
>l-l-le fotm

>f-f-flavor of the half year

next (once it's the best seller on ps4, xbone, pc and AAA games are copying it)
>f-f-f-flavor of the decade

Woah. this just in Twitch is full of normies and they'll eat any trite up.
It's a shit game. Keep wasting your time shilling on Sup Forums like the sad cunt you are.

It's a fad game. People are only playing it because people are playing it.


>It's a fad game
>this is what vtards actually believe

Can you stop making the same post every fucking day? Kill yourself and enjoy your ban

>Implying this has any lasting value
Its popular currently because its a simple to understand shooter that is just glitchy enough to make wacky jokes with on twitch.

This has nothing to do with the quality of the game, its simply the latest streamer bait, made and marketed carefully to favor streamers. Once the next one rolls around, Battlegrounds numbers will drop drastically.

>>Implying this has any lasting value

People here really think this game is as strong as it is solely because of glitches and twitch memes....

>play game
>Literally 2nd match all the buildings on the entire map fail to load
>Can't do fucking anything
>Try another game
>All the cars are invisible
Truly a fucking masterpiece of a game. Totally not popular because every literally who twitch streamer plays it on that fucking cancer site.

it needs a new fucking name




I have NEVER had something that bad happen before. I've had an area not load its' buildings before, but that was once in the ~300 hours I've played so far.

Don't blame your own personal shitty experiences on the game itself.
Also >masterpiece
No one said it was a masterpiece. Shit, it even says it's early access. Don't go into it thinking it's perfect, because it's far from perfect. It's just a shit ton of fun to play with people.

>Works on my machine

Dude, he's THE Playerunknown.

Anyone who hasn't heard of him in this day and age has his head in the sand.

Buy more ram.

*works on everyones apart from yours

Get a life

You are genuinely sad. Like, you're actually pathetic.

I till don't fucking care for it, please, OP, next time you make a thread write the name of the game so I could autohide it. Thanks.
also sage

I'm gonna shit myself if this game wins GOTY like Overwatch did last year.

>thousands of people buying a shit game mean it's good

8gb is crap in 2017. Might as well have 2gb.

>he fell for the 8gb is all you need meme

It's DDR4 you moron.

why do people post these archive screenshots

who cares, filter the thread next time


>you have too little ram
>yeah but it's fast!
Are you a moron

>you actually fell for the DDR4 meme

Yeah, like I fucking said:

Reminder, you can in fact report flame bait threads.

because OP spends

There have been infinitely more shitposts like this than there ever we're posts boldly proclaiming that PUBG would die any time soon

>Don't have more than one screen
>Don't have ten thousand fucking apps opened at once
And VoilĂ . I don't fucking need more than 8GB.
Imagine trying to excuse your shitty game by saying I need an absurd amount of RAM just so it isn't a glitchy pile of shit. 8GB has literally never caused me any problems on any other title. You're all fucking plebs.

I wonder who could be behind this shitposting?
Fuck off back to foolz, you faggots.

M8 you're arguing with active shitposters. Are you brain damaged?

It doesn't? Its popular because the next big streamer bait isn't out yet. The next early access suvival/shooter turd that is squeezed out onto steam will take Battlegrounds place.

>And VoilĂ . I don't fucking need more than 8GB.
apparently you do

People love arena shooters. Just look at quake.

You do if you want to play this game.
>One screen
>Has to close everything to play games

it's notoriously hard to run you retard

Or maybe the game is just broken you retard. It's an early access shoddy unreal title. Woah.

Thank you for proving my point.

>Or maybe the game is just broken you retard.
Or maybe you just need more than 8gb of ram

What do you even need more than 8gb for? Name a single game that uses more than 6gb ram, most I've ever seen was supcom went to like 5gb one time but at that point it's on the verge of crashing.

Some games are harder to run than others, arma or any game at 4k will need 16


I have 8GB DDR3 ram and the game runs fine

call of duty, fifa and madden are all better than pubg


Apparently you "need" an SSD just to get the buildings to load when you land (which is arguably the most important time in the game).

>game doesn't get spectacular sales numbers
>"lmao look at this garbage game, didn't even sell 1 million copies!"

>game sells well
>"fucking normie game reeeee everyone who enjoys it is a fucking moron truly everyone's tastes are shit except mine"

A quick google shows that arma 3 is 32bit and can't use more than 4gb anyway.
As for gaming at 4k I really am not an expert but as far as I know you would need a lot more vram, actual ram won't make any difference rendering at higher resolutions.

Relax OP its literally just ARMA's hunger games.

>There will never be another socom

Im having fun playing this and no one will stop me

And op isnt shilling hes baiting yous and nerd rage out of you thats all.

Its a fun game, by no means finished and it will probably be buttfucked by ingame transactions and catering to 12 year old twitch viewers.

But it has a nice feel to it, it gives an insane rush when youre in a close firefight and you know, its a nice feeling headshotting someone from 500 meters away just to see their team go into panic mode and run around like headless chickens.
Also I made like 100 euros from crates and keys so i havent payed a dime for the game.

expect the jap rip off soon


Dude, imagine if Blizzard made a game called Blizzard's Battlegrounds expect you play as different Blizzard characters. Imagine then everyone calling PUBG a rip-off because based Jeff says that they've been actually developing this game since the company was formed