What went wrong?
Sonic Forces Thread
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nothing, looks fantastic, especially on the switch.
Nothing, they know that hipsters are cool, electronic noise is considered music and classic Sonic helps to capitalize on nostalgia. Regardless of actual game's quality they'll sell it, their market researchers eat their bread for a reason.
Bcё идeт пo плaнy.
Modern Sonic will be the only good half of the game.
I for one am happy to play as Originalcharacter the Donutsteal.
You mean third of the game.
3D Sonic
3D Sonic was never good. Only autists like it. Even when I was ten I had the good sense to stay the fuck away. You could make a good 3D Sonic game, but you'd need to give it to a proven Western developer. Sonic Team hasn't been good in decades. Also, fuck the plot. Reboot the entire franchise. Delete the comics. Delete the shows. Keep the good 2D games and that's it. Start from scratch.
>generations 2.0
it will be very good but you fags will say "LE SONIC WAS NEVER GOOD XD!"
the avatar was a smart idea for the autists although i would rather they figure out how to make tails and knuckles work in 3d like they do in 2d and allow you to play all three in 2d and 3d stages
3D Sonic was good, he just isn't good now.
>Swtich can't even run a Sonic CD stage at 60 fps
No way I'm getting Forces on that POS. Exclusives only.
This is the new copypasta it seems. How sad.
no bats, no badgers, no tits sliders
Has literally nothing to do with the Switches power unless you think the Switch is weaker than a Sega Dreamcast.
>It will be very good
>hasn't been released yet
It seems weird that they're combining Generations 2 with the create-a-character gimmick
Dividing the game into three is a shit idea. They should have capitalized entirely on the avatar thing.
This looks like a Unity fan game, why is Sonic so stiff?
It almost sounds like they're too scared of failure to commit to anything.
People who call the game Generations 2.0 are insulting Generations more than it deserves. Generations at least tried, Forces looks to have worse physics, worse visuals, lazier stage design, and most definitely awful music in comparison.
Looking forward to fighting me in Forces?
>mfw Infinte is actually the heavy king
I'm already convince Shadow, Metal, Chaos and Zavok are the other HBHs
dont kniw if this is bait, but yellow heavy can shapeshift into things, so pausibly this is all one giant illusion, but then again, I think Izuka would rather commit sudoku and preserve his battle shonen honor then have christian whitehead and co influence over his game
At the start of the game the HBHs look like normal Eggrobos until the Ruby changes them
As you pointed out Heavy Magi can shapeshift
Heavy King changes again in the final battle
Some user noticed that in the Forces trailers Shadow and Chaos look like they are glitching
It's highly possible, HBHs might have been Izukas idea anyway
Hard Boiled Heavies were Taxman's idea.
Considering both Mania and Forces are considered a single project for an anniversary, i wonder if the plot was prepared with both teams, deciding how to handle it between the games.
Let it come out first
But we all know what's wrong
Making things serious for a cartoon animal. That's why, it will sell so well, because you can make your own creepy OC.
Why does Sonic slow down immediately after hitting a boost pad or going through a s tunnel. Its very jarring to me. Also the swinging platform at the beginning is useless since theres a hidden spring next to the wall.
The heavies were a welcome plus to the game, they fit they make sense, they aren't just new animal shit heels that happened to be the next sonic friend.
>Trying to play it safe
>Game still looks like a failure
Sonic Team needs to be replaced by the Mania team. They made the best Sonic game in years on their first try.
It's not even out yet you twit
There's a hidden spring next to EVERY wall. You hold forward, are funneled into a corner, and are boosted by a hidden spring so you can keep moving forward. There are hidden springs, boost pads, and automatic running sections all over the place. And they make Sonic go way too fast during all of them so once you get control back it slows back down, only for them to move you toward the next set piece and do it again.
I look forward to fighting all of them, technically none of them were destroyed.
It hasn't even come out yet, OP. Get your dick back in your pants.
I have my own expectations for this game (which aren't great) but I won't let Sup Forums taint my opinion of it going in.
If this is truly the last Sonic game I play, I want to go out knowing I gave it my best...
Does this mean that the Switch is a lot more powerful than we think it is?
PS4 has more grass and some better texture work (Eggmans gloves)
Switch version seems to run fine, no real gimps between versions
Literally the best Boss theme in 2d sonic
prove me wrong
Eggtip: You cant
I sure as hell hope that's not the cover art. Adding the default customisable character is a horrible idea
>HBHs might have been Izukas idea
Heavy Rider's motobug literally referenced a decreased Sonic Retro member, I doubt the designs were by Sonic Team.
Generations Classic Sonic was never this stiff.
As you see here, he doesn't slow down immediately after going through a s tunnel or a auto segment like in Forces. He keeps his speed until he hits a ramp or bumps into a wall and etc.
This looks terrible
Isn't it 30fps on Switch?
It's 30fps on all consoles.
The siren makes it.
Oh, and the amazing sax solo.
Infinite will be the Chaos for the Disaster Ruby as Chaos is to the Master Emerald. They'll either be transformations or pulled from other dimensions as villains, which helps to explain Shadow, Chaos and Metal Sonic without having them either be new versions, The Master Emerald being another plot point, or spontaneously going bad again.
Replace Zavok with him, and yeah I will enjoy fighting him.
I mean, you're wrong, but the entire OST is fantastic.
Anyone know the Track name for the encounter music for the heavies? Not the actual boss theme.
Like the theme that plays at the end of Green Hill Zone Act 2 where Robotnik is yelling at the heavies.
