Have you ever played video games with a girl, Sup Forums?
Have you ever played video games with a girl, Sup Forums?
just came here to post because the Vivian image....
and no
>playing gta 3 with with my bro
>that dumb Ambulance mission
>ALL cousins and relatives over for party at house
>f cousin comes in room
>all seats taken
>she sits on my lap and snatches the controller
>crashes into shit and cars
>taunting me laughing and squirming around as i try to grab controller of her
>grinding around and she leans back and stretches the controller up towards ceiling away from me
>hair in my face and full skinny body pressed against mine w/ girl smell
>immediately gives me diamond boner
>she get up and screams shrilly kind of fake laughing
>she sits in front of the tv as brother stops laughing
>resumes the mission
>awkward silence
I'm currently invisible on discord avoiding two girls that want to play with me.
>played with my sisters
>played with my sisters' friends
>played with my female friends
>played with my female co-workers
Because they were there and wanted to play? Their ability seemed to range from terrible to good, but I enjoyed playing with them all the same.
I played video games with girls a few times.
It wasn't once remotely enjoyable or fun.
My girlfriend likes mario kart. We played alot more games in the beginning like 7 years ago, but we still dust of the ol' Wii now and then
i am a girl, if that counts
played with my sister
played with my cousin
because they wanted to play?
>not enjoying vidia
>not enjoying a female companion
Typical faggot
or in other words, 95% of Sup Forums posters
Remember comrades, if you see a liberal talking about videogames, playing videogames, or making videogames... REPORT IT to your nearest GG station.
These people do NOT belong in OUR hobby so report all liberal behavior on sight.
Stay strong, we are with you.
I had a friend who'd destroy me in Injustice and competitive Pokemans
She was pretty and had large sacks of meat in her chest and I touched them once.
Yes, playing through SSE in Smash Bros Brawl with my sis was fun.
yes. the girl actually kind of looks like vivian aswell.
>he has never played with people that actually manage to make a game not enjoyable
you lucky fucking bastard.
I haven't met a real life girl who was actually decent or put effort into gaming, all were just the average girl who had little to no idea about videogames.
I did play with some girls I met onlie that were decent, but that's all.
Fuck off, underage.
I hate attention whores like you.
what would be the point of "attention-whoring" on an anonymous imageboard?
To get (You)s. Everyone knows that.
you are the only one in this thread playing into that though
did your heart flutter when you saw this (You)?
Okay, I'm done talking to you. At least I use proper grammar.
Yeah, played some pokemon stadium with a tinderwhore a few weeks back. Her idea, shitstomped her.
A fat chick I know is REALLY into Dota. I tried learning it for a while but there's so much shit to juggle and so many heroes to learn that I got tired quickly
Did you fuck?
You don't give up because you are not great at the game after 3 matches. You git gud and keep playing. Even my wife plays Dota with me every once in a while and while she mainly plays right click heros like Viper or Drow she at least trys.
Yeah, she was a friend and liked vidya
Finding girls that like games isn't _that_ hard. Getting a girlfriend that likes games and is a great gf is
haha wow sorry i triggered you so much, user
Yeah i played with two of my ex. Never again.
Yours is a shit post, but I will mention that I played Jak X multiplayer with mah sister.
How does one play video games with other people IRL if they have no console?
Yes with my friend from highschool, though she only plays weebshits and casual games like Kirby. She is a bit clingy so sometimes I get annoyed though I admit it's kinda the cute part of her.
I got an ex to play WoW with me. She somehow managed to make it to level 74.
Ended up cheating on me, but I deserve it for making someone else play Wow, probably.
Yes of course, i play wow with a friend who actually convinced me to go back to the Game again. She's cute and her ass tastes good
Yes but she sucks more at games than at dick. Why not?
I play with my trap gf regularly, but no pvp anymore, she consistently beats me stupid in anything she's played for more than 2 hours.
is it kewl havin a boyfrien?
I play Overwatch with two girls.
One from Poland and one from Slovenia.
They're both super chill and they're good at Dva and Zarya respectively.
It really doesn't matter that they're girls, as long as they're good team mates and can play their role and actually come online when I ask them what's the difference?
underrated post
>Get girlfriend into vidya
>She only plays RPG's with romance
>Will spend 10 hours in character customization
>Won't wear more powerful equipment if it isn't ascetically pleasing
>Won't learn anything other than run in and hit with sword
>Rage quits when she dies
>Rage quits when character she likes isn't romanceable
>Rage quits when confronted with any sort of puzzle
I have nothing but regrets
>Will spend 10 hours in character customization
>Won't wear more powerful equipment if it isn't pleasing to look at.
Basically me.
>OP asks about girls in vidya
>girl(female) says is into vidya
>WOOOOOOOOOW attention whore much?
Not the same user, but christ thats annoying
I've been playing competitive dress up while reading this thread.
