this is monster hunter
fucking kill me now
this is monster hunter
fucking kill me now
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can it eat you?
this is just chameleos
what's wrong OP?
Worlds looks legitimately fucking great, whats your problem with it?
He looks fucking cool and Barroth is back too so fuck you nigga
the shaking animation is well done
I am going to buy, play, and thoroughly enjoy monster hunter world
casual game for casual fags
That is a webm of someone hitting a thing that looks like a monster with a impractical weapon. Looks like monster hunter to me
Do it yourself, I'll be too busy enjoying monster hunter world
How does it not look like other monster hunters?
>i-it'll be an open-world western adaptation, you'll see!
I wonder where the leakfags are now?
Holy shit Barroth is back
>tfw no Monster Hunter World on Nintendo Switch
What are you even complaining about here? Please use your words instead of acting like an autismo
don't know why you are crying, this fucker is cool. In fact all the new monsters shown are pretty solid so far.
>Barroth, Diablos, and Lavasioth are back. Lavasioth is now changed to a desert monster
>two monsters with proper feathers and unique concepts
>Desert with proper ecosystem like Sandy Plains
>holes dug by Diablos actually change the environment
the only thing I didn't like was the last monster shown because it looks like the typical fuckhuge monster
Wonder if they are finally going to change Lavasioth to Volganos now that they have no excuse to keep the shitty localized name
Just like Sonic Mania, it'll be confirmed after a while. This game looks like fucking PS3 graphics anyways, so there's no reason it can't run on Switch.
Looks like shit and it still has jumping and mounting
Plus the newest trailer has particle effect super attacks
Why the fuck would I be excited for a sequel that looks objectively worse than it 9 year old predecessor in a series that has been worse and worse every release?
>Why the fuck would I be excited for a series I clearly don't like???
Yeah I'm not sure either buddy
You said it yourself. It's the first actual sequel in 9 years.
>so there's no reason it can't run on Switch.
>implying Capcom will bother with porting this game to the Switch
that thing looks fucking awesome OP shut your goddamn mouth
Sure nigger, the reason why I'm not excited for Monster Hunter: Return of the Sith is because I hated Monster Hunter: The Empire Strikes back, and not because Monster Hunters: The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones were dogshit for tasteless faggots like yourself
If a sequel isn't better than its predecessor it is worthless and exists only to milk cash out of the thirsty losers
This garbage is the least like Freedom Unite the series has ever fucking been; it's all the trash built up in the series thrown together with some shiny AAA graphics so the LCD will slurp it up
Yeah I'm sure it can run on the switch at like 30fps 720p and no grass at all.
at least post the trailer
it also looks like despite Lavasioth's revamp it will still spit fire/powderstones. Pay attention to the background around 0:45, there is a trail of fire that typically happens after a monster spits a fireball. Makes me wonder if the fight against Lavasioth will change depending on if the hunt is in the desert or volcano
I think you guys aren't getting the point of the OP. He is a Nintendofag that is really sad that he won't be able to play this game on his Switch.
>It's one of those "B-b-but muh Freedom Unite monster count!" fags
Oh, nevermind.
Thats a fucking awesome design.
>Monster Hunter hasn't had goofy looking monsters before
Have you actually played a single Monster Hunter game, OP?
Looks awesome.
not a Rathalos reskin, not enough spikes, not enough blue glowing lines, too ecologically sound. Shit monster would not hunt/10
I just realised I had a dream where I was playing Worlds as bowgun and it was okay.
This post brought to you by cool stories inc.
>Looks freaky as fuck
>Recognizable in its parts but also spooky sort of new
>Still following a realism theme
Umphf, Capcom redeemed. Please slide your thick $60 game in me.
Kinda looks like it shares the Gen 1 wyverns' skeleton, which has me worried for its moveset. Then again, Astalos also had it too, and I thought it was a pretty neat fight.
haha what if he were to eat the player haha wonder how it would feel hehe probably pretty good!
Fuck that dumb rock bird, bring back Qurupeco you bastards.
Looks cool.
Why do/did people hate Worlds?
