Why do people literally handicap themselves with fightsticks when something like the Hitbox exists?
Why do people literally handicap themselves with fightsticks when something like the Hitbox exists?
Because if I wanted to type like a retard, I'd buy a keyboard
There are keyboards made with Sanwa buttons?
I like fighting a little bit, im pretty casual. So i got myself a qanba q1, pretty happy with my decision. That being said hitboxes look pretty awesome and wish i could try one. I end up just playing blazblue and persona 4 ultimax with a dualshock 3. Upset about the dualshock 4's D pad....
Because hitboxes are literally for handicapped people.
No, the smash box is for handicapped people i.e. people who grinded their wrists to dust with a Gamecube controller, the Hitbox is for people who aren't retarded contrary to your belief
>literally having to rely on input shortcuts to cater to your shoddy control scheme
Have fun trying to play any fighting game pre Street Fighter 4 with that thing
The fuck are you talking about, the Hitbox movement controls are literally just a stick's switches but under your fingers instead of around a metal pole
Okay so how are you doing an SPD with no diagonals?
Call me autistic but the tactility of authentic controls is a big part of my enjoyment of arcade games.
Pressing two directions at once are diagonals
You know a standard arcade stick only has 4 micro switches right? Think about how diagonals would be accomplished with that.
Carpal tunnel?
>forward, hold two buttons, hold one button, hold two buttons, hold one button, hold one button
Wow sure sounds easier than twirling a stick once. Good thing input shortcuts exist
Playing tournaments on consoles was a mistake.
Why do people even shill hitbox trash?
The only reason to own a stick is to replicate an authentic arcade experience and you won't get that without a joystick.
It's just a stupid gimmick.
no one can be this stupid, this has to be bait. R-right?
I don't know if that's supposed to be sarcastic, but it's not only easier, it's faster aswell
Going from one button to two buttons to one button is surprisingly natural, and you don't have to move your wrist even once during the input
I don't even use a hitbox but you're a fucking retard. Can you really not see why having a finger devoted to each direction might be advantageous? Whether it's easier to learn is debatable.
>an authentic arcade experience
>Console 4F input lag
Why not just use a keyboard then?
There are keyboards with Sanwa buttons? And useable on console fighting games?
ghosting, extraneous keys in the way, PC only, less ergonomic
You didn't know you could use a keyboard on consoles?
Because keyboard keys aren't nearly as easy as arcade buttons. The actuation distance is greater on a key, and feedback isn't nearly as good, even with a mechanical keyboard.
not him. small buttons I guess.
>extraneous keys
Like all the other directional buttons on a hitbox that you aren't currently pressing?
You'll press those eventually, but not the extraneous keys on a keyboard
Come one, you could've figured this out
I just use a d-pad on my DS4 desu, people keep twlling me i cannot possibly be doing Kazuya's EGWF with that, but i have no clue if they are being fucking serious or not. I sure hope not.
>feedback isn't nearly as good
No, because as far as I know you can't play console fighters with a keyboard
>Playing fighting games on consoles
Enjoy your built-in 4F delay
The extra buttons on a hitbox only get in the way because you never need to press more than 2 of them at a time
How does that not meet the definition of extraneous?
Come on, you could've figured this out.
Fighting games besides Tekken 7 and without crossplay are dead on PC user, generally.
And arcades are dead in the west.
>buy keyboard
>rip out all keys you aren't going to use
come on, you could have figured this out
meant to quote
It's the closest you can get to it when arcades are dead.
At least people still recognize what it's used for when you have a joystick and buttons on a case.
>get a hitbox
>friend comes by
>"lol user what the fuck is this, a DDR controller for multiple people?"
Any alternatives that don't cost an arm to own?
Because if you don't use them, just lift your finger, come on, you could've figured this out
The switches are still gonna be in the way champ, come on, you could have figured this out
Not to mention 11 Sanwa buttons are a lot cheaper than a keyboard with equivalent switches
If I played on a keyboard I guess instant air/dive kicks would become infinitely easier. But I don't even feel like trying getting used to it.
