Do not overdose on sleep, it's time to play.
Risk Of Rain - WE WUZ Edition
Just woke up, time to wait
Don't get your hopes up.
It actually fucking worked, get in here.
404 incoming?
Should we make a new one?
Nah, might as well just pray now
Good luck, last night's -Edition- thread got canned.
It's still open
hello /vg/ mentality
Starting in 2 minutes.
You know, that's the reason your threads keep getting deleted.
I'm so glad this thread is up, so i can escape my problems.
Is there a need for a host or is there a room open?
Still hostan?
I can host but if you fuckers are going to be as toxic as last time...
We already have a comfy host, join in when open
I'm kinda glad ror2 is going for 3D... Starting to get burned out on ror so this change of pace is welcomed
Anyone hosting ?
>The helmet isn't green on one of the panels
That's the Commando retard
Engi takes skill
Where is the host?
>Engineers will defend this
Open soonTM.
>entire OP run
>+3 loops
>crash before the last gate to Providence opens
>Crashes on final
Did I miss an Engi carry?
why is the game called "Risk Of Rain"?
I never got that
There's a small risk of it raining on the final level
>Providence as you tear through the planet
Because the base game is chance based, sometimes it can rain and that's to be considered bad luck. It's also applicable to the fact that the ship crashes and it's cargo "rains" from the sky.
I think it's also applicable when funballs rain down sometimes.
Need host ?
>It can rain
>never saw it once
Oh shit, i didnt even knew it
Well, the effect is rather light so not a lot of people notice it
Another funny thing. By listening to the artist commentary on his soundtrack, I learned that after 4-5 minutes of the temple's track, a literal storm starts to sound. I've been playing for 3 years and never knew this because I always activate the tp before it starts.
>tfw the best track, moisture deficit, almost didnt get put into the ost because Chris thought it didnt fit the game
Also if there's one thing I wish ror2 fixed is the fact that you almost never get to listen to the whole song for levels since you find the tp so fast.
>my favourite track, Chanson d'automne, is among Chris top three
>he thought it would get rejected but it didn't
Why do people keep putting edition in the name? Also
Ded thred?
Or is there already a host?
Failed to connect.
Try again, I did a quick solo run while I waited
Still nothing.
Alright I rehosted, maybe that will work. Or maybe you're IP banned, which you shouldn't be unless you're from mexico but who knows
Other guy reporting in, doesn't work and I don't live in mexico.
I'm from canada is there anybody else in the game? Maybe you typed up the wrong IP.
That was it, I'm absolutely retarded and put the wrong IP. Sorry guys
Sleep is forbidden.
Anyone else make the mistake of buying it on ps4 like me?
That's it for me. Thanks guys.
sleep now
host when?
>introduce matchmaking
>no playerbase
Sasuga hopoo
Why the FUCK isn't there a sequel to this yet? There's so much potential
>hopoo wants to introduce joining mid game in ror2
Rip anyone without mariel bans. Rip us all if you can't edit the ini
in the works, soon™
It's in the making right now, check the hopoo dev blog
If hopoo doesnt introduce decent options for the host or a kick function I'm gonna flip out
When asked about multiplayer he said it was coming back and something along the lines of them hoping that it could support more players than 3. Think he said something about editing the ini but I can't remember
>join midgame
>your new team is on their fifth loop
>die within the first minute every stage
i wonder what they plan to do about this
Maybe it will just dump a bunch of exp on you or something
I picked it up for PS4 a while back and had a blast playing with a couple of friends I talked into buying the game. It sucks that every time I try finding a multiplayer match, it never seems to connect. I'd love to play with some people and just loop until we're nearly fucking invincible.
Speaking of RoR, are there any other fun games that share similarities on the PS4? I picked up Rogue Legacy and BoI on the PSN after discovering I enjoy those style of games, so suggestions along those lines are also welcome.
Care to play a couple games? I dont have anyone on my friends list that has this game, most of them just wanna play fighting games or Mobas
doesn't solve the item problem tho
True, but who knows if it will even be in the game. All depends if hopoo can figure it out or not
>someone joins midloop
>immediately rekt by a magma wurm
>'player' has left the game!
random items when joining?
>6 infusers
i hope this happens
i dc wtf
crashed, open again
Wish I would have seen your reply, but I backed out of this thread and started making dinner. Next time I'm on my PS4 and there's a RoR thread up, I'll post my ID and we can play.
host when
action number 1
of Key Press Event for Key
for object objClient:
Variable objClient.user_name(100031, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_objClient_KeyPress_13
what the fuck happened
No sleeping yet
Loader does it better
well someone's mother is getting wurmed on her sleep tonight
>implying acrid can combat wurms
Host when?