No memey "butthurt nintendofags" shit, I already know about that.
It literally look 3x worse than most Switch games and is on a smaller level scale. Hardly any grass besides 2d textures from what I've seen.
>monster hunter fell for the open world meme too
this is not ok
I love Peco but I want the old monster kept to a minimum. I don't want to have another 4U where Rajang outshines nearly the entire new roster. I can accept Barroth because the area makes sense for it to exist in, I can accept Lavasioth because it was revamped to match the environment, and I can accept Diablos because it is iconic like Rathalos and Tigrex are.
What I won't be fine with is shit like Gore Magala existing but not making it have an excuse to be in the game (no frenzied monsters) and dumb shit like Zinogre in the gen 2 jungle/non mountainous regions
I think frontier had a Khezu variant that instakills by eating you.
Well, it's a monster and someone appears to be hunting it. Did I miss something?
You can do that in Dwarf Fortress, doesn't make it MH.
It just means that it's a flying wyvern in the same family as rathalos and astalos. The same is true from the other monsters introduced, which shares stuff from Devilho, Ludroth, and jaggi/peco.
In a series that's played it as safe as possible for a decade, with most new releases just adding a handful of new monsters and charging full price, it's understandable that a core group of autists would get upset by any major change. It happened with mounting, it happened with hunter arts, and now that the game seems to be getting the real sequel it always deserved, the buzzword laden backlash is wholly expected. Years after release there'll be holdouts still bitching about not my monster hunter.
the game ain't open world, it is the exact same hub-quest core as every game
I should make it clear that I've only ever played Monster Hunter games very briefly so I don't really know what I'm talking about, but from my limited outsider knowledge it looks like the other games.
Looks great actually. If shit like this fazes you and shit like pic related doesn't, you should just kill yourself you dumb nintendoshitter
What changes are they in disagreement with exactly?
>tfw Nintenbro
>tfw this looks really good
Why are you lumping me with them.
>Monster Hunter fell for the open world meme back in 2010 and it was a great way for players to collect materials and prepare for bigger hunts
There are key gameplay differences but since not much was shown except for the same hunt three times over, we can't tell for sure how much influence those changes will have.
Also, the last trailer is more in line with those of the older games, so it looks essentially the same with a few additions.
You can't be surprised when people are wary when every single addition they've tried tacking on over the years has been complete garbage. And this game looks like it's dialing it up to 11.
What will you be rocking? I'm going heavy armor with twin blades.
People claim that Worlds is make the series more casual even though people who have actually played the game say it's just as difficult as the rest of the series, just with changes that make the game easier to get in to for new players.
There's no reason a Monster Hunter fan shouldn't be excited for this. It looks great
There was no problem with mounting, you serious? Only shitters couldn't manage it and frenchies would attack while you were mounted.
It reminds me of khezu. I'm guessing that is what the monster will be in vain of except more stetchy attacks and less electricity
>frenchies would attack while you were mounted
And now it will be even easier
Ok mister.
Should I add Chameleos to the list too?
>The game shouldn't force groups to deal with group wide mechanics and use their heads
You, my friend, would much rather play the simplest possible monster hunter and I'd recommend you go after a different series
t. nintenbro
All I said was that now its even more likely to happen since the insect staff makes you fly.
All the "major changes" have just been streamlining though. It's understandable that people are upset over health bars, non-punishable consumables, and damage numbers when those are pretty much core traits of the genre that made it stand out from everything else. It doesn't help that the only actual changes are so minor, no loading screens and a grappling hook isn't nearly a big of a change as 4th gen's changes were.
Still the game looks more interesting the more we know about it. The new monster designs looks pretty neat, and I'm glad they kept some of the best moves from Generations.
>walking while healing
>hunter arts integrated into moveset
>grappling hook to manuever around even better
>fireflies that guide you towards monsters
>switching equips in camp is now viable( could probably have infinite recovery items thanks to this change)
>environment helps trap monsters giving even more ways to knock it down as if there weren't enough already
Can't stand all these newfags complaining about OGs whining when it is completely understandable why. Thing is there are some stuff that's really cool with ecology playing a big part in the game but this level of casualization and western pandering is simply unacceptable.
