Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend

Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend

-Is your Sup Forumsermin in?
-Who are you rooting for besides your own?

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what is this?

>Is your Sup Forumsermin in?
Missed the registration.
>Who are you rooting for besides your own?
There's too many great teams to choose from.

Virtual cockfighting where we make creatures and have them fight for our entertainment, however this thread is rather early since the event doesn't start in 6 hours.

Explain to me how this belongs on Sup Forums, please. Tell me how this is related to video games and shouldn't be on quests

>12 fucking pm est

The fights aren't for at least another 4-5 hours. Pls user.

Aren't you seeing OP's pic?
Don't tell me you don't have the link...

Yep, hopefully my min having similar stats to Wargraav's first form helps us out even though I know RNG comes down to RNG more than anything else.

In the same way the drawthread, music thread, Simpsons quote thread, "people who play as girls in games want to be girls" thread, "you hear it you lose" thread, the metacritic thread, the several e-celebthreads, and many others are Sup Forums related: Dubiously and tangentially, but not to the point of being removed.

wasnt able to make one last night but finally got around to it.

Looking forward to making more art now that I have another vermin in a tournament. It'll be fun to see what Gomika-user comes up with as well.