Why can't Sup Forums appreciate military shooters?
Why can't Sup Forums appreciate military shooters?
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Because the instant hatred when you fuck up is real and I don't work all day to get chewed out by autistic teenagers for not following an armoured column.
>wahh too arcadey
>wahh too realistic
>wahh too competitive
>wahh too casual
They damage your brain.
they need friends to be enjoyable
Sup Forums has no friends
I do actually like them.
It's just a shame that the last mechanically good one was Vietcong back in 2003, and the last one at least somewhat cinematically pleasing was Modern Warfare in 2007.
Ignoring SpecOps which was... interesting but not really good as a game, there has not been a single military shooter that would be good.
Unless of course, you also include Milsims. We at least have some traction there.
too masculine
Sup Forums is gay and effeminate
Military is also gay as fuck
it needs a way to generate random maps to stop map awareness for newer players so that the experience always stay fresh and new.
i got really pissed off at red orchestra 2 for 10hrs before "enjoying" it with a camping spot on each map that i never leave to rack up kills without getting seen.
the heavy reliance on smoke was just bs
People who played action video games that involve first-person shooters, such as Call of Duty and Medal of Honor, experienced shrinkage in a brain region called the hippocampus, according to a study published Tuesday in Molecular Psychiatry.
They're a dime a dozen. None of them are really unique, that different from the others. They need variety and diversity to really be enjoyable after a couple of hours. Something to keep coming back to. I will say though, Homefront was amazing, shame the servers were taken down.
>and the last one at least somewhat cinematically pleasing was Modern Warfare in 2007.
MOH reboot was pretty fucking good. Plus a rare game that lets you play as Delta guys.
everyone wants to be some faggot snowflake with custom skins
Except that is not brain damage. It's a normal and completely reversible expression of neuroplasticity.
Really, the cunt that wrote the first article misrepresenting the findings of the study as "brain damage" and that then a whole bunch of other cunts reposted deserves to be shot.
Or at least sent to prison for a few weeks, then given life-long ban from public writing. Seriously: this is no fucking joke. This kind of shit is absolutely disgusting. If nowhere else, then when it comes to presentations of scientific findings, journalists SHOULD be legally accountable for what they do.
I dont like shooters
Really "what"?
Really as in "is it really not brain damage"? Because in that case: Yes. You can actually check the article itself, it's called "Effect of games on Neuroplasticity" and it explicitly states that some kinds of actions increase the hypocampal gray matter volumes while other decrease it, proving that it is, in deed, reversible neuroplasticity and not irreversible damage.
They even made a later statement where they explicitly say that it really does not mean that people should not play action games or that they are some kind of threat to health.
If "really" means "Do you really think jounralists should be severally punished for misrepresentation of scientific data", then the answer is also YES. That is what I'm entirely convinced off.
Git gud man. How can you be a grown ass man and be that bad that teenagers flame you?
Only cod and moh.
Vietcong was shit bro. You were probably 13 that's why you dont remember correctly.
So you are basically too lazy to put in 10 hours to learn maps in a videogame? I understand modern gaming now lol. Also you can run around killing everybody in ro2 on public servers... like seriously crouchwalk and hipfire a mg 34. And how can you even critizise the need to use smokes in a tactics-shooter? >one like another
Citation needed
Get rich.
>Vietcong was shit bro. You were probably 13 that's why you dont remember correctly.
Last time I replayed Vietcong was two years ago. While it has a few flaws, it's still the one of the best military shooters ever made. Has not been topped since.
Ok. Whatever you like. No disrespect, but you are probably the only person who wasnt part of the development team and thinks that way.
>No disrespect, but you are probably the only person who wasnt part of the development team and thinks that way.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Vietcong was a major fucking success. Hell, we used to have regular Vietcong multiplayer server-up threads just four or five years ago here. It has user score of 8.8 on meta. Still has a cult like status around eastern europe.
>>wahh too realistic
Never heard that before. The opposite I've heard a million times
Well atleast in militaries they try to put on a masculine facade, Sup Forums is proudly gay.
The moment Sup Forums like a fps you know it's complete shit. I mean what is it even about this game that males it outstanding for you?
