I just finished Pic related. What a fucking ride, i thought no VN could top 999 and the Mad men actually did it...

I just finished Pic related. What a fucking ride, i thought no VN could top 999 and the Mad men actually did it. I just hope Uchikoshi doesn't fuck up with Zero time dilemma.

Zero escape thread no ZTD spoilers edition. Drop your memes and thoughts prior to ZTD.


ztd sucks shit

How do the Infinity games stack up to 999/VLR?

Never7 is a dating sim that ends up having pretty cool plot eventually, it's the least like them

Ever17 is kind of like lighthearted VLR but underwater, it has a lot of pacing issues and is overall good

Remember11 is 999 but snow

Remember11 is extremely similar. I don't think any game in the ever series is as engaging as zero escape

ZTD is shit you may as well stop whilst you have happy and excited feelings for the franchise.

Don't play ZTD, just don't. You may think you want your curiosity sated, no matter what, but it just isn't worth it. Go play the older Uchi games, back when he gave a shit.

All my hatred was used up in the first month after it came out, now who cares. No Kyle, aliems, complex motivations, rewriting the story cause it made too much sense. Fuck Ushitkoshi.

Playing though the first game now, Jumpy is a badass desu

ZTD is the Star Wars Holiday Special of the series. It's not fun to watch even just to see how bad it is.

i suck at these, i reach one ending and I stop

I would honestly recommend you not to play ZTD.

Zero time dilemma ISN'T SHIT. its very decent with some flaws go play it before you get spoiled. its really just the ending and lack of answers that people hate about it

Any hopes for Psync?

When the first two game are 10/10 being 6/10 is like being absolute shit

I hope ?(You) will be in the game.

Come on, it can't be that bad.

>Zero time dilemma ISN'T SHIT
t. Uchicuck.

It is shit. There's a reason "complex reasons" is a meme. Most of the characters are shit and half the returning ones are a shell of themselves. Junpei and Akane being the biggest offenders. Sigma and Phi go from fun and badass to just boring. Eric and the tittymonster are just shit.

Then there's the introduction of COMPLEX MAN and alien fax machines which just drags the game even more. The way the VLR timeline gets established is laughable and everything to do with Brother/Kyle gets handwaved away. Hell even radical 6 doesn't get the treatment it deserves.

In comparison to other 2 games it's very fucking bad. On its own it's... okay, I guess. Serviceable VN with 1 great emotional moment a some sci-fi fuckery, as well as shitty ending.

No it fucking isn't you dumb sack of shit. Let me spell out for you why people hate ZTD.

It completely changes multiple characters in ways that make no sense. Junpei being an edgelord is somewhat understandable but his backstory is incredibly forced to the point of absurdity. Akane acts like a fucking retard the entire game, flipping between cold analysis and spastic emotional jerks like beating Carlos to death with a fire extinguisher and trying to sneak up on him with a running chainsaw after cutting the power that she shouldn't have known how to cut. Sigma becomes a complete joke that acts even more stupidly than the young Sigma in VLR when he's supposed to be a 67 year old multidisciplinary doctor genius. Phi is the only returning character unmolested and even then she's useless in the game.

That's just a few of the characters. The plot itself is broken from the word go, and in multiple ways. ZTD is full of plot holes the likes of which should never have been passed through editing. The existence of a deus ex machina alien fax machine to mop up all the potential conflicts in the series's storyline is lazy, ridiculous, and actually opens up a shitload of further plot holes such as not using that thing to circumvent the entire problem in the first place. The logic contradicts itself in multiple ways. This doesn't get into other incredibly stupid things like Phi being the first Radical-6 patient when that makes no sense for the context of the VLR epilogue with Akane.

Uchikoshi fucking shit the bed. He ruined it. He had something good and he wrote a total joke of a story with bad characters that he didn't keep consistent. Anyone who likes ZTD is fine to like it, but anyone who calls it a good game in any capacity is either ignorant or misinformed. You could only think ZTD was good if you were lacking the most basic of critical analysis skills.

It is a 3/10 at best.

>animations get shittier and shittier with each installment


ZTD is a fine game by its own merits. It has its flaws, the main issue is that it doesn't live up to the standards set up by 999 and VLR. As long as you have reasonable expectations going into it, you'll definitely have a lot of fun with it.

It's so bad it retroactively made my memories of 999 and VLR worse

You forgot the fragmented story and gameplay
the only reason I've barely played it

>good animations

Even on its own it sucks. Without playing the other 2 games it would be even worse since you wouldn't care for half the cast and the game assumes you already know about them. Notice how there isn't really a section where you get introduced to each if the characters. Hell Junpeis entire character is edge lord for most of the game. I don't even think they bother explaining his problem with Akane or at least not in the first half.

>a talking animation is slow

wow color me surprised

I liked ZTD more than VLR cause at least the former was fucking hilarious nonsense instead of a dry rehash of Ever17.
Uchikoshi is a hack writer.

