Dfw you will never wake up in a comfy game village surrounded by good feels & wanderlust

>dfw you will never wake up in a comfy game village surrounded by good feels & wanderlust

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>walk twenty meters outside comfy village
>get mauled to near death by a plague infested undead abomination

Give it another couple decades.

Isn't the village in OPs pic the one directly above a cave filled with Cthulhu worshipping subhumans

t. stranger

>comfy in any stretch of the imagination

>wake up in uncomfy city filled to the brim with self-loathing and lust

You've never lived in or even visited a rural village, have you?
>50000000 spiders make a home in said bedroom
>shoes get covered in muck when you step outside for more than 30 seconds
>nothing to do in the day beside dies in 400% humidity
>get shot by Hells Angels when you accidentally find a meth lab

>go for a walk in the woods
>village gets attacked by a high tech evil empire

What, that's maybe in usa. In europe it's super comfy, much more beatiful than cities.

>those fucking bug eyed assholes in the cave below

>America in charge of not being a 3rd world warzone

>village just 'happens' to be walking distance from a gateway to hell

literally turn your computer off and walk a few kilometers into the nearest forest. no one's keeping you.

Bruma master race reporting in

>Piss boring trees, dirt, and maybe a stream if you're lucky

Would rather just play video games all day.

Why was Oblivion so fucking comfy?

I don't think there is a single word better than this one for spotting people I would not enjoy going for a beer with

>t. someone with no interests apart from video games
if you're even slightly interested in biology, geology, hydrology or history, walking outdoors can be interesting as fuck. tons of interesting flora and fauna, you can see how the landscape has been formed by geological processes, and there are often prehistoric or historic ruins and monuments scattered everywhere.

Safe and generic.

That's pretty much anywhere in the UK outside of Wiltshire.

The colour palette

>warm visuals
>nice town designs
>god tier soundtrack

And most importantly for me
>NPCs that actually lived lives
>detailed schedules with enough sandbox ability to make things unpredictable
>made the world feel alive which to me is more immersive & comfy


>In europe it's super comfy, much more beatiful than cities
Maybe in really rural areas. Suburban areas is where rape gangs prowl.



>two houses a well and a quarter of a church

so comfy indeed

>Living in a world with no videogames and or electronics

>"Comfy" is the only positive thing Oblivionbabies have to hang their hat on


t. autistic morrowfag

>Living in a world with magic
>Complains about lack of electronics

>Being this much of a 21st Century pleb

Does anyone else lose interest in Beth games after remembering console commands are a thing? It feels like everything I do is for naught and it's like artificial challenge since I can CC my way past challenges

>wanting to live in Cyrodil
>as it is in-game

You'd be dead the instant you ventured outside your property.

>tfw the nearest forest is private property like almost everywhere else


>NPCs that actually lived lives
>detailed schedules with enough sandbox ability to make things unpredictable
>made the world feel alive which to me is more immersive & comfy


they don't do that, todd fucking lied
go back and watch the fucking E3 2006 spot of the game.

>Todd lied
Next you'll tell me water is wet.

Oh shut up, I'm fully aware of that video.

Yes Todd was full of shit in that video (it was all scripted), but all the NPCs in the game still have detailed schedules (some up to a month long, while skyrims are just basic 24 hour loops), they can commit crime such as pick pocketing other NPCs or stealing based on their responsibility level, when "hungry" they actually use food in their inventory or food items in their home, can loot from bodies, and general sandbox ability at each stage of their schedule so there's some variation in what they do.

Skyrim was a massive step backwards in terms of the NPCs schedules & freedoms.

Just because you didn't pay attention to what they could actually do, or have never looked up the wikis/modding info for details on the AI doesn't mean they can't do those things.

>talking about npc schedule cycles
>am reminded of that quest with this fucking asshole
>watched a women grow grapes for 10 minutes straight
Fuck you Glarthir.

i cant remember what happens, was his paranoia justified or was he just another nutty bosmer

this fucking guys
might aswell look at pictures of flora and fauna and rocks and whatnot

That's fine. It means I'm either the hero or a villager that helps rebuild the village. I'll make sure to ask the hero to make lots of donations to the cause.

joke's on you, I'll just never level up


I guess its comfy in a sort "I'm gong to get murdered in my sleep" sort of way.

what game is this?

Comfy tiers

>God tier

>High Tier

>Good Tier

>Meh tier
Imperial City.

post comfy town themes


Age of Empires 2 HD.

you can just wait all day and speak to him again at midnight


what do anons dream of when they see nice fantasy art?

>NPCs that actually lived lives
>he actually fell for the radiant AI meme

Getting to Dali was such a soothing reward.

completely agree famalam

Where the fuck do you live?

I think some woman was watching him but only because she had a crush on him

amercia, land of the "free" (i.e. slaves to the jews)

It's not like people patrol forests m8. I walk, camp etc in private woodland all the time and have never been caught, and I live in the UK for Christ sake

>functions 100% implemented into Oblivion on release (not the BS video)

Pick one you uninformed degenerate

>functions 100%
>it just works