Because you dont play coregames like milsims? Wont have ppl argue with too high realism in bf or cod.
>The moment Sup Forums like a fps you know it's complete shit.
Yeah. All those awful FPS games like Stalker, Painkiller etc...
>I mean what is it even about this game that males it outstanding for you?
Good gun model and sounds, solid level design (with few exceptions, the tunnels were really dragging out for a bit too long), cover system that was better implemented than most of it's competition at the time, absolutely amazing story, writing, music, graphics for it's time, mostly really well designed mission with a lot of variety, great pacing, great attention to detail, and very, very good balance between realism and arcade mechanics that never felt like simplifying things too much, but still provided that heavily cinematic image of war that this genre was always about.
The gameplay was functional, sometimes really fun, sometimes a bit frustrating, but the game absolutely excelled at creating the image and atmosphere people sought from Vietnam war focused fiction. WITHOUT compromising the gameplay.
That is the best you can ever expect from a military shooter.
Now how about you explaining what was wrong with it? And really, WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK gave you the impression that nobody liked the game. Asinine Sup Forums's taste is always bad when it suits my point of view aside: what the fuck?
And yeah. Sup Forums playing a 12 years old shooter on the regular for years and years totally does not suggest that the multiplayer audience was just big and can still hold up to scrutiny.
Lol you can say everything about what you just said for a fucking codgame.
My god can you faggots even articulate yourselves properly?
Fucking seriously? Even the average joe hated that trash.
What the fugg?
>Yeah. All those awful FPS games like Stalker, Painkiller etc...
Exactly. Lame ass games where you move your lonely ass through boring levels and cant even play other people.
Sorry but there is literally no argument except for the coversystem since everything else is outdated anyways. People are also playing cod-multiplayer. Does that mean cod is a good game now?
You type like a fucking fag, dude.
So, how good is Squad, anons? I tried it, wasnt too good, and now want opinions from different ppl.
>Lol you can say everything about what you just said for a fucking codgame.
Nope. You can't defend CoD's level design, or claim that it does not balance realism with cinematic nature. They have a strict linear path, repeatedly take control away from player for scripted cinematic sequences, do not punish player for being shot, force no medium-scope commitment on him.
>My god can you faggots even articulate yourselves properly?
Is this supposed to be ironic?
>Exactly. Lame ass games where you move your lonely ass through boring levels and cant even play other people.
Dude, I know you are probably a child and have been through some really rough shit, but just going around saying "NO WHAT U LIKE IS SHIT HAHAHAHA I SUPER SMARTY!" is not actually cool. It's in fact pathetic.
Do you have a point to actually make "hahaha I dismiss things other people say that makes me cool"?
If not, I'm going to happily ignore you and your pathetic cries for help and attention.
I rest my case.
It's kinda frightening when you realize how many of you people come here with explicit intention to humiliate themselves in public.
I dont get what is supposed to be cool about videogames. Seems like you are the one stuck in that reality and projecting.
Protip: vg dont make ou cool bro and liking shitty 2003 shooters while having no idea about shooters also doesnt. Just stfu kid. Nobody cares about the opinion of a retarded noob.
>repeatedly take control away from the player
Except in MW1 and 2 you are constantly in control, with death scenes being the only exception. That and they aren't as strictly linear as you might think since you can actually defy the script at points (going guns blazing during stealth sections etc.) modern CoDs might be a lot worse on that front, but I haven't played any past BO2.
You are retarded.
They are gay.
these desu
What are you talking about? I love COD
You fucking dumb bitch. Neuroplasticity peaks after childhood, then it falls off, you're mostly stuck with a shit brain when you play video games all day. That's why neurosurgery has higher success rate with children than with adults.
>Just stfu kid. Nobody cares about the opinion of a retarded noob.
Let me guess: you started arguing semi-seriously, but the very few seconds you saw it going south you do this, because nobody can think you are just an idiot if you play the "but I'm just shitposting card", right?
Well, about that: I have some bad news for you.
>Except in MW1 and 2 you are constantly in contro
Not really if you consider all the interrogation scenes, and chase scenes, and door-breach scenes, and vehicle segments where you have zero control.
