Cities Skylines thread?

Cities Skylines thread?

What's your favorite interchange?
What's your favorite intersection?
What's your favorite map?
Do you like my city?

I personally prefer to build shopping districts.



These threads always make me want to get this game but i feel like i'll end up making generic slog while wishing i could make a cool city, kinda like building in terraria

>that thing on the left.

Have you got spaggautism attack or something?

That turbine interchange looks slick, it's my favourite. City doesn't look too good though, way too much empty space. Those parks don't look good either, get a mod with more pedestrian paths.

Why didn't they release the game with all the dlcs on Xbone and PS4? There's after dark but no mass transit and snow

I was the exact same way. What I did was make it a hobby. I did an hour here and an hour there testing new things. I also would have multiple projects on the go. One time a shopping center, another a tip, another a school.

It removes the tedium.

c-can we join?

Sure, pull up a chair.

Don't you have a demographic cohort to collapse?


I've been working on my merge lanes.

I played this game once, and I found one of my teachers(32) living in the same house as a student(16)
never thought a game like this would give me a chub ay

It's for future planning!

B-But Sup Forums said grids were evil!

Cant I just be comfy instead?

>1 week later its teacher 32, student 16 and child 1


would move into and develop severe alcoholism and public nudity/10

does this game allow me to create an environment like las vegas

It's not about grids, it's the fuckhuge highway compared to the low density. The brown land doesn't help either. Reminds me of this.

Not enough unique buildings for that


Why is this game so expensive?
I have the original but now I need to spend like 50 bucks to buy all the content

It's the same thing that happened with Total War, and now I don't play the game because it feels like I'm playing an unfinished mess

At some point in the past I even pirated Cities Skylines to play the full game, even though I own it on Steam. But I can't be bothered with that again.

So what you guys saying about the new dlc?
anyone tried it yet and can say something else than it being to expensive for what you get?



Same here, but I wasn't surprised with myself

nearly everything is on sale right now.
Paradox is known for doing this.


You fon't really need all the content. You have building packs, radio stations, and stuff like Snowfall, which add new mechanics, but specifically for playing on a winter map. Most of the DLC is detached enough from the main gameplay that makes them skippable.

Just get after dark and mass transit and you are good to go.
The Rest is not worth it (snowfall, concerts) or shitty implemented(disasters) anyway.
You still get the patches though.

i can't stop giggling thats too absurd


>grids are bad

it's a fucking wonder why it's gridlocked every day

This was my second attempt at making a city, figured that if I made it a circle the production from specialized industrial -> generic industrial -> Commercial would flow better.

It sort of worked out for a while, and never really collapsed per se, but making it bigger was a pain in the ass.


I hope it's a one way spiral

>Realize dams are more efficient than other energy sources
>Realize that higher terrain = more energy
>Make two artificial mountains on each side of the river thinking I'm being cheeky
>Accidentally flood the entire city

Is anything in NY within walking distance or is it too big for that?

Like, if you live in Greenwich Village can you walk to Central Park?



Looks like a Pixar movie


From West 14th Sreet to the edge of the Centra Park you need to 2,2 miles which roughly takes you 46 minutes according to google.
I bet there are tons of crossing you have to wait at on the way.

>Walking from Greenwuch to Central Park
You know you can just take the train right?



>Jew York
>not bad

I live in Europe but I never take the subway because it's filthy and full of criminal elements like gypsies and migrants (massively more so in the last couple of years), it's very dangerous

I've completely stopped using public transport and so have most of my friends
Now it's exclusively our cars or taxis via an app (kinda like uber)

I don't think normal people will be using public transport in the near future, its days are numbered





>'''''''city''''''' with big-ass highways right through the middle making it impossible to live without an otherwise useless metal can known as a car
Why are American cities so disgusting and car-oriented?


never heard of bridges or underways?

what mods are you using? It looks fantastic

>People posting fancy roads but not posting their traffic overlays


easy on eye filter

Any good mod to replace the smallest roads, those dirt roads?

>I don't think normal people will be using public transport in the near future, its days are numbered
What are you smoking user? If anything, there's a tendency to move away from private transport all around the world.


i haven't played in a while, i can't find any good maps i want to start on.

That's been true for the last 20 years, but I think the pendulum is swinging the other way hard ever since the invasion started

>My computer can barely run it over 10FPS
I didn't wanted to play it anyway.

But why even have a highway right through the middle of a city? What purpose does it serve that couldn't be served by a bypass?



This would be great if the megamod didn't make the game collapse so quickly.

I think the highway was on a side of a city at one point in time.

just dumping some old screenshots since i saw a thread for the game, i'll probably end up playing again.

I like it but holy fuck, is the traffic system retarded... a city with 8k people wants me to build fucking 4 lane highways while in real life a single normal paved road is enough for it to function with no problems at all.

See, this is what bothers me about this game.
No plazas. Like, in the vanilla game. I love in Europe and there's plazas everywhere.
Whole open spaces with benches, trees and decorated walkways that actually lead to buildings like churches and City Halls. But in CS those buildings are always stuck to the road. That's ugly as hell. You can't even put buildings on the end of a Dead end road because it's supposed to be able to keep going, but in Sim City 4 you could put stuff on the end of a road, like the mayor's house.
What mods have good plazas?


Can you just buy the base game and pirate the DLC like with other Paradox games?

I agree.

>not making custom plazas with more beautification and prop anarchy.

Which map is that? Btw cool city design

Is it worth it to get the """"addons""""?

That actually looks like the emoji movie

The problem I see with this is there is no 'artery' roads.

Unless you have arteries, veins and capillaries you're going to get gridlocked (just like NY is)

I'd like to know too, most of the links I've found are the full game with all the expansions but I don't feel like downloading 4+ gigs even though I already have the other DLCs and I'm only interested in just Mass Transit.

If anybody can point me out where I can pirate the expansions for Cities Skylines (and just the expansions only) without having to deal with any private tracker autism they'll be the cool person in this thread.

Hi. I heard you dislike grids. I've been thinking I'd get back to the game for years now, but never actually do.

>start out with small roads because that's all you have
>can't upgrade later because they'd get too big

How do you get around this?

Thats just grids but less efficient

Pre planning

Two ways:

Create a self sustaining minicity in a corner of the map. Once you hit a high enough pop to get all the stuff you want to build with (its not much, like a couple thousand people) go afk for a while and let the city generate revenue for you. Dont forget to turn up taxes. Then build your real major city in all the other zones

Or just use the infinite money and unlock everything option and focus on really designing the city

From what I understand 4-way intersections are bad so I made that city without a single 4-way intersection.

>not making a city of nothing but traffic lights and 4 way intersections

Sim City 4, bruh.

How do i get good at this game?
Everyone is unhappy all the time

I'm sure there are plenty of cities that are like that. They usually are the people that complain about CS being a traffic management game in a city building disguise.

You can demolish buildings for free, don't worry about wiping out an entire street to enlarge a road. Though, your problem is unlikely to be lack of lanes

please help, I suck at City planning.
How do I go about it?
Should I first create the city I want in my head and then try to go from there or just build a template and try to accommodate the cities' needs.
I often find myself with beautiful cities but fucked by traffic, fucked by the lack of public transportation routes or inefficient ones.
Once the city reaches a certain population, I lose focus and overview and the entire town literally burns down.

Has anyone ever tried to rebuild PS2' s San Andreas?

yeah, pic related was from some guy complaining about traffic being unrealistic a long while back

Pretty realistic actually.