If you play weeb games and JRPGs, do your friends and family know about it?

If you play weeb games and JRPGs, do your friends and family know about it?

Or do you keep it a secret for fear of embarrassment?

>friends and family

Literally nothing weeb about Persona. I don't tell anyone that I play incest loli games through. Not everyone has my patrician taste.

There is no need to hide what you're playing unless you're an insecure faggot.

meh only japshit i play are final fantasies and they're not that weeb

My wife was giving me shit today for playing Tales of Berseria, meh.

I don't hide that I play actual JRPGs like Nier, Suikoden, Trails and stuff along those lines, but I'm not really open about stuff like Ar Tonelico or Atelier, and fuck me I'm going to hide stuff like Moe Chronicle and Recettear

Im a weirdo for both of them. Playing jrpg would be the lesser evil of everything they know of me.

They don't really know about it, but I don't generally hang out with people that care or that I talk about it with.

No one must know my secret

Literally both my sister and I enjoyed Persona 5 and discussed about it at times, my parents on the other hand, I don't know.

I have no friends and why would my family care what games I play?

My bf (boyfriend) took away my gaming privileges for a week because he caught me playing this scene in Yakuza Ishin.

My friends know, and they're either as much of a vidya nerd or weeb as I am, or in the case of my more normalfag friends, don't give a shit cause they're harmless hobbies and I have enough self control not to talk their ears off about said hobbies.

Family, same. All non-weeb, don't care about my hobbies, though my dad is now retired and gaming hard.

Okay, I can understand Moe Chronicle. I can somewhat understand Gust games (although I don't see how they are more weeb than Kiseki or Suikoden). But what the fuck is wrong with Recettear?


My friends don't care because they're my friends
My family barely registers a difference between zelda and neptunia

A secret because I have no other choice.

I work in a very high position at a global consultancy firm so you can imagine what that means.

I get enough shit on my plate as it as. So the last thing I want is all the chads at my workplace and clients finding out that I spend my free time playing JRPGs set in high school.

My life would pretty much be over if word ever got out.

>High position at global consultancy firm
>posts on Sup Forums
Stop LARPing pal

this is not uncommon

see /biz/

I always thought that Japanese games are completely accepted by the normies for the most part (unless they really go all the way with pandering to lolicons or something with the game) and that it's just anime and manga that's considered embarrassing.