Worst game you ever played

Be honest Sup Forums, no trolling or shit posting. What was the game you considered to the absolute worst game you have ever played?

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Stalker for MS-DOS

Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries. Bought it on a random Steam sale, couldn't make it past 5 minutes.

Well i tried playing bubsy once on an emulator so...

It's actually PUBG I'm pretty sure. I have no idea why they would go with the literally unplayable semi-simulator movement in a casual shitter game like this but it makes it unplayable.

Sonic Genesis on gameboy advanced


It's literally inferior in every way to ArmA 3, and it's only 1 game mode and 1 map of ArmA 3, whereas ArmA 3 has hundreds more, lol.

unknown: any of the hundreds of fake games i have in my Steam library

and mainstream... i would say, without a doubt, RE6

Megaman Battle Chip Challenge.
I bought it mistaking it for Battle Network after reading a review for Battle Network. Paid full price for it too.
If you haven't played Battle Chip Challenge, neither has anyone else. There's no gameplay but it's not even a VN or anything. It's like watching a let's play of Battle Network.

Would much rather play in an actual swamp than play this again.

sword of the stars 2

it launched on blank discs. the faggot fanbase loved their coasters. the dev fucked it up even more by taking all the great things in 1 and removing them because of an internal sqwabble

literally never paid more than $2 for any game since. fuck video games

The Sonic snowboarding game. Played it for about an hour with a friend and we wanted to hang ourselves by the end.

I am pretty sure I drew the shitty MS-paint muscle body on Duke Nukem in this image, like 8 years ago. It's been so long I literally can't remember exactly what I did

When I was little my dad would let my brother and I rent one game each on the weekend. I don't know if it's the worst game I've ever played, but it's when I learned that bad games even existed. One weekend my Brother rented Mega Man X2. I rented... Mario's Missing.
Needless to say, we played Mega Man all weekend. I was so innocent, I thought every game was good because I had only ever played good games. So fuck Mario's Missing.

Kingdoms of Amalur, maybe only rivalled by Diablo III.

Arma 3 runs like shit, whats your point?

Watch_dogs probably

This piece of fucking garbage.

Mario Party 8
I just wanted to free-play the fucking minigames with my nephews and nieces to entertain the kids. Why do they FORCE you to play their shitty "virtual board game" story mode in order to unlock them? I go to the minigame tent and every single item is greyed out / locked. It would help if the board game wasn't insufferably lame / boring with all its retarded dialog.

Mario Party 9 was good though. I downloaded that later and it allowed me to just jump into any of the minigames from the start


PUBG isnt a milsim you fucking mouth breather, thats like saying Mario kart is a worse version of halo, theres no comparison

Underage who has never touched a game that actually does what he wants detected.

>PUBG isnt a milsim
That's the problem, why the fuck does it play like one then? Why can't these mongoloid fucks make an arcadey game?

Prototype 2
Usually I'm able to find some kind of enjoyment out of just about any game no matter how shitty. Hell I even found some fun in Bioshock Infinite but Prototype 2 i just couldn't bear.

I rented Superman 64 as a kid.

Sonic Adventure 2


Here is your reply, child.

Have you ever wondered where your life went wrong?

I think Sonic Adventure DX for me.
I went in blind and holy fuck what a piece of shit of a game.
There were more bugs than i had ever seen in any other games combined together.

Two worlds, can't believe I acually beat it

When I started replying to retards who have nothing to say but shitty reaction images.
Unfortunately I can't stop, I love being mad.

Fallout 2.
Played it just after fallout 1 because Bethesda was making a new one.
1 was a good game I gave up on 2.

Driv3r. I finished it too.

2 had better gameplay than 1. The story in 1 was stellar and was hard to beat but 2 was not bad at all

WarZ. Although I never really played it because every time I got banned for nothing.

exanima or overgrowth, both have fallen into the same trap

Goldeneye - Rogue Agent.
Gave up when I saw that the enemies bled blue blood and the ragdoll was non-functional.

If fallout 2 is the worst game you've played you either have only played incredible games or have barely played any games

Oh man, imagine being a kid who got that for Christmas or something.

Uncharted 4. I got as far as the prison fight scene at the beginning of the game when I realised all I was doing was mashing buttons and watching my character cycle through 5 different fighting animations. Boring as fuck

I rented this abomination and literally cried after wasted mom's money

Deadly Premonition

>wake up
>do some mandatory shit like shave and drink coffee
>talk with some lol so random Twin Peaks ripoff character
>drive the slowest and most boring car to crime scene, while having cringy conversation with your imaginary friend
>play hidden objects minigame
>suddenly DUM DUM, area turn into some weird Silent Hill-ish world, if Silent Hill was boring and totally non-spooky
>shoot your way forward through the enemies that aren't any real danger unless you're blind, have cerebral palsy or just want to see if they can actually hurt you
>you get out, everything is going back to normal
>you drive the abysmal car back to hotel and hope you'll die in sleep

all in PS2 tier graphics and PS1 tier gameplay

>inb4 b-but it gets better after 8 hours in
I lasted 3 days of that boring shit and I just couldn't take any more


Either this pile of hot garbage, or one of the NES Simpsons games. They were all developed by the same team so it's no surprise they suck cock.

Nier AUtomata

I wrote a long rant about neptunia in the last "worst game you played" and as far i'm concerned it still hold true

For ever played I can't remember, for ever finished it's Gothic

Haha, it must have been a crushing experience.

I'm not defending these games by any means but if they where the worst games you've ever played you guys are super fucking lucky

Final Fantasy XV, I've played a lot of shitty 3rd person action games but the combat system is all sorts of fucked and the entire game feels rushed and unfinished

E.T. and Superman for the Atari 2600 still tied for worst ever for me.

Sonic Lost World


The amusing part is that I didn't even realise that I hated it, I just kept playing even though it was a fucking chore. I kept thinking "this game has all I can ask in a Transformers game, why am I so bored?"

If FFXV is the worst game you have played, you probably haven't played a lot of games.


Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1

Of the games I can remember it's probably Duke Nukem 4ever. There was this Wolverine game I bought for gamecube that was a total mess but I'm pretty sure it was the disc as it was a used game with scratches on the disc.

For me the worst game I ever played probably is Stargazer (hardcoregaming101.net/stargazer/stargazer.htm), but I did not end up playing it by my own volition. So my actual pick goes to E.T for GBA, which I got as a gift from a relative.

Sometimes all a game needs is the right subject matter, and you'll still wind up playing it.


I'm not sure. Considering how autistic I am about finishing any game I start playing, then the worst game I've played would probably have to be Dark Souls because it's the only game I haven't finished yet. I found it so bland, I just couldn't enjoy anything other than the boss fights in that game. I tried to like it but each time I picked it up I ended up dropping it shortly afterwards. I haven't even reached Anor Londo yet.

Second one is COD Black Ops because it was also very boring. I dropped it halfway through the campaign when it first came out but finally got around to beating it last year.

Gunrox. Trash game.

Fuck this game.