Are Nazi the perfect vidya villian?

>military force with plenty of armour
>crazy occult ritualism
>rooted in history
They're the ultimate bad guy outside of Venom/Carnage - Virgil - You but evil types

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>inb4 both Sup Forums and people complaining about Sup Forums shit up the thread


Too bad no games go far enough with the occult ritualism in an interesting way.

We need a game with Nazi magicians

It's only cause they are recent.

But they are starting to get replaced with Russians. Or domestic terrorists.

Ninja Gaiden would work perfectly with this.

this thread needs to be nuked before it's too late

(((bad guy)))

Wolfenstein 2009 kinda

>We need a game with Nazi magicians
return to castle wolfenstein had female nazi necromancers in bikinis.

user, I..

No one would bitch about the new Wolfenstein game if you didn't have to team up with fucking Commies who were much worse than Nazis
That and the whole "look at this diverse resistance group" really fucked them up

They really are.

Wolf 2009 literally has Nazi mages attacking you with spells and RtCW has that too.

Female SS aren't magical, they just shoot you with Stens. Wolf2009 had magic Nazi bitches who raized flaming undead Nazi skeletons.

>tfw you will never be hate fucked by an Aryan whore


Spook pls

>Commies: fought to save people from oppression
>Nazis: fought to oppress people
How are Commies worse???

>Female SS aren't magical, they just shoot you with Stens.
No, i'm talking about the ones later in game, you only see them in cutscenes raising zombies


Hey America, why?

Oh, yeah, it's just that one character. The fat one, Helga or what was her name?

7\10, made me respond

from the oppression of not starving to death, maybe

You are right buddy, poland was saved for 45 years of oppression by comies, oh wait..

>No one would bitch about the new Wolfenstein game if you didn't have to team up with fucking Commies who were much worse than Nazis
And how is this a reasonable complaint when we teamed up with commies in WWII? Also, what actual communists have demonstrably done doesn't apply to alternate history after a certain point in time. Our common knowledge isn't necessarily that universe's common knowledge.


What games have conservatives as enemies? That sounds like it would appeal to my 12 year old self who hated the Daily Mail and British news papers in general.
I don't remember WS09 looking like a PS2 game.

Ah yeah, but she turns into a zombie ghost in the end, and you don't fight her in her female form either.

That's RtCW.

I'm from Poland and i can tell you.
During the war, if your village was to be attacked by either Nazis or Commies you would pray to all gods it would be the former. This way you could work your way out by giving them something or sometimes some of them were actually nice, regular soldiers at least at the beginning of the war, later they killed everyone, but mostly quickly.
Commies? Hell no. Fucking savages and horde raping everything in sight. 3 year old or 80 year old? Makes no difference to them if there are no other things to rape. You were lucky to just end up mutilated and wounded but alive.

>I don't remember WS09 looking like a PS2 game.
it's from rtcw

>That's RtCW.
My bad.

>what actual communists have demonstrably done doesn't apply to alternate history after a certain point in time

Says who? The ideology is still the same, the leadership is still the same
Shit, you think after losing to Hitler, Russia somehow got better?
It was a hellhole when they were fighting Nazis and it was a hellhole after the defeated the Nazis


This thread was doomed from the start.

Nazis are small play.
You niggas forget the Mongols:
>Rape, pillage and burn everything from China to Europe. They only stopped their conquest to the atlantic because the Khan died and weird as shit succesion rules crippled everything.
>Two of their best Generals, Subuta and Jebe, made the longest and most succesful cavalry raid.
>Raping and slapping everything from the Middle east, Georgia, Armenia, Russia and back with the equivalent of Sir Twenty Goodmen.
>During their conquest Mongols even managed to Genocide entire people before the industrial age. They simply counted their victims, divided them by the number of available SOldiers and the murdered everybody.

Nazis are pussies. Mongols or somthing like that as villains in a video game is fucking terrifying.
>Enemy you hear fuck all at the start. Some weird rumour is going around taht some foreing king of the good guy religion is slapping guys from evil religion around.
>When you finally meet their traces, all you find are fields of bones, bunred down cities and the few survivors you meet along the road think you're a ghost or something.
>The nearer you get to them, the more outlandish the stories get about them.
>One guy tells you about endless hordes of demons, bringers of the apocalypse and even the guys from the evil religion are scared shitless.
>Further east you find the ruins of a far more sophisticated people than your own, yet they were murdered and conquered like cattle.
>You finally meet the Mongols and they are some small weirdos with really small as fuck horses that wear rotting clothes and eat broiled and greasy food and drink like mad men.
>On top of that, all the exaggerated stories of their numbers are wild overestimations. The actual number of Mongols that conquered and murdered everything are 5 guys, the weird furry from gamestop and your old best friend who turned into a cannibal.

Well you have a more tame version of Mongols in GoT

The Dothraki are shit.
Even by Steppe people standards, they are retards.

*evil laughter*

>no kefka
Yeah no

never ever because russia is a bigger market than germ

you're evil

>tfw Grandpa would tell me stories of how he killed Nazis and wished he could kill Soviets too


yes but I grew up in America so I don't need to know this information #bashthefash

Mechanazis are the coolest shit

>literally every big country with power became a video game villain
>every country besides the united states
>you will never have a game where you fight the fascist forces of the american empire
>you will never see an evil american dictator nuking a city for not eating enough hamburgers
>emperor president on tv, a guy doesn't clap his hands, gets shot in the end
americans could be the perfect villains

hol up

Nobody even knows about the Mongols. They're not recent enough history. They're not easily manipulated by the media. Nobody can get offended over them.

