are these shitdogs worth playing ?
Are these shitdogs worth playing ?
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Yea for sure. Especially 3&K.
I'd say play them backwards to get the best experience first.
Replace sonic 1 with game gear and yes
2 and 3&K still hold up well imo.
Sonic 1 has some weird level design that forces you to wait around, like for the dropping platforms in Marble Zone. Nothing as bad as autoscrollers in other games though.
speak english you furfaggot.
Only 3 & Knuckles
3 and k
3&K is worth it
Maybe sonic 2 if you really liked them
Sonic 1 is just fucking garbage don't bother
Y'know, I think so? I remember having a helluva time with 'em when I was a kid.
Then I got Sonic CD for free and was like 'fuck yes let's do this!' and it was...not great. Like, it was fine, but I didn't fucking love it like I did these games.
Sonic 1 - 3 in my mind are fucking amazing, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit being a *little* scared that it's nostalgia at this point.
1 is less enjoyable
I'd say play 2>1>3&K>CD