Name a better RTS game.
No, really. Please do. I love this game but I'm looking to branch out. Something with more depth and difficulty would be nice.
Name a better RTS game
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I can't
Wait quietly for aoe 1 HD.
I find AoM a little better. Much more varied and had a better pace.
Cossacks might be interesting for you OP, try Rise of Nations as well.
But don't you know that base-building and unit/structure upgrading are the worst aspects of an RTS? You should be grateful for games like Dawn of War 2!
>windows store exclusive
I don't think I'll be buying it. I'm sad about it too because I grew up with that game and I would've bought it or even pre-ordered it if it was on Steam.
>implying they wont eventually port it or pirate it outside windows store
Rise of Nations is similar and goes all the way up to the present with nukes and stealth bombers and such
Myth & DarkColony (Old as fuck but sill some of the best), DoW2 and hopefully 3 very focused on effective unit use rather than just spamming. Like a handful of well managed troops can pin down and take on a horde easy.
>W10 exclusives
>3d models
The AoE2 re-release was perfectly fine, why couldnt they just do the same with 1?
>aoe 1 HD
looks terrible. the new units are somehow less detailed than the old ones. they should've kept it 2d.
Cossacks Back to War
If you want a biiiiiiig army with renaissance soldiers, this is the game
StarCraft 1?
Empire Earth 2 :^)
Not even as good as the first one
>Scenarios where you have a small group of mechs facing-off with a million prehistoric fighters.
>Please recommend me good RTS games
Stupid Ork poster.
Empire Earth
The Settlers Online
Not better but similar, enjoy
Age Of Empires, Age Of Mythology, Red Alert, and Warcraft have ruined the genre for me, as I cannot bring myself to dedicately play any other RTS that I've been interested on unless it's similar to the 4 mentioned earlier. Only thing I loved aside from the 4 was Empire Earth, but skirmish is utterly shit thanks to the fact that the AI literally cheats every time you're doing better than it.
>Dawn Of War
>Skirmish exclusive to multiplayer
>Starcraft 2
>Game has been built so much upon competitive multiplayer that even the AI can follow the competitive meta
OP here. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be looking at all of them.
I should say that I really enjoy the base-building aspects of Age of Empires, so anything focused on that is a plus.
Have you tried Starcraft 1?
have you played warcraft II?
Supreme Commander FA OP, if you haven't bought it yet
It's really really REALLY good. One of my top 5 RTS of all time.
Get Supreme Commander Forged Alliance and Deserts of Kharak, also the Homeworld Remastered Collection because it's incredible for the package.
The obvious are Dawn of War DC and SS, Company of Heroes 1 and Starcraft 2
>Starcraft 2
Don't touch Soulstorm with a ten foot pole. Just not worth it, even if you love Sisters.
that was easy
Someone post the image guide plz
BW is difficult. StarCraft 2 is casual garbage.
The fuck
Have you tried Stronghold?
yeah idk what ya'll talking about.
BW was straight to the point. Easy to be "decent" at. SC2, similar but less so.
SW Galactic Battlegrounds :^)
I would rather have a physical release
starcraft 2 has more quality of life and is a better game in my opinion, but nostalgiafags will tell you that only starcraft 1 is playable
either way, starcraft 1 is free on battlenet and you can try out starcraft 2 for free, too (while maingame still costs)
When I play AoEIIHD, the AI often gets stuck in Castle Age. It's on a player-to-player basis, say I'm playing comp stomp with 5 AI, three of them might work correctly, and the last two stop doing anything after a bit.
I found people with similar issues dating back several years, but no solution that worked. Help.
They wanna make it like AOE2 with AOE1's setting
All of SC1 is free except the HD graphics, while 2 only lets you have
>terrans in MP and no matchmaking
>a few WOL missions
for free
Don't forget:
>something with more depth and difficulty
I can see you have never played online.
AoE1 and 2 both used models that were turned into sprites. AoEDE is the exact same thing except with much better graphics and a lot more frames making the whole thing very smooth.
Excellent taste ITT
Go with these, OP
I'm hype as fuck for this. What day is it on?
That's a good thing. Setting is literally the only thing better about AOE1. AOE2 is a massive improvement in every other aspect.
46 hours from now.
>Its a guy rushes you episode
Fuck RTS's.
