Loki was my starter.
Warframe thread
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Lobster was mine.
Color them to look like Eva units the game.
Lobster prime is best healslut, one of the dudes in our dream team EV's his way to glory.
But why Loki?
Why not?
Na, would rather stay and question this user's choice of frame.
>Loki was my starter
same senpai, good taste
When DE hates you less.
Found the true endgame.
>MFW alertain extract is the one part I need loads of.
>picked up game in january
>98 hours
>only played Oberon with tigris and vasto
>mostly solo due to garbage connection and hardware
what do I mean by this ?
I like Ivara better
>playing Warframe
>the current year
i wish you could play as Mobs for a little
Who /Ember/ here?
Why is the Ignis so fun?
Because you can equip it on Loki, duh.
Not OP, but I know when I picked him his abilities just sounded neat compared to Excal and Volt. And they billed him as the ~Advanced~ warframe choice when choosing.
Who actually enjoys "playing" Loki? You just stay invisible and complete whatever the objective is without any excitement.
>You just stay invisible and complete whatever the objective is without any excitement.
Every stealth frame ever.
I enjoyed playing Loki when you could go fast. Then they ruined everything forever for everyone.
>Implying Ash doesn't atleast *teleport behind u* and nothing personnel kid
Loki is literally just for ignoring combat.
remember the bros?
Mesa is best.
Was Loki shit or are people being retarded and don't know he was a starter before?
They know he was a starter, but Loki was an edgelord choice, and kinda sucked.
Post more fash
>Want Inaros
>The blueprint for his quest can only be bought from void jew
Why would they do this?
Can you handle the edge?
Wew lad.
>Yo-you don't need Tenogen to look good you guys!
>You can play my quest...
>F O R A S M A L L F E E
To set you up for disappointment
The only good thing I got from that quest was 4 sculptures, got one every time you go back to the tomb.
That skin for rhino is great because you can make the non-metallic parts look like exposed muscle, like you've done there.
But then the downside is that that's really the only thing that fits for those parts.
Just did one for it, yey.
>Buying Tenogen items
Why do Prime items and frames exist? Just to make you grind more?
>Finally get Vauban
>"Haha, good job pal, but did you know that Vauban PRIME is just a straight upgrade? Better get to cracking those relics open, goy!"
Eh, the only primes I care about are either locked away or have not even come out yet. So I'm not too fussed about them.
I do think that primes should be sidegrades, not straight upgrades like they tend to be. As it stands now, if there exists a prime version of something you want, there's no reason to bother with the non-prime version, practically making that item obsolete, except maybe as mastery fodder.
With weapons maybe, but non-prime frames are perfectly viable.
Loki is my city.
>Why do Prime items and frames exist? Just to make you grind more?
Goy access.
Oy vey
No, I think not.
low key
Volt was my starter
where are my void keys?
I play warframe for the robot ass
we all do
on that note,who has the best ass?
My burning nigga
Bitch is getting unvaulted next major update, get ready to farm one, or sell off any spare sets you have now.
Sold ember parts long ago. I might have relics with her since I had shitton of keys, like hundreds.
Ive stopped playing for about a year now and I have made over 1000s of plat.
Do I come back?
tfw warframe will never have jiggle physics
Do some new quests and quit till the openworld uptade.
>mfw I still have a ton of arcane helmets from the closet beta that I can sell to losers when primes are being unvaulted
I can't believe that there are people who seriously buy plat with real money when I make 800p a pop
Excellent taste.
Dont give up hope
Plat is like 7 bucks for 1k, though. You can be lucky and have a bunch of rare shit from the beta days, or you can work like a slave to make a few hundred plat by fucking with some kids.
You barely need plat anyway, I use mine mostly to buy relics because farming them is pure cancer.
I buy prime accessories 4 fashionframe and that comes with like 2kp
1k plat are $70 my dude
Maybe if you're playing on console or some shit.
Necros bros report in!
post yfw when Hydroid of all frames moved up like 3 tiers
loki was kinda good
his image was able to take away aggro instantly
he had invisibility that let you melee everything to death without getting killed and that was pretty neat
he was pretty fun to play with
and made the tough start of warframe easier compared to the other frame since you literally had 0 damage and weak hp
I haven't played in around half a year.
Anything good came out?
>ember prime is getting unvaulted
Last fucking time I spend money on this shitty game.
This is gonna drop soon.
Open world update coming Soon™
A reminder to keep spamming Quite Shy with more fucking Mags or Skill-Up with Argon decorations.
>What is 75% off