Why does Falcom make so many mediocre games but is generally praised as one of the better Japanese developers?

Why does Falcom make so many mediocre games but is generally praised as one of the better Japanese developers?

Their Trails games are pretty mediocre as well.

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Because they are fun, and don't overhype their stuff, I actually like them more than Atus's or Square Enix's games

But the Trails series have some of the best JRPGs of all time.

Kiseki is the best RPGs series ever. You can't prove me otherwise. I don't really like Ys either, mostly because I don't like ARPGs in general, but they are also by no means mediocre, maybe aside from I and II, but those games are 30 years old.

Falcom literally are one of the best Jap developers.

>Best anything ever

We can't accommodate for the people with shit taste who don't like Falcom's action games, but we can't accommodate for the people who think Trails is good either.

The Trails series is the best JRPG series ever made. Sorry about your shit taste, OP.

>7 games later and we still know fuck all about the motives behind the actions of every major player
Trails is a fucking waste of time

What is the best Falcom track?

Only mediocre game Falcom has made is Zero no Kiseki. Others are great.

I wish they'd drop the party system already.

>we still know fuck all about the motives behind the actions of every major player
And this is bad because?

The Trails series has literally the best world building of any JRPG series.



>when 3:03 hits

>when 3:33 hits

>muh worldbuilding meme
Worldbuilding isn't inherently an interesting thing, in fact Trails' delivery of worldbuilding solely through text is fucking awful

Not him and I don't really agree with him, but with the rate Trails is going and how little we know, I feel that Falcom's; just going to infodump everything in the last game and that's going to feel really fucking lame.

Seven games in and we should at least have a bunch of ideas of what's going down.

but VII and Celceta are the best Ys games (haven't played VIII yet)

Not true at all. We know exactly what the bad guys are trying to do, we just don't know WHY

That's exactly what I said though.

But we do know what they're doing and how it plays out. They don't spill their beans like every other cliche villain, but that doesn't mean you can't make theories as to why.

>and we should at least have a bunch of ideas of what's going down.
That implies we don't know what they're trying to do. We do know. We just don't know what they want to do *after*

The problem is that they don't even give us enough information to even make theories.
We've known what the groups have been doing for ages without any semblance as to why.

The Ys series is consistently great.
They make high tier portable/PC/PS games that come off as fun PS2 tier action RPGs.

They have great music, fun combat, and great boss design. I would take Ys 7 over any portable Zelda any day.

>they don't even give us enough information to even make theories.
Sure they do.

Is this the Trails thread?

go back to your fucking general

JRPGs are not RPGS.


They appeal to a niche audience so of course the audience is going to love their games




overrated by weebs because their games are easy to get into, have "charming" or anime art style, and are slightly more obscure than your average game. no one else really plays these games so most falcom fans will graciously gloss over the repetitive and simplistic combat and act like its some hard ass shit by citing one of the memorization based bosses

I dunno, Falcom JRPGs are the only ones that mean anything to me anymore. They just have fun characters and good world building and I actually care about what happens. They feel like how JRPGs used to be in the PS1-PS2 era. Others these days go all-in on either production values (Squeeinix) or fanservice (Compile Heart and many others).

I haven't played Lacrimosa of Dana yet but the 3 character system from 7 and Celceta felt bad to someone who really loved the gameplay style from Ark/Oath/Origin

t. never beat Ys I because it's "artificial difficulty".

>gameplay style

what gameplay style? You are literally Mario with a sword with one simple move and a charge attack. Be glad they upgraded starting with 7 because having that "combat" system in current year would be embarassing.

Considering the most popular JRPG series, Final Fantasy, also had the most historically simple and easy combat systems, I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make. Do you think that Final Fantasy VII has better combat than Trails in the Sky or something?

Trails ruined JRPGs for me
I can't play my favourite JRPGs anymore without wishing there was more NPC dialogue or being disappointed that main characters only speak a couple of lines at a time.

I believe you mean worst, V excluded.

I felt that way before I played Trails. There's so much fucking dialogue that I'm actually getting tired of my autism trying to go through it all. I might skip some of the dialogue from random nobodies.






There is no such thing as decent WRPG. Fuck off.