I'm trying gunlance immediately and if it still sucks dick I'm killing myself
Mounting is ass. It's just mindlessly spamming aerials and being rewarded with a QTE and 10 seconds of free damage. Completely effortless. Did we really need yet another way of trivializing fights and rendering monsters immobile? Did we really need a mechanic that caused the level design to become a cluttered mess?
Getting another way to knock monsters over and take swings at parts you couldn't easily reach in a regular fight or without a hammer is an advantage, yes. Any other questions kiddo? Or are you realizing you're a scrub?
Looks good to me, you Nintendofaglord.
Enjoy your subhuman porting on your glorified Nvidia Shield.
There are no monster healthbars you utter, incompetent piece of shit
These shots are looking pretty good, though I'm still on the fence on the aesthetics of the town or whatever, I enjoyed the Portable 3rd town a lot, super comfy place. Guess they'll drop some more footage on that some later time. Only thing that slightly bothers me is the on-hit effects, but my hope is that it is possible to switch that to blood as people were saying on one of the bow videos.
>calling anyone else a scrub when you need another method of cheesing monsters because you suck at the game
lol. Tell me how much you love getting free KOs with hunter arts next. Entertain me.
Listen kiddo, if you're not going to use every tool at your disposal fair enough, but the mechanic exists for a good reason and I guarantee I've gotten more crystals off of wyvern faces than you
The town should be more of a frontier town/camp cause this is set on a new continent (The "New World") so the hunters are only just exploring and so there shouldn't be any properly set up cities or towns just yet.
That's literally just a wyvern version of a chameleos. Don't get someone else to do it, fucking kill yourself yourself.
Why do people keep denying this? That "sound radar" has been proven to be a health bar a long time ago.
in addition to what other anons have been saying, I am fairly sure this is running on a engine that can currently run on the switch.
>Hating on GI Jho and Rocket Wyvern
Why? Are you so much of a faggot you have to bring console wars into even the fucking monster cast?
Well, I'm a P3rd/Tri babby so I don't have much to compare it to, but it might be good. Frankly I'm looking forward to getting online with a bunch of my friends on release, and I'm gonna ruin everything.
I'm not hating on either of those, just pointing out OP's hypocrisy. I didn't say a thing.
Literally any design ever will fit the MH universe now that there's a metal jet monster in it, so any and all complains about other weird design choices are hypocritical.
End of generation PS3 games like Last of Us maybe.
>Barroth is back
This is the main thing I took away from the new trailer. Fucking sick nasty
>tfw comfy at home ps4 master race and outside switch master race
monster hunting all day everyday bro.
I'm looking forward to it, all the weapons seem to handle familiarly. Not to mention the new monsters look nice.
I just hope Jho, Gobul or Gigginox is back, even just one and i'll be content. I'll even take a subspecies.
>Nintendo gets several exclusives
>no one is upset
>all the other systems get one game
>nintentoddlers are eternally butthurt
looks good. you don't think this'll be DRM free on PC do you? if it is, I might actually buy it
I had some reservations about World cause it still looks pretty casual with some elements, but god damn it's looking good, definitely going to pick it up when it comes out so I can get portable XX for switch and nice hd gen 5 monhun for pc
This monster looks absolutely gorgeous, it instantly stands out.
Asking for a friend? ha ha
>Desert area looks cool and nowhere near as bland as other desert areas have been.
>Chameleos looks fine, OP is faggot
Best trailer they've shown so far for this game, my hype is increasing.
I'm just a bit sad that the PC one has to come at a later date, I don't want to have to buy it twice.
This looks great, feels good knowing that Monster Hunter is finally free from Nintendo's claws
Monster Hunter is finally home
This fucker looks like he would be radical to fight, as well as pretty much every new monster they've shown so far, the exception being mudsioth. I tried not to get hyped but now I am.
You just have internalized shittery.
>have to buy it twice
Capcom isn't putting a gun to your head, you know.