Sup Forums BTFO again

Sup Forums BTFO again

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>the best rated ps4 game is a port of an ancient pc game

REALLY makes you ponder

Should be atleast 98

(((Toby Fox)))

ripping off someone else's work wow what a surprise

Does this mean we're gonna get a new wave of undertale threads and an even more cancerous following with it?

PS4's 3 highest rated games are ports.

that's a.... interesting trophy list

No trophy for genocide run... what a letdown.

no trophy for anything special or any ending

toby has a fucking apology on his website for including trophies

clearly he only wanted the bare minimum

>Sup Forums circle-jerked this game for 2 years before release
>suddenly hated it after release week
what went wrong?

Not really a lot of people played the demo. I wouldn't say we circlejerked it, but the demo threads were generally positive.

Doesn't it have Steam achievements?


Reminder that Toby Fox is a massive SJW.

Who gives a fuck you child

So? He's a good game designer, and that's all what matters, fucking Sup Forumstard

I bet he's a C*CK too

Your thinking of Dingaling.

Sup Forums specializes in being BTFO

>good game designer
undertale isn't a game it's closer to a visual novel


>VITA is dea-

actually Undertale is much more of a game than franchises Sup Forums loves like Danganronpa

If Undertale is a VN then Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, all the old Final Fantasy games, etc, are all VNs as well.


Undertale is as far from blunder status as it's possible

Sup Forums isn't all one person

I agree with that

Thanks for beta-testing e.t.c...

Ok then. From now on, all 16-bit JRPGs are not games, they are visual novels and as such, are not fit for discussion on Sup Forums.

PS4 confirmed definitive edition

If that is true, that's awsome.

got em... filthy prank'd...

All 16-bit games are not fit for discussion on Sup Forums and belong in /vr/.

>PC gets a port of a Sony exclusive
>"lol enjoy your sloppy seconds PCûcks!"
>Sony gets a port of a PC exclusive
>"lol thanks for beta testing PCûcks!"

It's literally impossible to BTFO a Sonydiot because of the sheer stupidity of their logic making them completely fail to grasp that they are failing.

>He's an outdated "trophies ruin games!" Hipster

Whoa who saw that coming. He's just a vew years late.

reminder that pc version had 97 on metacritic for quite a while

anything he does is bad huh

>It's literally impossible to BTFO a Sony

You heard it here first folks!


Game got too popular and Sup Forums could never like anything too mainstream

Nothing about Sup Forums specifies it is only for new games

Well, that is awsome then, cool.

No I like Undertale. His disdain for trophies are just dumb if he's being serious and it's not a joke.

Maybe the apology was for the intentionally shitty trophy list

Nothing about Sup Forums specifies it isn't for visual novels

That's true, but the fact still stands that you can get a better discussion about your old-school games on /vr/ than on Sup Forums considering the amount of shitposters that tend to be on Sup Forums.

>His disdain for trophies are just dumb if he's being serious and it's not a joke.
trophies/achievements are made for normies who otherwise lack the motivation to finish games

>Literally can't tell it's a joke and is getting upset about it

those games still have way more gameplay than undertale

As always, Sup Forums is subhuman trash
>find highly rated game
>play it, it's very fun
>check Sup Forums. Sup Forums shitting on it
>find low rated game
>play it, fucking garbage with no mechanics and a shit-tier story
>Sup Forums praises it as the second coming
>"hey, why do you guys like this game so much, I can't find the appeal?"
>"oh, we don't play vidya here. Fuck off tripfag"

Probably indicates a large overlap.

Only because they're longer.

>>find low rated game
>>play it, fucking garbage with no mechanics and a shit-tier story
>>Sup Forums praises it as the second coming
fucking this

Dragon's Dogma is shit.

Danganronpa is shit.

NieR is shit.

Delet dis

Should be noted that Sup Forums usually praises unique aspects over a solid package. You need to be capable of appreciating these things to enjoy yourself.