Funny, that gif is literally the only time they bothered to animate something that aren't shitty flapping mouths

The way they set it up, they made it seem like ZTD was going to tie 999/VLR together and solve all the major questions left over from both. Instead they threw out the secret ending from VLR as "noncanon metafiction," changed a bunch of the old characters for the worse, and had the biggest most retarded asspulls and worst motivations for why shit is happening in just about any game in history. The only redeeming part is Carlos because he's just so lovably retarded. Yes, it really is that bad. Don't believe the steam reviews because it's all newfags that never played the others or people with garbage taste.

Did we even play the same game

You think that's good?
Christ, go play Ace Attorney or something and you will realize how primitive and awful 999 animations are even for DS standards

It's still a better animation than what you posted you faggot. I didn't say the animations were god tier, I said they got worse each installment. Shitty flapping mouths is better than VLR's shit. VLR's animation aren't the worst but they sure as hell don't look as clean and appealing as 999.

VLR mouth animations are more pleasing to look at than 999 fish mouths just flapping about
And no, crappy 3 frame transitions aren't even remotely good.

Nice clipping into the torso. They put a lot of effort into that.

have you considered that both games have shit animations?

what are some others VN worth looking at?

>I sure wish the last game of the series got released, it would tie everything together!

If you like Zero Escape, look into Danganronpa. It's not as serious though.


Cross Channel

Are you guys seriously arguing about this? They're completely different styles of animation in the first place. Who the fuck cares

Higurashi, Saya no Uta, Steins;Gate, and Danganronpa if you're new to VNs.


tfw when ill never play ever17 for the first time again. It's been years but i still feel feels from it.

i fucking hate uchikoshi


the still cgi frames are absolutely atrocious though.

>write niche PC VN with a bunch of cool mindfuckery and twists
>realize that there's a shit ton of normalfags who haven't read it because PC VNs are widely seen as hentai dating sims
>rehash the entire thing as a series of """"puzzle"""" """"games"""" on Nintendo handhelds so you can sell essentially the same story to normalfags and kids
>they eat it up
I wish I was Uchikoshi.

Alternatively, I wish I could have experienced 999 and VLR without having read Ever17 beforehand. I feel like 999 and VLR were probably better in general (at least the pre-final route mindfuckery was a lot more interesting than chicken sandwiches: the novel: volumes I-III) but I didn't enjoy them as much as I should have because none of the twists were actual twists for me.

But that was only 999. VLR was also on Vita and ZTD was on PC as well.

>that one secret ending you can get where he just gives up on the investigation and spends all night getting smashed with the hotel owner while the jolly music plays on the game over screen

Was that seriously the point you got hung up on? The point is, traditional VNs are just now starting to see some moderate success among normalfags, and tons of people still go into autistic "not a video game reeeee" tirades, whereas "puzzle games" like AA and this series are essentially disguised VNs marketed to normalfags.

Right but who's reeeeing in this thread?

>Alternatively, I wish I could have experienced 999 and VLR without having read Ever17 beforehand. I feel like 999 and VLR were probably better in general (at least the pre-final route mindfuckery was a lot more interesting than chicken sandwiches: the novel: volumes I-III) but I didn't enjoy them as much as I should have because none of the twists were actual twists for me.
I was in the same boat but I still though the turning your DS upsidedown shit in 999 was cool, but really none of his games are actually written very well and would never hold up under any reasonable scrutiny. At least ZTD was so bad that even fans of the series recognize that it's shit.

>and tons of people still go into autistic "not a video game reeeee" tirades
I like VNs, but even if they're allowed to be discussed here calling them video games is a real stretch when for the most part they're just basically CYOA comic books with voice acting.

It doesn't answer many of the questions from the previous ones, and fills the franchise with more plot holes and NANOMACHINES basically.

Ace Attorney and Danganronpa are fucking amazing aswell if you haven't played them.

Very different moods and styles from Zero Escape tho.

Who gives a shit? These autistic arguments over what is essentially semantics are the reason why people feel the need to shoehorn garbage "puzzles" into VNs like VLR. I only played it last week and I remember hating every single escape room segment in that game. They weren't puzzles at all, they were just busywork. You'd open a drawer, find a key, click everything until you find the one closet that key opens, get a "clue" that makes no sense and can't be used in any way until you find another clue, click some more things until you find another key, open the other locked closet, find the final "clue" which makes it immediately obvious what you need to do, etc etc. At no point do you ever stop and think "okay, what am I supposed to do now?". The only parts that can be considered puzzles are those sliding block minigames or math puzzles that could come on the back of a cereal box, they're just kind of there to stop every escape segment from being nothing but 10 minutes of clicking on doors. The game would be objectively better without this garbage padding, except that then we'd get a bunch of people trying to discuss whether or not it is a game, instead of just enjoying what would be essentially a better version of something that they can freely enjoy as long as it fills the necessary gameplay quota.