It's incredibly restrictive compared to Vietcong. Sure, MW1 still had it's moments. I actually kinda liked it. MW2 MUCH LESS (remember the fucking sledge scenes? Yeah...)
But you can't say the level design is good. You can start shooting in a corridor where the game suggests you "sneak" (meaning really just you push an instakill button?) Great.
Vietcong frequently throws you into a 1x3km piece of jungle and says "well your objective is on the other side, go nuts". The good design comes from the fact that the landscape facilitates multiple different paths and play options as well as small stuff to explore.
Not really the same things. That said, not all the levels are like that. Some because the mission logic forces less options (like when you are defending a hill from attacks on all sides, which logically does not give you much of an option to go and sneak around). Few missions were just not up to par purely mechanically (Hochimin's Trail mission was needlesly narrown, the swamp clearing was needlessly flat, for examples).
But still it's a lot less handholding design than anything CoD used - even in it's earlier games.
Please stop talking about shit you clearly don't understand...
Because over-saturation.
basically everything post MW2 has a bad case of taking itself too seriously but still fail to reach CoD4 level of story telling.
Whats that more "realistic" fps where in the story your commander is constantly shouting shit like "RULE 23: KEEP RUNNING YOU FAT FAGGOT."
I've read Dr. Ben Carson's journal entries. If you don't believe me you can read them yourself. He clearly mentions that from his experience as a Pediatric Neurosurgeon, that this is indeed the trend.
But ArmA is one of my favorite games.
this, but I'd hardly call it a shooter, it's more of an actual military simulator series, ArmA 2 is god tier
I enjoy them
In other news: I like to "shoot" often on OP's mom
>Why can't Sup Forums appreciate military shooters?
>People arguing about Cod
>One mention of ARMA
Because all you faggots think Quake-for-casuals CoD run and gun fests are military shooters.
>play military shooter
>guy you play as is silent and never speaks to anyone even in situations where there are people over the radio asking for a response
>every helicopter you ride in is made of paper and gets shot down
>I've read Dr. Ben Carson's journal entries. If you don't believe me you can read them yourself.
I've read about ten or eleven books and so many articles I've lost count already.
You are a fucking moron because YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND what the article states. It's not that you are wrong (or completely wrong at least) about the fact that neuroplasticity generally peaks in young age (some research suggest early adolescence, actually, not childhood) and then gradually decreases.
But YOU somehow translated that into "there is no neuroplasticity past childhood to talk about" you fucking retard. When reacting to an article that actually emprically describes positive growth in hippocampal matter in test subjects exposed to spacial-memory-demanding games like 3D platformers among people of the same demographic bracket none the less.
Neuroplasticity may peak in early age, but it remains a big thing through out your entire life. In fact, much of the research actually matters less than the state of your cardiovascular system (meaning that 50 years old man of high health who exercises regularly will display greater/faster neuroplasticity than a 30 years old obesse chain smoker).
People well above the age of 50 have been observed to partially recover capacity to move, speak etc... after excessive damage to corresponding narrow profile areas of their brain in the past many, many times.
So does it slow down a bit as you age? Yes. Does that actually mean that it dissappears, that the research is wrong, or that my interpretation of the research is wrong? NO. And again: the research proving positive gain in gray matter volume to subjects tested on platformers flat out proves that shit.
I'd also talk about how you really actually need to define what you mean by "success" of neuro-surgery because it's not that simple, but I'm running out of space here.
Just don't think you understand the shit after misreading one article.
where my raven shield niggas at
I mean I know what your saying here and I agree it's bullshit but man, it's amazing helicopters fly in the first place. It's not overly difficult to shoot one down. Not as easy as vidya makes it but they are precision built machines. Doesn't take much to cause some serious issues with it's operation.
Excuse me, are you a doctor?
Also I suggest that there is no neuroplasticity beyond childhood, I never said that, I said it decreases beyond childhood and can take a long time for your brain to rewire to its optimal capacity.
You're just a fucking kid who thinks he read a pop sci magazine with the cover on "neuroscience" and thinks he read 20 articles on it.
