What can we do to make SCH and WHM come close to Astro's power level?
who cares about that nerd shit, post cute catgirls with ponytails
Revert to 3.x Scholar, keep the fairy and aetherflow nerfs.
Delete Secret of the Lilies and replace it with something that's actually useful.
Just nuke asts dps even further. Nuke it to sub 2k. Nuke it to sub 1.5k
Damn MCH is pretty fun, even after all the assfucking it got, and the aesthetics are great now. I'm tempted to try and convince my static to let me switch to MCH.
This is Zhloe, I'm going to put a baby in her oven
>muh pineapple pie
FUCK zhloe
AST is a shit healer that should have never existed. It just shows that SE can't and won't design another healer
Is this the correct BLM aoe rotation
Sharp F1 Enochian F3 T4 F2 F2 F2 Flare
Transpose (Foul) T4/TC F3 ...
It's fucking scary how fast shit dies when your other dps isn't single targeting and your healer isn't sleeping, I don't think I even have any time to go into UI before everything is fucking dead.
AST now is more interesting than WHM has ever been, so if anything WHM should be the one to stop existing.
> the aesthetics are great now
Disdain for plebs
Always start with blizzard
B3 T4 B4 F3 F2 F2 Flare Flare Flare
Oh yeah I sure loved the three animations and the sprint cycle we had back then, top quality stuff.
I'm picking up mats from market to get some 320 gear crafted, because jews on market are overpricing it.
How many HQ mats are required to get HQ result 100% of the time? I heard something about needing none, but I'd rather make sure before I start buying those.
I like WHM because you just feel powerful, insane dps for a healer and you can save anyone's ass with a single heal. In the end it doesn't matter because they all work fine
What's a glamour that's not slut glam but still a bit lewd?
I did that just a while ago and came out with 3k because everything died before I even got to flare
It was absolutely haram
Also the third flare is only possible after convert, no?
Depends on how overmelded your crafting gear is
Convert is your friend
mch aesthetics will be shit for as long as heated shots and gauss barrel exist
>but you can disable the gauss barrel graphic
it only disappears on your own screen so it's pointless
Well then, what if dude I get to craft has zero overmelds?
>and you can save anyone's ass with a single heal
AST and SCH fill that niche too. Sustained healing and regens are fucking boring and passive, popping an ED + Proc Benefic II + Minor Arcana on someone or an Emergency Tactics Succor + Indom + Swiftcasted Succor feels much better. Also lol no shields, have fun standing around with a thumb up your ass when the boss is about to let it rip.
If he's bare minimum stats and cp, then you want as many HQ mats add possible. If you're getting someone to craft for you , just ask them how many HQ mats they think they'll need
They need to either halve MCH/BRD HP or damage in PvP, and/or limit them to 1 each per party in Frontlines.
They are fucking absurdly overpowered.
>"Yeah, but you can do well/get battle fever as other classes"
For significantly more effort, and at the greater mercy of ping/latency-related bullshit, yes. You look at the scoreboard at the end and it's invariably
I know the developers are fucking stupid when it comes to class balance but there's something very clearly off here.
Not to mention they're mostly all min/maxing scumfucks that play minimum height lala and ride around in that tiny sperm mount for the smallest hitbox possible.
But that's really slutty
help i dont wanna get this game but i think im gonna end up doing it
I played all of original ARR but nothin else, but id probably start over cause i played the story first time with a friend and only barely remember it
Heated Slug and Split are orgasmic get out of here. I agree that Clean Shot is kinda weak though.
If you're wearing it for the purpose of lewd then it is, by definition, slutglam.
Nerf spear
I tried talking about the game in /xivg/ earlier but it was fucking insufferable. Even though the erpers aren't actively trying to drown you out because it's late there are still gaps of 5-10 brain damaged posts between each post by you and the person you're talking to
Thanks for making a thread
He wants to be a slut with class, obviously. Make that dick sucking kawaii cat grill sparkle
This game is four years old and your newest expansion is now 3 months. It belongs on /vg/
The PvP Makai set.
Alternatively, Taffeta Shawl+Thavnairian Armlets dyed Snow White, and undyed Dreadwyrm Tonban+Thavnairian Sandals
Also I'll share my current one: Songbird Hat undyed, Bunny Chief Bustier, Bunny Loops, Chimerical Felt Chausses of healing, Adepts Thighboots
>tfw got a 70 tank and a healer
Time for a dps. NIN or BLM?
Frontlines is the casual joke pvp mode tho, no one takes that shit seriously when feast exists. And ranged are the role with the least impact there, its healer > tank > melee > ranged in terms of "how much will a shit player fuck over my chances of winning"
Forgot image.
when does she end up in a swimsuit?
As a BLM player it's a huge back and forth swing where you're either the biggest dick dps in the group (even more than the SAMs unless those are really overgeared) or the most useless dead weight because every time you fuck up (and you'll do this a lot while learning a fight) your dps goes straight to the shitter. It can be really soul crushing to play
>red mage has higher potency attacks than blm
>blms still outperform rdm in current raid tier
why is this
>Cap on creation tomes for the week
>Have i320+ for everything
Is Omega Savage time consuming?
I don't know what to do now that all my gear progression is locked off due to the weekly cap/limit. I got time to spare
>tfw summer faire, thavnarian, and coliseum gear from PotD
the game wants me to slutmog. but for some reason getting a bunch of prisms is the same price as buying an apartment.