Honestly, I recommend AoE3. I really don't know why people shit on it so much it has fallen to obscurity (maybe because they added shipments and made the game different), but it is my favorite AoE for multiplayer matches and the tactics you can use are pretty much as good, if not better, than the ones available in AoE2.
As for a different franchise, try out Company of Heroes (CoH). The best way to describe the game's mechanics is that it focuses much less on HQ building (though that is still a fundamental component) as in AoE, in favor of extreme micro'ing. Try it out, you won't be disappointed.
Warzone 2100.
>Of the 35 games I've played ladder on FaF 14 of them were wins by the skin of my teeth, and heart racing
SupCom is the only game to give me performance anxiety. It's exhilarating and stressful at the same time.
>(maybe because they added shipments and made the game different)
>warcraft 3
>0 of 0
are you guys fucking kidding me?
My brother from another mother
Some of my favorites:
Rise of Nations
Command and Conquer Generals
LotR Battle for Middle Earth 2
Age of Mythology
Men of War series
and AoE3 was solid despite the hate it got
Did we mention it is free and open source?
Cossacks really was fucking GOAT, does anyone have experience of Cossacks 3?
Cossacks is set a long time after the Renaissance ended.
And that it also has a godtier OST even though it's only 3 (three)?
Rise of Nations is the only RTS that's better than AoE 2.
Battle for Middle Earth 2 and Age of Mythology are really close, though.
Non-historical campaign
shitty UI
shipments and leveling home cities
resource harvesting really different
lower unit count
Rise of Nations definitely competes. I personally really liked Battle for Middle Earth 2 & 3, though they're not nearly as in depth. If you want an autistic amount of depth and enjoy cold-war gone hot simulation, play Wargame Red Dragon. It's fun and the learning curve is pretty steep, but when you actually get good it's very satisfying. The online community is pretty shit though, grab a buddy and fight the AI.
Actually, DoW Dark Crusade and Soulstorm are also solid RTS games.
>Battle for Middle Earth 2 & 3,
Fuck me, I keep calling Rise of The Witch King 3. I mean, it might as well be. It's got a fully fleshed out campaign and a new area+faction for the battle-map.
This one is one of my favorites.
Rise of Nations is great too. I'd go for its sequel also (IMO it was pretty fun).
Submarine Titans is a criminally underrated RTS.
I recently bought a complete boxed version of it, but unfortunately it's not too easy to get it to work on modern systems and actually runs kinda bad.
There's also no way to increase resolution beyond 1280x1024.
Forgot muh pic.
It was much better than EEII/III if you ask me. I have my original boxed copy too, but I also have it in digital form. I've been playing it nonstop recently in between my playthroughs of SMAC (once tweaked the fields so the Spartans became Boers in space).
Age of Mythology, Dawn of War 1 and 2, Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander, Red Alert 2, Warcraft 3 and TFT expansion, Starcraft 1, Company of Heroes 1 and 2, HAAH WAAW.
what's a good modern rts?
t. age of mythology and coc fan
Men of War although it's not really similar to those games
It may not be as good as AoE, but it's perfect for autistic base-building
we will never get galactic battlegrounds HD, will we?
dude shit. i've been for years looking for this game nigga
holy shit thanks man
Pic related and the original are my favorite RTS games, and lot of fun if you like a good mix of castle building and warfare. However, the AI are rather weak even if they have a major advantage because of how poorly they manage their economy, so find some friends to play with.
Other than that, BFME I and II are also really good if you prefer faster paced games.
>AoE2 online
>When you're above casual/noob but below 'pro'
Arguably, the most fun skill level
It had some nice niche things, but the mechanics were real iffy. Custom maps were nice too, but that does not exactly count.
Not that user but my only problem was the unit collisions and how everything took so good damn much place, maybe that's what you meant by iffy mechanics but other than that it's a pretty 10/10 masterpiece except elf campaign and "stay alive for X minutes missions but the latter goes for all RTS so...
I disliked how resources was handled and the whole hero mechanic.
>disliked the hero mechanic
Sure you weren't just bad at it? I was at first but i came to love it when you see how useful and fun it is in certain situations. The problem however is if you play with/against someone on an entirely different skill level it doesn't matter what rts you play unfortunately and that's my real problem with the genre in a whole.
This & Cossacks
No its called an expansion. A new game has all new mechanics and shit