All you do is follow a step by step guide and you're good to go.
PS3 version. There you go.
DMC3 > DMC4 > DmC > DMC1 > DMC2
It's the fact they always say "just" when someone brings up a point about poor compatibility or troubleshooting.
>just emulate it
>just spend 20 minutes, you don't have just 20 minutes holy shit
>just mod it
"Just" is always an anons way of saying: >"yes is it shit, but it can be fixed, which is annoying but im not about to make it sound like i have put myself out, or that i am inconvinenced or that i am wrong, so i will just make it sound like it's not a big deal. By the way i will then make out what a hassle consoles are for having to install data after you simply put the disc in, now that IS somehow a big wnough hassle to warrant pointing out"
>his computer isnt plugged into a CRT monitor
I'm not sure what's more autistic, whining this much about spending a few minutes to set up an emulator or spazzing out about the usage of a commonly used word.
I'll stick to real consoles on my pvm
yeah fuck them
I was actually excited thinking DMC was getting some love from Capcom again and launching a surprise port for a brief half-second.
I wish they would just remove DmC already, it makes me mad whenever I accidentally come across it
PS3 version of DMC1 can now be emulated pretty well.
>want to play DMC3 on PS2
>have to look through storage for the console
>have to pull out the CRT since the hookups dont work on modern TVs
>spend 10 minutes looking for a memorycard and controller and unwrapping all the wires
>plug in the TV and console and finally get started
>memory card was actually for the original playstation so have to order a new one
>game looks like shit because the TV hasn't been cutting edge since 1981 and the blue colors are fucked
>i will call him names to deflect on an issue that i am stuck with!
Face it. You would rather not have to spend time fixing shit. Why should you have to? Console kids don't. For every inconvinence there is always "just"
>PS2 release: 2001
>PS3 release: 2012
so I need to wait over a decade to play the game properly?
>20 minutes
Let me guess, you never emulated PS2, did you ?
If it takes you longer than 10 minutes to setup the emulator following a guide that does most of the work for you, you should be ashamed of yourself
>have to look through storage for the console
Stopped reading there. This is specifically YOUR problem, not everyone elses. Seems you are a glutton for inconvinence.
20 mouse clicks is easier than the effort of plugging consoles into TVs
>doesn't already have an emulator set up from previous games
Sounds like your problem.
Maybe they have something in the works. They did the same thing with a Dead Rising steam sale using DR1 art before that port was announced.
If you have only PS2 or the shitty PC port available to you? Correct. If there is nothing wrong with the PC port of DMC3 why are we even discussing it in this very thread?
does it fix the forced 30 fps in some maps? i got used to it but it took a while because you can exit an area and go back to 60 fps then 30 fps again when entering another one
>4 u
Speak for yourself, PS2 is my main go to. It's motre effort for me to laod up my PC.
Yes. It fixes pretty much all the problems (though you have to tinker a bit with the ini)
Although I don't think it fixes XInput controllers.
I have no problem or fault with the already set up OG hardware. Not my issue, I have not been inconvinenced.
I just don't get how you come off so smug, it's like pointing out that taking the stairs is up a few floors is less convenient than an elevator. The destination is the same and its a minor inconvenience, why is this worth debating?
Sonmy bother. PS2 is always out and waiting for me. I have no reason or interest to emulate.
>Playing older games takes a bit of effort
I don't really see your point. Either you spend 10 minutes setting up an emulator/pulling out your PS2 from storage or you already have them ready to go.
DmC is better than DMC1 anyway.
Because PC makes the claim to be more convinient always. I am simply pointing out this is not ALWAYS the case, and any appeal to calling anons shitters with arguments like "just" or "what's a few minutes" is evidence of this. Im not saying DON'T do this, i just like to point it out.
>why is this worth debating?
Because he's got nothing else going on in his life.
The argument was about how "hard" it is to emulate or mod games.
>PS2 resolution
So we could agree both options are fine then and require person to person context.
But it is more convenient if you don't have said console you moron (or if you want to play with better grafix).
>it would be fine if i were agruing the virtues of my platform PC of course
We are all here forever m8
>Because PC makes the claim to be more convinient always.
it is tho
>you're on the pc anyways
>works with modern monitors/tv that you're already using, don't need to pull out old shit
>can use wireless controllers
>savestates if you need to go do something middle of a level
>fast forward through boring slow shit
The argument I always see is some combination of options and graphics, in fact its almost always presented as those at the cost of a little bit of time. Keep living in your world of extremes/bait biting though friendo.
But not if you don't have a decent PC for more than work as it was intended. Funny how it relies heavily on context.
>you're on the pc anyways
Am i? When my Laptop is not being ised for work, it is switched off and away in a drawer.
You don't need a powerhouse to emulate PS2 (potato laptop here)
>A computer not designed for video games is not good for video games
Shit user, you might be on to something, you should write a paper on this or something.
I was always told i would not be able to emulate dolphin and the likes on my potato.
And therby it is not convinent to me, which anons are arguing cannot be possible that i don't have to rummage around for a console.
Not owning a device is not a valid argument for why its not convenient, this should be some fucking elementary logic. What would be a valid argument is that the five or ten minutes required to set up a PS2 emulator is inconvenient compared to plugging a couple cables into a tv and turning on your PS2, which has already been repeated so many times in this thread that I don't understand how this argument is still going.
>Not owning a device is not a valid argument for why its not convenient
>except if i happen to own a product that i stash away when not in use
This mental gymnastics. Ok tough guy, i literally, and i mean i literally do store away my laptop when not in use so it isn't taking up space, because i hardly ever use it. What now? Can i use your logic please?
>the five or ten minutes required to set up a PS2 emulator is inconvenient compared to plugging a couple cables into a tv and turning on your PS2
Wasn't that the orginal point though?