>female friend likes playing vidya
>we occasionally play fighting games
>she just picks the funniest looking character (usually the one with the biggest hitbox and that hits like a truck)
>she does only standard moves and is always on aggressive
>this triggers competitive me and I end up beating her with no mercy
>I get even more mad when she wins by spamming the same move
I fucking hate her now that I think about it
Is this trolling?
I used to play League of Legends with this one dude and her girlfriend. She was a good person and a decent support player. Haven't heard of her ever since I stopped playing, but my cousin's still good friends with them
do steam friends count? if not maybe it was 7 or 8 years ago I played wii sports with this girl of my town I knew thanks to facebook or twitter I don't remember
long ago with the sister of a friend of mine
she had to get a std test at 13yo because she fucked a 18yo in croatia on holiday.
Other female friend had to get a abortion at 11yo
My views on women aren't the most healthy ones.
Yeah, my ex. Turns out that the only game she ever could muster any continuous energy for was WoW. She would very rarely try other games with me, but would also be stuck with WoW over doing really anything else.
She plays WoW over finding a job, paying her rents etc to this very day, as far as I know.
t. someone who's never seen a vagina
But of gg are liberals though
>girl plays LoL
checks out
Just finished Bloodborne with a female friend.
Squad. She is clearly gf material. Lay that confession on her user.
>I support Milo because I'm a TRADITIONAL liberal!
lol these kids couldn't be any dumber
Just do
And walk away. GG is one of the starting points of the redpill. They'll learn the truth eventually.
My ex-girlfriend was really good at Margot's Word Brain and we'd compete against each other on the leaderboards all the time. Otherwise we'd play Kirby's Avelanch and Puzzle Fighter or the old Mario games pretty often. Her friend was really into fighting so we'd do that when she was around.
Played mario kart with my girlfriend. I picked Wario and spent 40 minutes shouting IMMA GONNA WIN. Her disgust only motivated me more.
yeah, smash with a friend of mine. the fact that at first i insisted in giving myself a handicap (2 or 3 stocks less than her) and all the matches were somewhat close with a few victories under her belt was pretty embarassing
she wouldn't go away
>All these people with girlfriends
HOw do you do it?
Does my mother count?
I've played some games with my niece. Those were fun.
I miss those moments.
Yes she is an obnoxious cunt and an "internet gf" of my friend. Fuck that stupid bitch.
I own one of those!
dwarf puffers are cute! CUTE!
well what did she expect to happen? even if every seat was taken why would she sit on your lap
yea, can only say one of them didn't turn out to be a cunt
funny enough can say the same about the dudes
miss both of them, wasn't anything romantic or whatever, they were both just really cool people
Why do you faggots do this? Why can't you just admit that you're a gay guy with a boyfriend?
Uni studies show that your odds of getting a random (keyword) member of the opposite sex to agree to have sex with you on the spot is around 10% if you are a man. 30% if you are a woman. Just keep asking chicks and you will have a gf by the tenth try, so long as you pick girls at random.
Played killing floor 2 with a dyke before. Her constantly saying she wants to fuck the female characters was an interesting experience.
i played pubg with boys yesterday, it was really fun but im really bad at it
>wanting to just have sex
>not wanting love that last til marriage where you raise a family and not get cucked or anything
It's more then just getting laid man
Same, my gf is borderline retarded but she's some kind of idiot savant at Mario kart. Doesn't care about vidya other than Nintendo shit, she took an interest in me playing witcher 3 but had no desire to try herself.
People hook up because they want sex most of the time. The other stuff comes later.
Oh and there was one girl I was friends with in chorus who would invite me to play MMOs with her and then always play really far ahead of me. When we played together I would just kind of stand around while she killed all the monsters in one hit before I could reach them.
Even if that was how statistics worked it's way easier to get casual sex than a girlfriend. Everyone wants to fuck but hardly anyone wants to deal with your problems unless you have a lot you to offer them.
Stupid disneyfag
Gotta start somewhere
Started co-oping RE: Revelation 2 with a girl I wanted to date. She ended up just wanting to stay friends and nothing more.
spent over $500 on things for her just to get blue balled
One time I was at an overnight party with some friends, and when it was winding down and half the people went to bed, I decided to crash and play destiny. While I was, the last girl left awake sat on the couch next to me. She said some stuff like "This looks fun" or "You're good at this." Then she bawled up crying in the fetal position yelling about how she didn't want to be pregnant.
I was of course, very confused, especially because she wasn't pregnant. I tried talking to her but she was unresponsive, so I had to wake up one of her friends to ask for help. They managed to get her to bed and explained that she fucked someone she didn't know in her car next to a burger king the day before, and didn't use protection. She was super worried that she got pregnant from it, and apparently she actually fucked random guys in parking lots quite a bit.
She didn't get pregnant, but no one in my friend group talks to her anymore, she is kinda crazy. I chock it up to her parents being really goddamn controlling in her young life, seems like she got the freedom of adulthood and went too far with it. Wasn't properly introduced to risk.