Your whole argument is centered around me saying it doesn't exist, it's flawed.
You don't even know what "success" neurosurgery means. It means no paralysis or brain damage from the surgery, the person's post surgery state is equal to his pre-morbid state.
I'm pre-Med btw, and I've seen this "old people recovering functions", only a small percentage of brain damaged stroke victims recover their functions to their pre-morbid state, an old man with a stroke once told me he rather be euthanised, looks like he's not one of the lucky ones to walk out of this. The
Either fucking educate yourself or get out.
>You're just a fucking kid who thinks he read a pop sci magazine with the cover on "neuroscience" and thinks he read 20 articles on it.
Says the person who made these posts?
What the fuck is wrong with you kid?
Like: seriously. There is something seriously very very wrong and sad about this.
Are those two posts not made by you?
And if they are: Why the fuck are you lying on the internet about your education? And why are you insulting someone who provided much more complex and indepth explanation of the problem YOU MISREPRESENTED?
What is the fucking point of any of this?
You called me a dumb bitch for pointing out that what the article claims is not actually brain damage, but reversable neuroplasticity, and you pointed out how that only peaks with children and anyone else is, and I quote: "with shit brain".
So yeah, you denied the relevance of neuroplasticity and you tried to call me out on what is clealy your hugely over-estimated understanding of the degree of decay of neuroplatic properties of the brain.
And also you tried to defend yourself by saying "OH but I've read this doctors journal".
How, after explaining how the thing works in much greater detail, do you go to "you should educate yourself more, hurrrr!".
No, I just presented far better and more detailed knowledge of the subject matter you retard, and provided that your initial assualt on what I said was misguided.
It's that simple.
How can you EVER go around saying that I'm the one who needs to be educated on the subject after this? What fucking insanity possess you to think that is the appropriate reaction?
>It means no paralysis or brain damage from the surgery,
Actually, no. It can mean succesfull remedy of what ever neuropathology you need to solve, but it also can mean the amount of cognitive damage you cause, and the patients ability to recover from that.
The two are not the same.
>much more complex and in depth explanation
lol, you think that it doesn't exist after, but I'm just gonna tell you it does.
>lying about my education
You really going to stoop that low to get your point across?
>denied existence of neuroplasticity
I never did that, flawed, give me a better argument
>far more detailed argument
Just a bunch of claims with no logic to back it up.
Ok, why not you tell me the 4 letter acronym for diagnostics all early Doctors are encouraged to use.
This is something that stays in the hospital.
Also all Doctors strive to get the patient to pre-morbid state. It's inside all the fucking charts, you can check it out if you actually spent hours upon hours in hospital rotations.
>lol, you think that it doesn't exist after, but I'm just gonna tell you it does.
Speaking of neurology... do you maybe have some kind of irreversible problem yourself? Because that sure as hell reads as something a person having an epileptic seizure might type. What the fuck?
>You really going to stoop that low to get your point across?
Yet more completely out of place screams?
>I never did that, flawed, give me a better argument
This is really what it all boils down to, so I need an explicit answer from you.
Did you post these two posts or not?
Answer Yes or No.
I play battlefield and I would say it's currently too "realistic." Compare Battlefield 3,4, and One to the greatest battlefield ever, Bad Company 2. In Bad Company 2 you can't go prone, there is no suppression mechanic, the field medic is the machine gunner, there's no deployable bipods, there was massive bullet drop with snipers, the bullets moved slower, and no scope sway.
There is other things but the point is changing these things because of realism made the Battlefield series worse off. When the developers say "we don't know why Bad Company 2 was so good," It's because they think realism in games only makes them better.
>Not the most authentic Vietnam War game
If I was you, I honestly would have hurt myself for having such philistine taste.
Yes I did make those posts.
>neuroplasticity peaks after childhood then falls off
Means, it's at it's greatest effect, then it drops to low levels. As mentioned in the book, Do No Harm, by renowned neurosurgeon, Henry Marsh, the critical period of Neuroplasticity occurs during one's childhood days.