And before some autist complains that the puzzles were totally integral to the plot because Uchikoshi included some throwaway line about how Zero made Sigma and Phi solve puzzles to stimulate their brains to help with their jumping abilities, please consider that that's the most desperate excuse anyone's ever given for including a bunch of "free educational games CD-ROM" tier puzzles in the middle of a dramatic mystery story.

I don't get it when you guys say ZTD didn't answer all the questions. What was left unclear?

fuck you

My dick in your ass.

>labeling people who don't call VNs videogames as autistic
>then launching into an autistic rant about why doing puzzles hurts your ass

he's right though


>labeling people who don't call VNs videogames as autistic
Wrong, I'm just tired of endless arguments over whether or not VNs are games. I don't know if they're games, and I don't care, they're a thing I enjoy. As long as twitter threads are allowed on Sup Forums, can't we talk about VNs here on the basis that they're on Steam/consoles? Who cares about some never ending meta discussion about what exactly is needed for something to be considered a game, just talk about the things you enjoy.

Kyle was born on the moon, created by sigma. He was needed for the plan. There is no reason for him to be in ZTD.

Why did you come to this thread then start reeeeing about media classification for no reason.

>i thought no VN could top 999
I really hate it when people call these games visual novels.
Just because there's a lot to read and choices, doesn't make them fucking visual novels.
They're so much more than that mostly worthless garbage.


Yeah except that whole thing that Uchikoshi came up with which he retconned in a bullshit fashion regarding Kyle and his existence

Fuck off out of the thread

>Fucking amazing
Trying to set people up for more disappointment or are you from tumblr or something?

>Fuck off out of the thread
999 is really good and VLR great.
But they're not just some shitty VN trash.

Because the fact that so many people are reluctant to buy a VN if it doesn't have some form of gameplay (even if that gameplay is awful and makes the final product worse) is what made Uchikoshi feel the need to include awful puzzles in this series, which is one of my main problems with it. They'd be just fine (I think they'd be a lot better, actually) without any of those awful escape room "gameplay" segments, and I think it's sad that devs feel forced to ruin their own VNs because people won't buy a VN with a good story but will happily buy a VN with a good story and awful gameplay padding.

if people fall for the zero escape meme they'll probably like danganronpa as well
and at least SDR2 has decent character writing and development, unlike literally any other uchikoshi game

Why can't they just be good VN games?

It's called Zero Escape not Zero walk through doors. I found the puzzles fun.

The only enjoyable thing about that game was Komaeda (and Monokuma obviously), but like most good things in the series, it's a fucking fluke.

ZTD is the MGS4 of zero escape except no cool snake vs ocelot moment at the end

How come? They always just felt like busywork to me. It was 15 minutes of being actively engaged in "doing things", but when I took a step back and looked at what it was that I was doing, I realized that they weren't puzzles at all. Did you ever have to stop, carefully consider the clues you had gathered and try to figure out some clever solution to a problem? I don't remember 999 very well since I played it back when it came out, but at least in VLR it's pretty much 100% non stop padding. Any clues you find are either 100% obvious or incomplete, so no matter what the answer is always to just keep clicking. Like I said earlier, the only part that felt like actual puzzles were those detached math minigames. For example, it took me a while to get the dart scores to add up to however much the game needed, but that's not what I want from a fucking puzzle game.

all of the appreciable aspects of zero escape are flukes too, so it all works out

>want to play VNs
>hate moe shit

any recs?

Danganronpa being bad is a meme, you should absolutely play that series


Steins;Gate is a literary masterpiece with only a few moe aspects.
Don't listen to this guy. Danganronpa has terrible writing with compared to any other VN type game. Play Ace Attorney instead.


>Don't listen to this guy. Danganronpa has terrible writing with compared to any other VN type game. Play Ace Attorney instead.

Just admit you hate fun already

It's okay to think that Danganronpa is fun. You can enjoy things. You can even enjoy ZTD, that's fine. Just don't delude yourself into thinking that Danganronpa as a series ever has good writing.

>Steins;Gate is a literary masterpiece
opinion discarded

>thinking you can make claims on a series' writing quality when you think steins;gate is a masterpiece
look in the fucking mirror, dude

I didn't say that though you utter retard

inb4 "but everyone in this thread is the same person"

In what way is Steins;Gate not a masterpiece?

it's babby's first scifi vn, the script is fucking awful

How is the script awful?

Daily reminder that R11 is the best VN Nakazawa and Uchikoshi made.

You can't talk shit about other things while you are defending danganronpa you motherfuckers that's not how it works

it's juvenile as hell, almost light novel tier

Daily reminder that it will never be surpassed

>ever17 is now set in the past

>still no AI holographic waifus

It truly was a lighting in a bottle. I/O could've been great, but Nakazawa just doesn't know when to stop addinng new twists and ideas.
Though it's pretty good if you pretend it ends on route E.