This is the best game I've played in years

This is the best game I've played in years.



Yeah i've sunked about a hundread hours on it, i fucking love pocket circuit, i wish there was a full game of it, plus disco and karaoke are top tier.

haha same

Good for you, pal. Gonna get Kiwami?


disco is harder than I expected. great minigame though


Nice to see Yakuza 0 get some love as it's probably my favourite game of the decade.

I am going to support Sega and get Yakuza Kiwami day one! Also plan to get Yakuza 6 when it's released in the UK next March.

Fuck off retard.

fuck off with your console war cancer faggot

Yeah Yakuza 0 is great, probably my GOTY.

Fucking Mahjong

Just a couple days ago i started playing the ps4 version of this gem right here

It reminds me of yakuza quite a bit (especially due to the classes mini games), moreso than gta which everyone keeps comparing it to.

My GOTY by far.

>ywn marry Yuki-chan

Good taste, user. Now move onto Kiwami, then drop the series.

IS the chicken part true?

Hell yeah. I loved this fucking shit and played it for like the whole first half of the year almost. Great game.

Neat, might get this.

I feel so bad for Majima

Is kiwami even worth getting if you played 0? I hear it's pretty much the same game

>tfw you'll never 100% a Yakuza game because of Shogi and this shit

Do you mean the chicken being part of your property management company?

Yes.. yes it fucking is.

No they're completely different kiwami is a fucking sequel and a remake of 1

I really don't like the property management. Apart from that it's great.

Yakuza 0 and BloodB are easily the best games of the decade so far. Red Dead Redemption as well. What others am I forgetting?

>PS4 Version

There is no such thing user, it's the shitty ps2 version at 1080p

What? That shit was cash.
Like there seriously wasn't any problem I could find with the fucking game even though I'm sure there may be some. One thing I will say though is that I wanted to put an honest effort into 100%ing a game for the first time in my life, but the requirements are ridiculous.

Well it's different strokes for different folks of course my favs might be different to yours but I'd add the following games to the list.

Witcher 3
Skyrim (maybe not top of my list though)
Dragons Dogma

Red Dead is also one of my favs but I've yet to play Bloodb. I enjoyed the shit out of Hitman.

Like I said though it depends on your own personal taste.

>showing off the game to my dad
>suddenly forced karaoke minigame

New to series here, PS4 is my first sony console, should I start with Kiwami or 0?

Emulate 1 on PS2.

I would add Assasins Creed Black Flag to the list as a great gaming experience.

How the fuck do I deal with multiple opponents in this game? I can do 1v1 fine but if it's 3+ dudes then i end up losing a shitload of health getting stunlocked and hit out of my attacks.





>Witcher 3
>Skyrim (maybe not top of my list though)
>Assasins Creed Black Flag to the list as a great gaming experience.
Is this fucking bait shitposting?

Buy moves and don't get hit.

I fail to see the entertainment value in repeatedly clicking through the same menu over and over, but to each his own.


Name what's wrong about Black Flag without going "hurr ubisoft, durr assassin's creed, normies get out re"

Depends really, I'm not sure if the added cutscenes in Kiwami reference Zero but if they don't Kiwamis probably worth playing first for a lot of references in Zero that would go completely over your head

I've played a shitload of games these are some of my favourites so no I'm not bait shit posting.

Yakuza 0 is probably my favourite closely followed by Red Dead Redemption but that's me not you mate.

Damn, someone has different tastes than me? Must be baiting.


I usually don't like Assassins Creed games because they're too repetitive and/or unimaginative but even I will give Ubisoft credit for Black Flag it's a great gaming experience.

If you like Black Flag you would like Rogue too as it's very similar for me both of these are hands down the best of the Assasins Creed series.

Shit plot, shit gameplay(most missions are boring tailing on ship or on ground), boring ship combat
The worst AC out there, if you're going to recommend AC then go with Unity because it's the best one out there still

Unity is uninspired compared to Black Flag but again that's my opinion.

I respect your opinion of Black Flag it's not for everyone.


You know what? This was the easy table

Looks kinda decent, too bad I'll never touch weebshit.



Should I play Yakuza 1 or wait for the remake?


A shame. If anything, this is probably the least weebshit game from Japan, that is, if we're talking about the same kind of weebshit.

hahaha yeah the dialogues were realy good in that part, seeing kiryu in that mess was great.

Yak 1 then Remake to see the improvements and changes. Also works with Resident Evil an its REmake.




What was the point of this character.

Subplots introducing the lewd stuff in the games, like the video-shop, talking about the cards and sexuality in general. Pretty fun lad

Making you laugh

If you're a retard


Yes, the big minigames (house management and club management) are really good

comedic relief

just kidding japs play this straight

beast or breaker

no u

you mean slugger or mad dog

That's like asking if you should shit in your mouth or wait until your next meal.

Please jump out the window.

Life is strange>

Great game! Shitload to do and great story.
Love this gem.

Nah dude breaker is fucking ridiculous crowd control once you get the heat action that works simply by being in combat with more than 1 opponent. I'll admit slugger is way more fun though.


Actually the Yakuza series got me into playing Mahjong in the first place. I play Mahjong like once a week now.

But that's the best part. Loosen up a bit there buddy.

0, it's designed to help newcomers and you can prolly get it for cheap now.

>not laughing your ass off with your dad about those wacky slants

Yakuza 1 is ten hours long. It can be beat it in a day.

>spin2win every enemy group

Just pre-ordered this, thanks

cool shit user. i wish i had such determation/fun with it

i agree with you

shooree pippi