>you'll mostly stay with a shit brain throughout
I don't see you having pure eidactic memory after growing up. Just like how I don't see many stroke victims coming back from their brain damage. Schizophrenics recovering from their mental disorder. Dyslexics recovering.
>did you read the word 'mostly'
It's a qualifier, it means most but not all cases.
Unless you're saying everyone has Super neuroplasticity throughout their lives, at which case, is proven false by not only world class neuroscientists and neurosurgeons but also empirical data from actual real life Hospitals.
Face it, you can't win, I've crafted my words carefully just so that you would fall into this trap. You can't identify qualifiers what makes you think you can talk to me about neuroscience?
I very much enjoy arma 3 and rising storm 2.
By the way, that is cute but irrelevant.
Because it does not solve the problem. See:
If you are doing a research or diagnostic through an invasive procedure, such as a biopsy, and for whatever reason you fail to retrieve the sample you need, then the patient might go back to pre-morbid state but your surgery was still not a success.
On the other hand, if you are doing something like the good old drastic psychosurgery (such as amygdalotomy, then your procedure might be completely succesful, but the patient won't go back to pre-morbid state and will be left with very long term cognitive alteration.
This is why you should be more specific in what you consider priority, because going back to pre-morbid state is only USUALLY what you want, not always.
>Yes I did make those posts.
Great. Then I'm right. You called me a bitch because I CORRECTLY AND DIRECTLY reflected the actual content of this article
and declared that I'm a "bitch" because neuroplasticity peaks at children and rest is left with "shit brain".
To which I replied with detailed explanation how neuroplasticity works.
I provided much more detailed and indepth explanation for the problem (and was actually still right about representation of the research of the Ontario team).
And then you just continued throwign shit.
So... what is the point here? What are you trying to say. The entire sum of what you said about Neuroplasticity is "it only peaks with children and the rest is left with shit brain".
Objectively I provided more in depth and correct explanation of the problem. How can you deny this? Do you actually identify any part of what I said as wrong?
Do you think "non-children are left with shit brains" is actually more in depth or correct desription of the phenomenon of neuroplasticity and the particular impact of videogames as described by the Ontario group?
>Means, it's at it's greatest effect, then it drops to low levels.
We could have another argument about what counts as "low", but it's irrelevant. You suggested that after childhood, neuroplasticity cannot secure recovery from the loss of matter caused by FPS games.
Which the article proves wrong, so there is nothing to discuss here.
You are also still ignoring the importance of other health factors?
>don't see you having pure eidactic memory after growing up.
You don't actually see that in children either. I mean there are exceptions, but you seem to be suggesting that eidetic memory is normal phenomenon in children. It's not.
>Just like how I don't see many stroke victims coming back from their brain damage.
Great, we confirmed that age is among other factors affecting degree of neuroplasticity. Which is something I confirmed in my first post? I never said that neuroplasticity and age do not correlate. What the fuck ARE you trying to prove here?
>Schizophrenics recovering from their mental disorder. Dyslexics recovering.
Those are VERY different cases than stroke victims. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU EVER ACTUALLY EQUATE THE CASES?!
You... are a doctor? And you don't know the difference between mechanical neurological damage and developmentary deviation? Schizophrenics are not brain-damanged for fuck sake! Of course they don't recover: that has fuck all to do with brain damage?
What the fuck?! What is wrong with you? This is your attempt to prove yourself educated on the subject?
>Unless you're saying everyone has Super neuroplasticity throughout their lives
I said very specifically that majority of people have sufficient neuroplasticity to recover from the alteration caused by excessive playing of call of duty, kid.
That is what you called me "a bitch" for. Despite it being directly proven by the study in question.
>Face it, you can't win,
Uh... you just said that Shizophrenia is the same kind of neurological problem as stroke.
So what? You agree with me? Children who play video games all day have small hippocampus which is the site that stores One's short term memories, and when they grow up they tend to be more forgetful?
Anyways, you can find a lot of articles on "critical period" of neuroplasticity.
>This plasticity of the brain is also maximal during the critical periods.
Can also read medical journals from pioneers of neuroplasticity like, Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Henry Marsh and even Norman Doidge.