Fighting Games are always dead everywhere, are you new to the genre?
They're significantly less dead on consoles.
Dead because of people like you that keep saying that.
If all thr guys that dont play on pc because of it being dead, dtarted playing on pc, it would have more players than consoles
>built-in 4F delay
What are you talking about?
The one problem I can think about is that TVs usually have huge input lag but that depends on model and you can use a computer monitor too.
Have any of you tried playing on a keyboard in the same advantageous way as a hitbox
No matter what setup I cannot find a position where I don't have to bend my wrists in a weird way
The problem with fighting games on PC is that Steam users love to play CSGO, DOTA, whatever the flavor of the month game is (e.g. PUBG) and that's it for multiplayer games. Everyone has Skullgirls by now but you'll almost never see someone with over ten hours in the game--and this is an older fighting game by now that's been on sale for $3 every sale for the past few years.They just don't want to play anything else multiplayer, they are too casual for anything that requires devotion and they can't blame on teammates.
And I'm not stirring the pot, I play fightan on PC myself because that's the only platform I have. But it's a real problem, and I hope by highlighting it I don't get attacked. This is just how it is in my eyes.
Your best bet as a fightan player on PC are discords, but outside of those, good luck lol.
Its a mix of people not playing anything other than SF and people playing on consoles because the community is established in a level where they dont feel the need to switch platforms coupled with the fact FG devs, especially anime fighter devs always treat PC as the dumping grounds for their FGs older versions. This only started changing recently and its not even consistent yet, see UNIEL.
Oh and most FGs have terrible netcode. Even SFV nowadays has it better and that's saying something.
t.BB PC player whos given up on ever playing it online
Vsync is a thing, on top of all the other shit that makes consoles ""just werk"" without any screen tearing or minor graphical glitches
Unlike a PC, you can't customize any of these settings
It's not the problem of not having teammates to blame, it's the problem of fighting game developers not being able to design fighting games that condition people to keep returning to play their game, unlike top Steam games such as CSGO and DOTA
Vsync doesn't stop 4 full frames, just 1 frame at most
But fighting game developers can condition their games to get console and arcade players to keep returning. The only variable here are PC players, so surely the problem is with devs and not that audience.
You're right that they can, but up until now there hasn't been a game like that
What I meant was there's no problem attracting console and arcade players to keep playing fighting games, but there is on PC. This is a PC audience issue.
A player with a hitbox didn't even make top 8 in any evo games this year
Now go get your shine box!
>Arcade gets dibs
>Consoles get 1st official release
>"Yeah, PC might eventually get it someday i dunno, maybe the previous version of it? Please understand" - FG devs & publishers
The nerve of this "PC audience" not buying into shitty practices I tell you.
Because I wanna play in arcades.
Fighting games at least are not dead in US.
You will never able to play BB/GG like a white man in EU. France Saturday lobby with 20 mlg_pros is best you can get.
But they do, because PC players gobble up delayed AAA releases.
Nah, they pirate those.
But I thought there was a problem attracting players on PC
Things hitbox makes easier:
>Dashing, especially IAD
Things it makes harder:
>Literally everything else
Yeah nah.
There isn't. Learn to reading comprehension. It's PC players' fault they're largely not interested in anything but the most popular and flavor of the month games, and indie games.
Looking at anyone's Steam profiles posted here, that tells a different story
I hope you realize literally every modern arcade games just runs on a windows PC and uses input via USB most of the time.
>steam profiles
>proving anything
Oh sweet summer child.
>this doesn't count as evidence because I say so
Honey, that's not how it works.
>anything a player's fault
Maybe the devs (and you for that matter) should look how top Steam games keep their players instead of ignoring all that and just blaming the players for the dev's incompetence of keeping a playerbase around
Literally everything is easier though
No sweety, it doesn't count as evidence because there's none. Anecdotal shit like "I saw steam profiles" works both ways because I can also say "I saw people pirating and I saw several torrent sites with seeders in the millions".
Again, people still wont accept buying into shitty practices. Finding out whether a platform has the latest version of an online multiplayer product is a literally a click away now and not even google is required.