While one of my favorite tracks for sure, I'm going to have to raise you
It's 60fps on Xbone and PS4, they made that a selling point on the E3 streams
And it sure does like beautiful in motion
Can't wait for Lizardman and Sonic Team to get kicked off of Sonic in favor of Mania Team.
Consider this game to be one final taste of suffering before 1000 years of good Sonic.
>implying in the year 21XX there will be Sonic games and not Silvers first game
I heard that it will be 60fps for the Switch on release.
It's such a bizarre zone in terms of design, being a western zone with design elements from Casino Night/Carnival Night with the pinball flippers, etc.
I wish the Heavy Rider's zone wasn't cut.
Yeah I am kinda curious that heavy rider boss battle doesn't fit in lava reef it seems so out of place.
>implying Future Trunks the Hedgehog could carry a game by himself
ITS NO USE arguing, he's just not handled well enough.
He had a zone? What was it?
Maybe DLC? or did Tax and his team shoot down the idea?
Every other Heavy matches their zone in some form. Shinobi and Magician being a little more clear than the Studio Guard of Gunner, but still.
The lack of zone transitions in that part of the game and how it just jumps around show it's clearly had a zone or two cut.
I think that She was going to have a circus/stunt themed zone as a Carnival/Casino style zone is the only one of the classic Sonic tropes that's really missing from Mania.
Knuckle's Act 1 and Sonic & Tail's Act 2 of Mirage Saloon are fighting for my affection.
Every major studio needs a security guard.
>implying the Mania Team couldnt give him his own 2d-Mania game or Tetris Trigger Stacker
Act 2 is the same for all three of them.
He catches up with Sonic and Tails over the course of Act 1
Well yeah, it's just a little more direct with Mirage and Press Garden. I got a Police Chase/Cops vibe from the fight, it was cool if ultimately limited.
I think this is the one you're looking for?
He's slower than Sonic, though. Like WAAAAAAY slower. It'd have to be some kaizo shit or something where you have to be deliberate.
The music, man. The music is what I'm saying. Or I guess it would be more accurate to say the Music for Act 1 and Act 2 of Mirage Saloon are fighting for my affection.
Not the sky chase version. That one is pretty meh.
Why can't they just make more games like this? Just drop the shitty 3D Sonic all together.
Studio Guard makes perfect sense
Shinobi in the Japanese inspired level seems fitting
Magician in Saloon fits , kind of. Like it's a stretch , but isn't OUT of place. plus I got to fight bean, bark, and fang/knack I don't give a fuck - illusion or not
and yeah the transitions are just fuck out of place come mid game.
Sucks, because the flow was really nice.
I prefer A1 Knux.
YES thank you. Love this track
I like to think of Magician as a sorta western con-man, especially with how he shows up in the Ruby Illusions fight, but as I said the zone is a fusion of Casino Night/Carnival Night elements and a Western Theme. I guess Collision Chaos would be more apt but hey
I think the most Jarring transition has to be Stardust Speedway to Hydrocity.
this is the official boxart
I was thinking the same thing, but also I've never gotten the magician in the final fight.
Also yeah, not even a Ruby transport or anything lol.
Magichan is a girl, and a big fan of Team Hooligan. She probably decided to visit the Saloon to meet cute bounty hunters. Knocked Knuckles off for a little "knuckle dusting".
Why would Adding the default custom, the new gimmick, to the box art be a horrible idea?
I only knew Rider was female since people were posting it here, I should really get around to reading the manual.
Best girl
Half of that was headcanon though. I just want to see the eggy lass acting all lovestruck.
I could get behind that.
I could get behind her ifyouknowwhatimsayin
Literally just have them jump off an land there
Have a broken Metal Sonic crawl onto screen and use the Ruby
Characters get blown upwards like in S3, caught by other character flying the Tornado
Jump into one of the subs, it goes under and comes back up at Lava Reef
LRZ > MMZ (Sonic and Tails)
Have them use a teleporter like Knuckles
Use the weight thing that sends you into the background, but instead it sends to flying to the Monarch
Any I miss?
It's a Sonic game and they are pandering more to the degenerate fanbase
It's disgusting
Nah i think you got them all man, and these all sound solid.
Maybe Taxman just ran out of time? who the fuck knows.
You mean the kids because that's who they are pandering to for Forces.
>b-but the autists
They only care about the Adventure games and want Adventure 3.
They don't give fuck about Forces aside from the OC maker
>Go with the safe boostshit instead of making adventure 3
What I don't understand is why the OC character they've shown in the trailer is red, but in the box art he's blue...
>The Master Emerald being another plot point, or spontaneously going bad again.
Given how they tried to steal it again during Nipples' story in Mania, there's something about the Master Emerald that is bound to happen in Forces.
Because there's already enough red colors in the box art, so they wanted some contrast.
>Sonic Generations 2
>but uglier
>worse music
>characters yapping at you during gameplay
>arbitrary recycling (Egg Dragoon)
>classic Sonic there just because
>classic Sonic still handles nearly the same as in Generations (off)
>Mania will make it look expect shitty in comparison
Also why haven't more locations been shown off? Isn't this game coming out this year?
Sega was focusing on Mania, now that's been realised they'll start pushing Forces.
>Sonic hits a vertical spring
>all forward momentum is halted for the first second of the bounce, after which you can start to steer him again
If he came at it while moving to the right, shouldn't the spring bounce him up as he veers to the right? Why does he go straight up at first?
That music sounds fucking terrible. Holy shit