He doesn't play as donald j. trump

>he doesn't play as donald j. trump

is this better or worse than AoM?

Bump i wanna know this

Saints row is better than low budget saints row that's also missing Chara customization and co-op

>low budget saints row


Agents of Mayhem is Saints Row without any of the things that people actually want in a Saints Row game.

Much better, and you can get it for like five bucks.

It's all fun and games till that one mission where you dress up as gay cowboy and do pole dancing.

>not playing as a female

>gay cowboy
>he played as a guy

>Being a faggot


you are the one who watched a gay cowboy scene user, meanwhile i watched a cowboy stripper, who's the faggot now?

>watching a cowboy pole dancing
You are the gay one here

In my power fantasies i dont have boobs.

You for playing as a girl

But I do.

>playing as a cuck

>In shape
Not accurate

Thank god /vr/ is too obscure for these fags to ruin

We posting characters?

>he doesn't play as a bi breasted slut that sucked her way into the office.

She looks more like the little sister from Big Brother (the weg, not the tv show).

the correct way to play saints row is to play as a juicy slut.

>without any of the things that people actually want in a Saints Row game.
I thought that was Saints Row: The Turd.

>Actually like SR3rd
It's fun

Jesus, that's some sad beta fag shit there.

Any of the charm from 2 wasn't in 3rd

>not a big muscular guy with chrome skin in a bikini and a female voice

Don't get me wrong, I love 2 more than 3, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. I like all the SR games except for maybe 1 which isn't much more than a generic gta clone

I did what I could family

op here, started the game only yesterday

haven't even created my character, doing that now

When was the last time you played it?
It's really genuinely bad and full of filler.

Beat it like a week ago
Call my taste shit, but I just had fun

Its what its made for. Its just likely to become stale.

The writing was definitely hit or miss at some points, but I did like certain new characters like Oleg

Some clothing options get ruined if your character has too much belly

>unironically playing a game that has anthony fucking burch in it

>Played SR3 co op yesterday
Actually so shit

>Went straight to SR4
Good shit.

That looks more like David Duke.

I've seen literally the exact same fucking responses from another Leddit screencap, but from SJW point of view. Are these just edits or do these people exist? And do they all have the same script?
