Did you just call me mommy?
Did you just call me mommy?
Other urls found in this thread:
romanceable when
hopefully never
I want to destroy my liver with ohya
I really hope they don't appease waifufags by making her romanceable.
no because i had a normal childhood
>ywn be banging Makoto and catch Sae spying on you and invite her to join
But what about Kawakami
>mommy/daddy shit
Why is this a thing
It has always been a thing
but why
Because many people are sick in the head, like me for example.
No, my son saw me come in.
Sis, I'm worried about you. You're nearly 30 and you're still...
The looks you give my husband when we visit or when we're all together is an elephant in the room we need to address. I can hardly trust you to babysit not knowing you'll do anything inappropriate to my son once he's old enough to you-know-what. Look, I don't care if you're a virgin. You're still my sister and without you being there for me when times were rough, I wouldn't even be here.
No, I said I'll make your sister into a mommy! Heheheheh!
because my real mom is a drunken selfish whore.
shut up, cunt.
Kawakami best cake
No, I said Makoto. And what are you doing here?
S-sis?! Fine then, you're just a lonely, selfish old hag. It won't be long until you hit menopause so you better make good use of your time. Stay away from my child and husband, you don't deserve them.
It truly hurts you'll throw away everything for something as baseless as lust, I think father would be ashamed. Well, this is goodbye sis...
>not jumping on a opportunity like this
Immersion ruined
Say hi to Futaba.
Oh shit sorry, I thought you were Sadayo for a sec.
>No option to have a three way with Makoto and Sae
Shit game.
Why are her hand so tiny?
Why are her titties so big?
You useless parasite. The very least I expect of you is to be obedient and you can't accomplish even that? You're a waste of my time. Go to your room, just be out of my sight.
Nooo! Mommy I need a suckie or I can't calm down! Please mommy!
I'm perfectly normal though and I want to fuck my mom.
Did you know that if your hands are smaller than your head you have cancer?
I want to get kawakami's stds
>implying it's not normal to have sex with woman you love the most
Me too.
Need to have sex before you can be a mommy, Sae
So many good little boys in this thread~ You make mommy's heart swell with love!
Go to bed, Morgana
There's cut audio files of her saying "I love you" among other things.
They're not going to turn down the chance to print money by adding her as a waifu option in the inevitable Crimson release. The merchandise sales alone could fund their next game.
Fucking gladly
>Ms. Kamoshida
I don't have a reaction image sweaty enough
here you go
Nips don't care about old hags
We gotta stop that bitch. The reason he jumped off the roof was because she abused him that badly, I'd stake the cats life on it.
How soon should we make her eligible for mommy status?
has she gone through "the test" yet?
Sae is so goddamn cute
Why couldn't she be romanced
next DLC
If this game was flipped around and it was Ms. kamoshida on Mishima, the Phantom Thieves would never get started because he wouldn't have a word of complaint
>the test
Only one way to find out
>No Takemi
what the shit yo
"I want Tae to give me a check up, and I fill her up with my semen"
Does that suffice user?