This is falcom's greatest final boss theme by a fucking mile desu


So you didn't play any of them. Or it sounds like you tried one for 5 minutes.

Having to switch character every 5 seconds because "lol this guy is resistant to your attack" gets old fast.

I've played almost all the Ys games yet can honestly say I don't enjoy any of them. I don't even know why I keep at this series. Just hoping I guess I'll see what other people see in them. They're generally short though so there's really no reason not at least play them but yet again I'll get suckered back in and give Ys 8 a try even though I probably won't get much enjoyment out of it.

Does Kiseki have the worst fanbase ever?

They are receptive to fan feedback and as a result the gameplay of their series improve with each installment. It's hard to hate a company that strives to improve when the industry is full of so many that are stuck in their ways.


>dude guitar wank lmao


Yes. They're up their own ass about how good their games are. Getting any kind of return on what makes the series actually good requires a retarded time investment of 3+ games. Individually most of them are just mediocre.

>1:36 - 2:42

Is this kino?

>Hating Falcom guitar

You may not know the motives but Falcom does. They have a storyboard with every major plot twist in the series planned out. They are building to an ending that was conceived 15 years ago.

now that I hear it again you may be right. Old Falcom prog/power metal was better.

>implying that Vagullion and Dark Fact aren't the most bullshit bosses ever, especially on Nightmare

>Having to switch character every 5 seconds because "lol this guy is resistant to your attack" gets old fast.

The character switching is fucking instant. You may as well be complaining about weapon switching in Devil May Cry.

>got nothing to play while waiting for CS3

Nothing quite says "I'm one of the absolute bottom feeders among Falcom fans" like having Azure Arbitrator as your favorite Falcom track.

That might have been true once. Now they just fill Kiseki games with dumb padding and stretch the series out because it's their cash cow. Look at Sen and FC. They accomplish about the same in terms of world-building, character development and plot progression (arguably FC accomplishes more), but FC is a 30 hour game, while Sen is 90-100 hours.

I have Ys8 preordered but never played 7 because it doesn't look too good

Is there any reason why I shouldn't skip 7?

Because 8 is literally more of the same. If you don't think 7 looks good I don't know what the fuck you expect from 8. You should probably play it to see if you like it, just to keep yourself from wasting money.


I hated 7 and Celceta but 8 actually looks good to me. It's probably because they added jumping back in though.

It's at least on par with Undertale, they are obnoxious, arrogant and believe Trails is beyond reproach. As for the series they are all mediocre jRPGs that used to have a interesting lore until it became Gundam,

>on par with undertale
jesus christ, no.

trails at least is a solid JRPG series. Undertale is only popular because its shitty gimmick appealed to braindead normies.

>but FC is a 30 hour game,
If you rush it sure.
FC is a 60 hour game if you do everything.
Cold Steel is an 90 hour game if you do everything.
FC takes 30 hours if you rush.
Cold Steel takes 50 hours if you rush.

Trails isn't even Falcom's cash cow, Falcom makes way more from Ys games.

>FC is a 60 hour game if you do everything

Maybe you just suck at FC somehow. I did everything, it was a 30-35 hour game.

>Trails isn't even Falcom's cash cow, Falcom makes way more from Ys games.

It's so good, Falcom decided they couldn't do a better remix for Celceta

>I did everything
Did you exhaust every single bit of NPC dialogue? Did you collect all the recipes? Did you fill out your monster notebook? Did you do all of the bracer guild quests and hidden quests? FC is a 60 hour game if you do everything. SC is an 80 hour game if you do everything. 3rd is a 40 hour game if you do everything. CS1 is a 90 hour game if you do everything. CS2 is 110 hour game if you do everything.

I got max BP, got all Carnelia volumes, recipes and filled out the monster notebook, yes. I didn't talk to all NPCs. 32 hours on Steam.

I went for the same level of completion with Sen. My save lists 93 hours.

Given how much hours of cutscenes there are in FC he'd have to have just done the main story and only quests along the way to beat it in 30 hours.

>Falcom makes way more from Ys games
>Sen II: 106k (Vita) + 82k (PS3)
>Ys VIII: 70k (Vita) + 59k (PS4)