Anyways, it's undeniable most people's neuroplasticity peaks at childhood which is the critical period, at which it falls off, to lower levels. So you don't see people with schizophrenia getting better or even dyslexics.
You keep arguing with me, NO YOU ARE SAYING THAT IT DOES NOT EXIST.
While I actually say it exists but it falls off to low levels as you grow up. So you likely just get stuck with what you have with minor improvements. If it were as plastic as you say, there would be no need for the field of psychiatry, the brain would be able to rewire itself to maintain it's optimal function when one area is damaged.
My main argument still stands, it peaks at childhood, and falls off as you grow up, you'll likely have a shit brain if you end your critical period with a shit brain.
And yes, I know how Neuroplasticity works, thank you.
Again, I never said Schizophrenia is the same problem as a stroke. You took my words out of context. I never explicitly wrote, Schizophrenia, JUST LIKE Stroke victims, don't even recover from them.
I just quoted a few instance of evidence of why neuroplasticity is low to the extent it can't cure your shit brain fully.
And yes, neuroplasticity does help schizophrenia, newsweek.com
Can you stop taking my words out of context? Just use my words as it is? When I never said, just like, I mean I never said just like.
Is this how you argue with other people?
>(this is out of context)People who have burns in the knee don't recover, people who have cuts in the knee don't recover.
This is you.
Can we hold off on the derails
I enjoy Rising Storm 2 although I haven't played in a while, kinda binged to heavily and burnt out
>So what? You agree with me?
Well, I thought the "you are right about neuroplasticity decreasing with age but you completely misuse that information in this context" was pretty clear.
>Children who play video games all day have small hippocampus
Children who play spatial-memory-demanding games like Mario have increased hippocampal mass. That is what the article proves.
Actually it proves that the same goes for ADULTS AS WELL.
Do you even know what we were talking about?
Because I really suspect that you just called me a bitch because I mentioned something related to neuroplasticity and you REALLY wanted to flaunt around the common knowledge that neurplasticity does indeed decrease with age.
You don't seem to have the faintest clue what I was talking about in the first place...
>This plasticity of the brain is also maximal during the critical periods.
>You keep arguing with me, NO YOU ARE SAYING THAT IT DOES NOT EXIST.
What part of:
>It's not that you are wrong (or completely wrong at least) about the fact that neuroplasticity generally peaks in young age
Are you did you NOT GET?
>My main argument still stands, it peaks at childhood,
My argument that this is not really in any way related to what I was saying also still stands.
It's still the same problem: You misunderstood what that claim implies for the problem of impact of games on neuroplasticity. Which is what I made absolutely crystal clear from the start.
I also provided additional detail, like the fact that besides age, other factors play a major role:
For one of many examples. Which again illustrates that my recollection of the problem is broader and more complex than yours.
Which somehow STILL made you claim that I am the one who needs to educate himself.
But then again you are the person who thinks Dyslexia and Schizophrenia are brain damage, so...
>I never explicitly wrote, Schizophrenia, JUST LIKE Stroke victims, don't even recover from them.
You included them in a list of examples of types of brain damage that brain cannot recover from in older age. Seriously, this is some of the most pathetic backtracking I'VE EVER seen in my life.
Neuroplasticity has absolutely NO baring on developmental abnormalities. Those examples have NOTHING to do with what you were talking (capacity of brain to recover from damage) because they are examples of brain damage.
>And yes, neuroplasticity does help schizophrenia, newsweek.com
That is an interesting research I never heard about. It actually just say that certain types of training can help with certain symptoms of schizophrenia, but even that is quite fascinating.
That said: That just proved you wrong on the claim that patients can't recover from schizophrenia because neuroplasticity beyond the age where schizophrenia manifests have LOW neuroplasticity.
You literally said: "adults can't recover from schizophrenia because the neuroplasticity drops too low after childhood. Oh hey here is an article about how adult patiens recover from schizophrenia thanks to sufficient levels of neuroplasticity..."
I mean thanks for the article, but you should maybe sometimes stop and realize what you are really saying here.
>Is this how you argue with other people?
Says the person calling other people "bitch" because they accurately represent a research paper?
