Is anyone else excited for this shitty Advance Wars Clone on PC?

Is anyone else excited for this shitty Advance Wars Clone on PC?

I am now! I love advance wars. How have I not heard of this?

A little bit. Definitely going to need a mod to change the hideous character art though.

It looks and sounds like a cheap ripoff, but I really am desperate for any type of AW game so yes.

>Advance Wars gameplay
>Fire Emblem-like units
>No waifu faggotry

Did you fags forgot the original Advance Wars clone on pc? dead devs but you can keep playing them.


Whats wrong with chuckle fish? I liked Stardew valley and they don't price gouge their customers.

Probably bought into the early access Starbound meme and is eternally buttblasted

I actually like the look of this