They killed thousands during the German revolution that ended up a huge factor in the rise of Nazism itself

Real life

I dunno, imperialist Britain is up there.
t. Londoner

No, i meant if he want to play a game with the US as enemy all he has to do is existing IRL.
Go to America, get in touch with someone at Berkeley, get your bike lock and smash some nazi's head in.
Heck, CA and stuff are like the starting areas in a RPG since you will get away with it scot free, no shit, the police won't even intervene unless a nazi comes after you, in that case they will attack him while you go and smash another nazi in the head.


The Mongols were a meme army.

.t cuck lefty/pol/

They're "perfect" if you're a lazy writer who can't be bothered to create or characterize your villains with actual personalities and motives. Nazis are evil, everybody already knows that and agrees. Nazis aren't even human, so you don't have to feel a moral quandary when you brutally maim and murder them, right? No brain activity needed from the creator or viewer.

Recent as Nazis may be, they've been replaced in much of modern fiction by PMCs as the all-purpose, kitten stomping Bad Guys.

You mean "everyone"?
Every news source is against them, except Fox news but they are widely considered to be low IQ lunatics
Google (and thus youtube) are against them, with videos and content flagged and hidden from searches
Cloudflare too has kicked them out of their services
Tor has pulled the plug on them
Facebook and twitter are cracking down on them big time
Universities are against them
Multiple states are against them
Europe is against them
Wikipedia is against them

Face it, you are a bunch of outcasts, lunatics, pariahs, nobody likes you.
You can scream about "da joos" all you want, doesn't change the fact they not only won, they sweeped and got a Perfect in both rounds plus a Play of the Game.

Operation Darkness has you playing against vampire and wizard Nazis

Yeah I noticed that.

It's now all about immoral corporations or PMCs that will sacrifice a baby to make a quick buck.

it's bullshit that you never get to play as these guys in the multi

Nazi Zombie Army has well, nazi zombie necromancers.

Elder God tier: deep occult Nazis.

Boring tier: normal ass Nazis.


has any medium ever mixed lovecraft occult with nazi occult?
I'm guessing Hellboy but are there any others?

You do.

in the Chinese MMO

This. I'm only interested in killing Nazis if they're super Mechanazis or some kind of magic Nazi

>every other country before took over other countries and killed their people
>their leaders like Alexander the Great are seem as brilliant conquerors and taked positively in schools and books
>Germany does the same


What about hidden nazis?
You know, the one you see every day but never realize they are?

gee I wonder which ethnic group that happens to control the entire western world's media did the germans attempt to eradicate

germany is that one kid that takes a joke too far after it's stopped being funny

Alexander the Great didn't enact a organized (almost industrial-tier) genocide campaign with enough atrocities to make a saturday morning cartoon villain reel at the mere thought

We're not barbs anymore user

>mfw Hungarian
>Commies fucked us up hard
>But we can't say anything bad about the commies because muh nazis were wore and because America tells us that the sixterrion bajillion gorrilion hyperion dextillion jews that died are more important

Do they have super powers or robots?

reminder that in pretty much the entire world save for the former soviet satellite states, it's socially acceptable to wear soviet military equipment, but not nazi military equipment. just goes to show that historical fact doesn't really matter, only historical narrative.

I don't understand US, aren't you supposed to have free speech? Why can't you say that illegal immigrants are bad, what the fuck white man supremacist even mean? I've seen some of your news and diaries, its like gays rule everything, words like mysogenist or something like that used all the time, using the word "white" as an derogative? Are you people retarded, why do you allow this, my country is filling with immigrants just as yours, in a lower scale, but if you say immigrants should be kicked from the country, at most some bitch will call you racist, you people are behaving like faggots, bending to the will of faggots, niggers and inmigrants

Well, they can hide anywhere, that counts as a super power.
And they are pure malice piloting a human sized EVA so yes. They have both

But alex killed gross brown people

>implying they're villains

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Keyword: Congress
If i have a bar and someone starts shit i'm allowed to kick them out, physically if needs be

Neither did Hitler

FUCK wh*Te "people"

USA is a strange case because of this. Legally, you can speak your mind more freely there than in many nations, but socially, they're so much of a hivemind and the doublethink is so strong there that you get metaphorically lynched and can have your life destroyed for saying some things.

freedom means nothing if your fellow citizens don't care about it, after all.

>Alex murdered a bunch of filthy Persians
>Hitler murdered millions of whites
I wonder which one white people would like more

>what is the holocaust?


>Nazis are evil
I'm afraid that's incorrect for the simple fact that Hitler did nothing wrong

What are some games that let me play as the real heroes?

Fake, there were no death camps only work camps

>murder is okay if it's whites that are getting murdered
'sup /leftypol/

many, many, games since, people outside what once was the USSR for some reason ignore the evils of the USSR

I'm pretty sure I've fapped to this

Do it again hitler

Do it again Hitler

>Stalin and Mao are remembered as "sort of jerks" while a man that killed a mere fraction of what they killed is humanity's biggest monster

So this...... is the power.... of the hebrew......

>what are the gas chambers?
>what are the crematory ovens?

Ah, I see, you don't need laws to silence when the populus silence itself

So you censor yourselves? Do you have to turn your brain off to live the american dream?, I thought I lived in a shithole

there is no murder in war

>Russian Version of GAME has stars the Warsaw pact
>"""""""Western""""""" of GAME censors it and makes you play as NATO and makes Russia the bad guys

Step right up, step right up and take a chance at the /his/ holohoax challenge!
The rules are simple: answer a question and win a prize!
So far none have taken up to the challenge, maybe today is the day?

you can. you just have to put up with other people who dont like your opinion
being a nazi, do the salute, rallying is allowed there unlike in europe. but once you commit racist/criminal act you get slammed with a hate crime.
it's literally Sup Forums


Maybe you see them as villains if in real life you want bad things to happen for civilized people.