1 - 3 are easy as shit to pug. 4 on the other hand will take some time to get a decent group for
Because astral fire increases potency of fire spells by 80%?
blm potencies are higher. you didn't factor in af3 and enochian's boosts
also the amount of effort it takes to outdps rdm as blm is insane. rdm should be under mch in terms of dps
>also the amount of effort it takes to outdps rdm as blm is insane.
Doesn't look like it takes much effort. this is just 75th percentile(player average) listings and the discrepency between rdm and blm gets larger as you go up
>BLM is hard
Nice meme greenlets
how does a bunch of numbers say anything about effort? did you play the job?
to reach those numbers you have to turn each fight into a training dummy session and memorize it completely or adapt on the flight while your timers are as tight as an anus. this isn't the case for most jobs
post yours
>to reach those numbers you have to turn each fight into a training dummy session and memorize it completely or adapt on the flight while your timers are as tight as an anus.
I play smn so eat ass blm your easy class takes no effort to do damage compared to us All you need to know is what part of a fight to use leylines and thaqt's it
Stopped playing right after SB's release because of the constant DF downtimes and login queues.
Did they add more PotD shit and that new Aquapolis?
Level another class?
>he discrepency between rdm and blm gets larger as you go up
So what you're telling me is that a job that does more comparable dps than other job ends up doing even MORE comparable dps when you feed it % based dps boosts?
My god
>I play smn
You've got a bit of crayon stuck between your teeth, let real casters debate.
Queues are no longer an issue, DF isn't kill anymore, Aquapolis 2.0 is released, no new Deep Dungeon yet.
congrats, you're playing arguably one of the two classes that are harder than blm and not even because it's well-designed.
>blm is hard
>spam fire iv
>use foul when it's up
So hard
>no new Deep Dungeon yet.
You killed me right there user. I'll sub anyway whatever it's just one month.
This. After getting BLM to 70 and thinking I got the hang of it I tried to learn more fights and even with all of the safe guards its very difficult to give good damage. Its a very fun class however.
>mch is hard
>spam split shot until something procs
>literally roll your face on as many buttons as you can when wildfire's off cd
>smn is hard
>spam ruin
>bamham when it's up
lol why does anyone still play this casual shit game again?
The cats
is it a bad idea to level as white mage
>instant queues
>can jerk off while doing dungeons
>everyone will commend you
What's not to like?
I miss all my mch buttons from hw
level ast instead. You'll actually be useful
DRGs, can mirage dive be double weaved with the faster jumps? sfd and dfd that is, jump is obviously a no go.
They made its animation lock really fast now but i cant tell if its clipping or not.
I'm having a bad day. Please post cute FFXIV pictures to cheer me up. Illustrations, screenshots, it doesn't matter.
both whm and ast are useful now until people pad everything out with gear
Do not double weave with any jump
>running expert roulette
>all my party members are a preformed party of gay catmen
>brace myself for the worst
>end up having the smoothest Ala Mhigo run of my life
Sometimes you luck out.
I want to remove catboys from the game. Not only are they huge attention whores, drama queens and faggots but thay all are bad at the game. God help you if your healer is a male cat always expect small pulls and someone dying
As a blm how much ss should I stop at before I focus on my other stats? Currently sitting at 2100 with food
>There's nothing to do
>Raid cleared, almost BiS
>Consider quitting
>Remember that in a couple weeks there's gonna be a 4.1 preview that will surely get me to resub
How do I get off Yoshi's baloney pony
will they uncap creation and will i be able to buy creation upgrades with whatever that drops from the ivalice raid
even if i ran savage i'm not getting i340 drops because it's all korean rng cancer
You can't.
>Star Velvet Himation of Healing
Paired with other decent pieces of gear comes off quite nicely.
>uncap creation
Yes, in 6 months
>creation upgrades drop from 24-man
>Implying you can get off this ride
>Star Velvet Himation of Healing
looks like slut wear
When are they adding the Ivalice raid?
six months from now
Reminder that Eorzea is rightful Elezen clay.
what the fuck are you serious?
>1 guy selling it for 1mil on my server
Sept or Oct
Belka go home
>mentor in party
>is an absolute turboshitter
crown filter when
>When the second AST overwrite your expanded AND extended balance for a expanded arrow or spear
>When the second SCH overwrite your Chain stratagem or Fey wind without letting them finish
Is there a fucking worst feeling?
1-3: grind aethersands to continue my pot dealing
4-6: spend my levequests to get more crafters to 70
7-9: level AST
0: take a nap
>Gilgamesh player
>server is closed so no sprouts
>mentor chat is just people felatting themselves as there are no sprouts to help
>another smn overwrites your contagion before it finished
>If it shows skin, it's haram
Make it work you lazy fuck.
Galiena, the niece of Rowena who's in charge of the House of Splendors in Rhalgr's Reach, is actually a cute loli who use a stool to make herself look taller.
Wiping to trash you never wipe to.
Getting blamed for a wipe when it objectively was not your fault.
Accidentally shitting your pants when you have the flu, forcing you to clean yourself thoroughly when you already feel like you're about to die from exhaustion.
Getting a high roll on something you really wanted only for someone to still beat you by getting a roll a couple points higher.