1. that's based on 6 reviews so it's bullshit. anything under 40 reviews isn't balanced enough. everyone knows that.
2. the actual score (a 92 on pc) is still too high. I don't get what people saw in this game. I'm a pretty big indie fan and couldn't even finish undertale. too much walking and doing nothing. plus the combat system didn't tickle my dick like others said it would. different strokes, I guess

Unique != good

The game is great but the fan base is akin to mlp fags

Doesnt deserve such a high score

its a 5/10 game at best

This isn't 2007 anymore. Only autists care about it now.

If you're a teenager who grew up with it anyways

>glitched trophies
Hahaha PS4 fags on suicide watch!

The guy who did Spec Ops The Line did this too and it was annoying then. Ultimately very few people care about trophies and that's fine, but faggots who think they're hot shit who made le artistic masterpiece always pull the whole "trophies/achievements compromise my impeccable artistic vision" argument like their product is above that shit. Like holy shit this port likely took zero effort and people can disable it anyway. I may seem biased because I love going for achievements and trophies but it reeks of rampant narcissism, especially when your "artistic vision" rips off about 50 other artistic visions. You don't even see Naughty Dog pull this shit, they just move on with their lives.

It's got about a 24% Platinum rate which is pretty damn high so it must not be affecting too many people.

So anyone want to bother telling us how the PS4 does all the specific PC crash and no true reset stuff?

Yeh but the glitch is so bad that if it glitches it's IMPOSSIBLE to fix the glitch.

>Should be noted that Sup Forums usually praises unique aspects over a solid package
This is correct.

A game can be overall shit/mediocre/generic, but if it has a great gimmick(s), Sup Forums blows it out of proportion as the second comming for it (see: Breath of the Wild) and ignores other much more solid, but less "unique" products.

The ending explains a lot. Worth playing to even if the rest didn't interest you much; may be a surprise.


I like the music so I occasionally listen to it on YouTube, but when I accidentally scroll down to the comments I need a chemo.

>game with shit boring made-in-5-minutes gameplay and occasionally chuckle-worthy jokes deserves a near perfect score

i dont even mind the game, but i dont see why its so ridiculously dicksucked

Those were the days


>Main character says "So many... deaths... terrible"
>Achivemente Unlocked: "I AM DEATH" Kill 100 civilians
yeah, why would anyone feel their vision compromised

Was there any trophy like that for spec ops ? I remember there was only steam achievement for the single player and a lot of them were for differents choices and endings

How is this game doing in Japan? Haven't heard anything about it after the whole Sans Oira frenzy

Seems like it was doing really well. It was trending for awhile, tons of new fanart around, too

I'll never forget when IGN didn't even bother reviewing this game until it got the Tumblr audience and they basically wrote 3 paragraphs and gave it a 10/10.

In other words, reviews mean nothing.

Sometimes I get tired of winning, I really do.

Who here is genuinly against the game itself? I think most people comflate the with the fandom. I think mot people just loathe the fandom (even I stay far away from Undertale's fandom but find the game good).

So how do events like losing to Flowey work? Do you just get booted back to the PS4 home menu?

IT doesn't matter as long as he doesn't pure his vision inside his game.
Not like the plot-writer of Hiveswap said to do.

Unfortunately, this is how it happens

If you think from what Toby become famous, you'll see why the fandom is so fucking cancerous

>the best rated pc game could run on a gbc

It really does.

>the best rated ps4 game could run on a gbc
wow.. the POWER

Radiation became famous because he's good at making music and making a game.

I'm honestly surprised he's as good at this since Hussie was such a retard.

So you can't disprove expensive computers are a waste for gaming when all games made to run on ancient hardware?

>when all games made to run on ancient hardware?
I wish this was true, but it's not.

Never played it...never will. But I love the porn.

Thought about Pic related?

We'll see how it's optimized for xbone

It will run like absolute shit just like ARK.

Guess the preteens love GTA V

>crescent moon
>glare from helmet
I didn't know this was a stealth mulsim propaganda game

I feel like the protagonist of Amadeus every time I see Toby's shit. I get physically ill knowing someone my age is living my dream while I'm forced to slave away at a 9 to 5.
