So the switch failed right?
So the switch failed right?
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stfu Japan doesn't matter nintenkid
thats only japan my sweet nintenbro
Yes it failed because there are markets other than Japan.
The Japanese always prefer the haldheld but they are a small markey and ultimatly don't matter on a global scale, now post the US data map.
It can still turn around though, like the 3DS.
Literally the smallest independent market, even Latin America counts more
It's underwhelming in Europe.
But it's outselling the PS4 in America too.
>let me take the sales of this one island where the switch sells better and ignore the other 97% of the world
Nice cherrypicking.
I like how Nintendo sales threads are okay, been any mention of PlayStation immediately has people shitting their pants in anger.
>America: 350M: Switch
>Japan: 150M: Switch
>Rest of world: 7Billion: Ps4
>compares Horizon which will have dated graphics in 10 years with a game thats objectivly good and has a distinct artstyle, which will make it age like wine
Realy makes those marbles roll
I can explain why very easily.
Shit on PCfags, Xboxfags, and Nintendofags
Shit on Sonyfags
There you go user, now you know why Sony threads get way more shit flung at them than Nintendo threads.
>Unity asset store graphics now age like wine
what a time to be alive
>ps4 has high sales in japan and everywhere else
>some other console has high sales in japan and everywhere else
japan is an irrelevant market gtfo
what's funny is that sonybros are actually complaining about this without knowing ps4 is still dominating in total sales but whatever
Not nearly a majority of that 7 billion is in any position to be buying video games.
Are people purposely ignoring the fact that PS4 was released in the Fucking fall
Maybe like one billion people even have the opportunity to buy video games let alone be interested in them.
Wat, are people legit trying to claim that the Switch is a failure?
that was so weak, im was contemplating if I should reply or not. I decided to reply just to let you know that you need to up your troll game
>Japan sales
I was never saying that Japan doesn't matter. It does. The beste games are made there. It's good for Nintendo that they get a nice start there. We need to see if they can keep this up. So far it looks like a big spike because of Spla2n
>implying anyone but eurofags who play FIFA 24/7 have the ability to buy a console
Why are you so obsessed with the Switch.
Yeah, youre right. Nobody would put a PS2-tier landscape package on the asset store.
The hardest part is finding one that doesn't look better, not worse.
Sorry kiddo, but Horizon is already confirmed as a timeless classic that will start an enormous franchise. It'll be the game that all other games will be compared to.
DUDE! EYRUP is irrelevant! only the pan-mongol region in south lichtenstein matters because switch is dominating the market there.
Whoever made this image must have intended for the PS4 to look as shitty as possible
Meh, Japan is irrelevant. The only relevant market is the american market, the rest isn't Worth talking about
Japan is irrelevant kiddo. But stay mad anyway.
by that logic
all video game genres < Horizon
this but unironically
>tfw it sold millions despite Sup Forums believing it would flop
>stay mad
>completely dodges the fact that PS4 is still winning in total sales even though Switch is outselling
lord jesus save these poor souls
sirry kiddi bit Hirizin is ilridy cinfirmid is i timiliss clissic thit will stirt in inirmis frinchis
Don't ever fucking post this shit here ever again even if ironically.
>Didn't even chart in NPD for July
>Zelda still in top 5
Zelda Killer huh?
Actually, people thought it'd be the Zelda killer, my friend. Turns out it was just a pretty good game.
Posting the wrong version
Top looks like generic garbage
>PS4 is still winning!
>After what in would before last gen, nearing its death!
>Against a limited supply console!
>Before the holidays!
Why don't we have more public bans, Jesus Christ?
Has it even been 200 weeks since Switch launched?
tfw You will never be this assblasted
For a brand new IP. 3.4M copies is pretty gud. Take for example Skyward Sword, that sold only 4M despite it being an established 25 year old franchise.
user most of that 7 billion are Chinese that aren't allowed to buy games, pooinloos or starving kangz
Do nintendorks still unironically think BOTW is good?
>New IP
Even for shitposting, this is massively retarded.
By the same logic, a Happy Madison movie that does 90% of every Adam Sandler movie does, just it doesn't have Adam Sandler in it, is a massive accomplishment.
I don't know why if something isn't beating the other thing its failing. You do know 2 successes can exist at the same time right? That goes for both sides of you fags.
But not Xbox. We should be happy Xbox is not doing as well as either because it literally has no games
True, but it was bundled and on a much larger install base, with a shit ton of marketing put into it. New IP or not, it was clearly being positioned as the next big PS4 game. The sales aren't bad, but I'd be surprised if it ends up selling better than Splatoon 1 did as a new IP
nintendorks and pretty much everyone else.
Sorry you have shit taste n :(
Daily reminder
Doesn't change the fact that it's a new intellectual property that's done as well as it has, despite how badly Sup Forums wanted it to fail.
PlayStation and FIFA. Great region there.