And then flat out saying I'm denying decrease of neuroplasticity with age after I've said QUOTE:
>It's not that you are wrong (or completely wrong at least) about the fact that neuroplasticity generally peaks in young age
You don't get to complain about me not correctly representing what you said after that, kiddo.
some newer I enjoyed was Medal of Honor: Airborne, Frontlines: Fuel of War and CoD: World at War.
MoH:Airborne has rather crude core gameplay, but actually tried to add new elements to gameplay, semi-open maps, uniqe respawn system and fluid cover system. This made it interesting to play.
Frontlines is oddball, because it's objectively pretty shit, but I enjoyed near complete freedom in how to approach objectives, including use of enemy vehicles stolen at their respawn point.
World at War, not gonnal lie, it's the atmosphere, "metal as fuck" I might say. Great sountrack too.
I agree with you that the hippocampus be completely resolved by neuroplasticity, but it will take a very long time due to the drop of in neuroplasticity after the critical period, so it's not worthwhile enough to harp on it. Best thing to do is to not play too much video games when you're a young child, and you can play it as much as you want as an adult. In Ben carson's book he also wrote that accents are developed and stay for the 1st language you learn in childhood and after that, any other language you use would have the accent of that first language, as the brain has already wired itself to work in that way. I realised that you keep taking my words out of context.
>you denied the relevance of neuroplasticity
I never denied the relevance of neuroplasticity, i acknowledged it was there, but not as high of a level as you to think that it's this magic spell that can cure all my problems.
>adults never recover from schizophrenia
>It's a qualifier, it means most but not all cases
My claim is that I acknowledge the possibility it can cure, but it's very very low percentage. MOSTLY.
Because they're slow and boring.
>Just like how I don't see many
You need to start taking a lesson to read qualifiers. I never outright said no. You took my words out of context and said no one, but I said to a very small percentage.
Fuckin dumb bitch
>I agree with you that the hippocampus be completely resolved by neuroplasticity, but it will take a very long time due to the drop of in neuroplasticity
Well, the other half of the research suggeting quite rapid increase in hippocampal matter when playing platformers suggest that it might be a lot easier to recover than you suggest.
In the end, it's going to depend on whenever you are using that part of your brain or not. Neuroplasticity reflects heavy use. Your recovery is going to be depending on whenever you train that part of your brain more than anything else.
Of course if you don't train it, then it's not going to recover at all, or it's going to normalize to the "pre-intense playing" slowly. And of course, the older you are, the slower it will be. Other factors in the "recovery" speed will be: genetics, diet, potential traumas, toxins etc...
>Best thing to do is to not play too much video games when you're a young child,
Actually, the "speed at which it recovers being dependent on your brain" suggests that it's safer to play more as a kid than as an adult, because as a kid you'll be able to fix it faster...
I think this is all slightly bordering on hysteria though. First of all: the research proves BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE POSSIBLE IMPACT ON TWO TYPES OF GAMES FOR ONE SPECIFIC REGION. And Two: people act as if games were somehow unique in their effect on neuroplasticity.
But honestly, every activity you take will affect it in some way or another. Watch too much TV, do too much sports, read too much and I can guarantee it will have some undesired side effect too.
Sure: EVERYTHING needs to be done in moderation.
>you can play it as much as you want as an adult
But the research shows otherwise. They tested adults. It was ADULTS that manifested the hippocampus shrinkage upon playing shooters, and growth upon playing platformers.
Clearly being an adult to does not shield you from the transformative impact on brain that games have.
Ok I'm glad you understood where I was coming from.
>My claim is that I acknowledge the possibility it can cure, but it's very very low percentage. MOSTLY.
That was not your claim, actually. Your claims that I'm a bitch, for some reason.
Your initial post, the one about me being a bitch, came across entirely as you saying that my claim about the effect of FPS on hippocampus being temporary and reversible is wrong.
That is literally the only interpretation anyone could derive from that post.
I said:
"As the research CLAIMS, playing FPS does not cause brain damage, merely reversible neuroplasticity alteration."