Isn't Fall the best time to release a console though? It's close to Christmas.
Did you eat that bag of dicks and crow yet, user?
well yes, it is indeed th best time. Sonybros are simply what we call, in the jargon, assblasted
The assblasted state of the sony negroes and ponies manifest in a even lower than usual IQ. Also heavy wojack posting and deflection.
Sooner or later the switch will come close to the "nintendo line". Like 15 million units sold to all who like "a mario", "the new zelda", "party games" or got one because they thought it would be a handheld replacement.
Maybe Nintendo is even happy with this. But coming even close to sales of a full home console? lul
agree, but you're gonna have a hard time trying to drill that into everyone's heads
I just like good Zelda games. One's were I'm not running around an empty world doing repetitive shrines.
Lol, why would he?
here, we have the traditionnal Mongoloid
Look at his cavernous brow, his dragging knuckles, and his lack of higher functions
But, do not pity him, he chose this state for himself.
Dude, even if there were a Nintendo line, Pokémon is going to fucking fuck that idea right in the ass.
PS4 count should be halved because most pspro are replacement, not new users. same for all the collectors editions.
You seem confused, HZD is not a Zelda game. Tho it does have a empty world.
>True, but it was bundled
Your point? Splatoon 1, Uncharted 4 were both bundled. Nobody ever brings up these as an example.
>and on a much larger install base
I bought up SS for a reason. You can't say SS did well despite having an install base of 100M, but say HZD did bad as well. In five months HZD is selling better than SS.
>it was clearly being positioned as the next big PS4 game
Not really. I'm more excited for "Days Gone." But that's neither here nor there.
Hey don't act like others aren't guilty of the same thing
i was in that thread. we did out the falseflagger quite fast. I mean, it's fine to be absolutely assblasted, but why go this autistic to shitpost your betters?
Why not just buy the switch and stop being a bitter autist? Lack of funds?
These wojaks get increasingly autistic every time I see them. This maymay has been run into the ground faster than Sup Forums did with pepe.
Have a Japanese wojak
>implying i care about HZD
Good argument kiddo.
Isolated incident vs. recurring theme
Skyward Sword is pretty universally recognized as a low point in the series though, it's like comparing Super Mario World to Sonic 06 instead of a genesis game. Also didn't say HZD sold badly, just laughed at the idea of people calling it a Zelda killer when BotW is clearly going to be the more successful game.
You said empty world, so obviously you were talking about HZD.
Look, i understand that something it's frustrating when things don't go your way ( ie when you autistically want a console you don,t own to faiL) but you need to learn to accept things you can't control. Screeching and shitting everywhere is not how an adult should behave in your situation.
I'm counting on you
Splatoon 1 was bundled for a single limited edition Black Friday special bundle and was never in another bundle after that. Don't try to compare that to Uncharted "In literally every single bundle for the entire Christmas season and several months before and after that" 4.
You sound autistic.
>Splatoon 1 was bundled
>bundled on a literally dead console
So either:
People literally bought a dead console just to play Splatoon
Splatoon sold to nearly all Wii U owners, but did not saying a sinking ship meaning majority did not buy the bundled version.
Yes because you would have to be a colossal moron to think that the Switch will mirror the PS4's trend for 4 years.
>isolated incident
nigger you a fucking liar
You are wrong, but that's nothing new.
Here's your (You) you want so bad.
I'm still not seeing any games that would make the switch a good long term buy. So far it seems like a Zelda machine, which seems like a pretty stupid use of my money if it doesn't get anything else.
ITT: Nintentoddlers in delusions again.
I don't need you, all i want is for autist to behave.
I worked in a electronic store during my college years, i've had to deal with my fair share of autists
>On the holidays
>At March
Oh no???
>talk about delusions
>that picture
You know it was debunked in less than 10 minute when it was posted, right?
>2 Retards vs. thousands of autistic fanboys and faces of the fanbase
You're gonna lose this battle user, I suggest you quit while you have a chance.
What about after the holidays? Or even now? The PSQuad is STILL selling. The holidays may have kick started the PS4, but it's been dominating for almost four years. Explain that.
>I-its n-not t-true, muh fellow ninteniggers told me so.
You are fucking right.
Depends on your taste. I've gotten a lot of time so far out of Puyo Puyo Tetris, Disgaea 5, and Splatoon 2. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the best one so far, assuming you don't already have the Wii U one. A lot of smaller games like Snake Pass, Blaster Master Zero, Sonic Mania, Snipperclips, and Thumper have been pretty fun while they last. Also really looking forward to Mario + Rabbids, Odyssey, and Xenoblade.
You argue like a 12 year old, so either you're a kid or genuinely autistic.
>holiday release vs non holiday release with supply issues
I swear wojak posters get stupider every day now.
>Thinking Sony's fanbase isn't full of thousands of autistic fanboys as well
Oh user, you poor sweet summer child