To which you replied:
"You are a bitch, neuroplasticity drops off after childhood, most people will be left with shit brain after that".
Assuming that you contradict my claim, I pointed out that while neuroplasticity decreases with age, you over-estimate the impact of the drop-off rate. There is evidence for that: the article proves that even adults can recover from the loss of hippocampal matter - simply by switching to a different genre of games.
And it's there you started screaming how I need to be educated and throwing around a whole bunch of bullshit. Everything else is you desperately kicking and screaming up till this post: (was that you? Because that was the first reasonable thing said here).
It's simple.
Excessive FPS causes decrease in hippocampal matter.
Playing same amounts of 3D platformers causes increase of said matter.
All of this is because brain (even adult one) has the capacity of neuroplasticity.
Since the alterations are reversable: they are not brain damage, which is defined as irreversible.
Neuroplasticity is affected by numerous conditions. Age being a big one. Health and lifestyle another. Genetics too.
If you can agree with all of these things, then your entire tirade was pretty much unwarranted on every level and the discussion can end.
What the fuck. I thought we're done. Anyways, with age your recovery drops off, so my opinion is that it's not practical. You wanna draw this for another 2 hours? Because I sure as hell can.
My stand is that Neuroplasticity does happen, it can be accelerated by certain factors, but as an adult like you and me, for most people it's impractical.
A child reading books since young, would likely have higher cognitive, mental capacity than an adult starting out for a year or two.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
t. 110 IQ brainlet
Not Sup Forumsideo game related.
>What the fuck. I thought we're done.
We can't really be done until you realize what a fucking moron you have been this whole time. At least admit it to yourself. The fucking problem was that you acted like an idiot. That is what really needs to be brought up, identified and acknowledged. So that we can avoid you shitting up other threads on other occasions.
t. I have a shit brain, I hope the gods of neuroplasticity can save me from this torture.
>but as an adult like you and me, for most people it's impractical.
It has absolutely nothing to do with practicality, really. I still kinda suspect that you people really did not actually understand any of this, and still don't understand what neuroplasticity REALLY is and what effect do games have.
I think you are still completely in the dark. But I'm tired and I'm going to cut this discussion short.
Nope you're the fucktard child, that thinks he's correct because he read an abstract from an article.
Kek, I've given you enough (you)s.
Run along child, maybe you should stop going on the internet and start reading books so that pretty little brain of yours doesn't morph into a turd.
Because they're out of ideas, both mechanically and with interesting and compatible settings. What will do they do next, the American Civil War? How do they make something like that work?
Yea you better run, dumb bitch.
The sheer amount of desperate shitposting this thing has attracted is quite interesting.
I wonder how many people this really is, just literally begging to be paid a little attention to.
You are retarded.
Guy thinks he knows everything about neuroplasticity despite never reading actual journals and never seeing it firsthand for himself, thinks he knows everything because of reading 5 articles he found on the internet that fits with his perception. Where I instead, saw it first hand in Hospitals, and have read many books written by renowned brain specialists that have came from renowned institutions like Johns Hopkins and University of cambridge, who have more valued opinions and findings than some Indian researcher in Delhi.
You really should neck yourself. It isn't about the argument, just how sweaty you are to tell the other dude off on your shitty perception on "brain plastics". Why don't you actually do something productive in your life?
I know this is shitposting, most likely either to leech off the attention or to cover up for having your ass handled back to you in the previous discussion but really... there is something deeply disturbing about all of this.
I've been around this place for well over ten years, and I'll still never get quite used to people throwing ALL semblances of dignity, common sense, rationality just to post something like this.
I don't care if it's supposed to be a joke: it's still someone going at the absolute limit of his human capacity to make himself look like a piece of garbage.
And that is something that should never ever be seen as acceptable, much less normal.
Like the entire history of being able to tell right from wrong being defiled here.
This, too. There is actual a human being somewhere on the other side of the line who actually thinks this is what he should be posting. It really is kind of an insult to human kind itself when you think about it.
Hey it's you again. I thought you went to sleep.
I consider giving you the little attention you so crave something of a public service. You people fill me with pretty deep sadness and I can't figure anything more I could do for you.