Why did games start to suck after ps2?

Why did games start to suck after ps2?

because the ps2 itself was shit
its only redeeming qualities were it being cheap, a dvd player, and having a fucking immense library to save it from being deemed fucking worthless

no Klonoa sequel

take it to /vr/

>it had almost every game on it that mattered
>if it didn't, then it would have had no games that mattered



PS2 is overrated


Give reasons

>Why did games start to suck after ps1?

increased focus on multiplayer and dlc

they didn't, nostalgia is just the ultimate form of historical revisionism

20 good games

2000 trash games

I think you will find "not being alive" and "team bias" is the ultimate form of historical rivisionism on Sup Forums

Hardly an argument, my N64 has 10 good games and 350 shit ones. Next.

you tell me why it's good.

The internet ruined consoles

They never sucked. I love video games and so do you, but we aren't really here for them. We are just here to fight one another. WE WILL BE DOING THIS FOREVER. HAVING FUN?

>I was born after the PS2 came out

It's objective whether or not they did start to suck afterwards, but assuming they did I could venture a guess. I would say it was a two-fold change to the industry which reinforced one another. First, technology changed. This could make games better, but they ultimately more-so began to affect the practices of the industry rather than the quality of games themselves. Before, they would release a finished title and they would have to have a certain standard of quality put into it to be successful. As online technolgies got better, developers learned they could patch games later so they could rush development more and more and push out unfinished products. Plus this ability to add content lead to DLC becoming standard. Chunks of games were cut out of the finished product to sell later, as opposed to developing additional content. It wasn't after the fact anymore, games are designed with DLC in mind. The open connectivity of the world also helped to push out multiplayer games more and more, now where they are the norm and single player titles are now in the minority. Since games were more-so designed to be played in this fashion, plot-lines in games and developing the titles didn't matter as much anymore. All you needed was a few multiplayer levels designed, and you could sell some cheap FPS game. Further to this, micro-transactions became more and more prevalent and games just became pay-to-win and alienated the average consumer from investing time and money.
The second major factor I would say is the change in the market, Games went mainstream and that pulled quality down. People who had been playing games for all their lives when it came out had a certain idea of what was acceptable standards and practices, but that changed as more and more people began to enter the flow. What would once be mediocre and fall to the way-side could now become a profitable flash in the pan as people ate it up.

This. People just want something to shitpost about.

Because Videogames became too expensive to make
Proof: the wii was still fine, Videogames started to suck after the wii

You grew up.

Let me guess you were born between 1990 and 2000, correct?

>let me guess you're in the top 99% age group of users of this website, right?

The internet ruined everything

You made the bold claim brother.

/vr/ is retarded and thinks that nothing after 1999 can be retro, no matter how much time passes.

the console isn't old enough to be considered /vr/

>kids who were born in 2000 will be able to post here next year

This, it's pathetic.

I think it´s because as the standards of what games should be raised in therms of expected quality, expected ammount of content, etc costs also raised.

Innovation becomes pretty expensive that way and stalled projects on long development can mean the closing of a small studio... so most "survivors" play it safe.

And we end up with lots of similar games that catter mostly to what is popular.

>bloated games with tons of filler are better

What happened was that back then, games had to accommodate for the possibility that you didn't have a good internet connection or even one at all, so they had to fill the games with content and make sure there were no obvious bugs

ps2 is shit

I feel like quality and creativity took a giant nose dive last gen, so I avoided consoles and stuck to PC

I think it picked back up this gen, and thus purchased a PS4.

what isn't

>implying they aren't posting here already

Budgets got too high to make a pretty game and no one would buy a game that wasn't pretty so they needed to pander to lowest common denominator to make sales as big as possible to make back the budgets

dont lie,ps4 is a bloodborne machine

I never really got the hype surrounding this system. I can count the good games it had on one hand. I say this as someone who owned one at the time too.

inb4 underage. Born in 87, started playing games before most of you babbys even knew what vidya was

It sure ruined you.

>no one would buy a game that wasn't pretty
>san andreas

They didn't. You are just getting older, more bitter at your place in life, and are trying to take out your misplaced anger on a hobby.

Move on with your life.

I'm guessing you didn't like Japanese games.

You don't have to be a one-region-only fag to like or dislike the PS2

I believe you mean Gravity Rush machine.

That's a terrible excuse. I've spent the last three years playing games anywhere from the 80s to now that I've missed, and I'm still having a lot of fun with older games. And some newer ones too of course, I think the industry is recovering slightly, but I still think they were generally better in the 90s and early 2000s.

But user the DS and PSP were fine

i said bloodborne! dont make me mad

So was the 3DS
So was the Wii U
So is the PS4
So is the Switch


Quit gettin' mad at video games.

If you weren't born between 1990-2000 you really shouldn't be using this site famalam

But bruh, I'm pretty hot for a 30 year old trap

you have to be a complete fucking moron

>Wii U
>not objectively shit

it wasn't the games that started sucking, it was you.

Because of achievements.

Games were cheaper to make, so devs could make more experimental, niche games and still make a decent profit.
Nowadays game are so expensive that you pretty much have to pander to the biggest amount of people possible. Either that or go full indie "hipster interactive experience" mode.

>Wii U, PS4, Switch
>not mentioning the Vita

Get real.

>Video game console's only redeeming qualities were actually having games
Wow you don't fucking say, you're really on to something here kiddo. you should write about it to your english teacher next year, maybe you'll pass the 9th grade

budgets got inflated and there was a global economic crisis

faced with this, western developers turned to the safest cover shooter xbox trash they could think up, and japanese developers turned to the safest anime trash phone games they could think up.

at least the ds kept getting some good stuff, due to the low budgets required to make handheld games.

its getting better now that the economy is slightly less shit, japanese devs are learning how to use steam and phone games are an oversaturated market

Move on with your life.


Halo 2 made online console gaming the dankest shit ever to hit the industry

it's pretty much the moMent The gamiNg inDEWstry went to shit

It's this gens multiplat machine of choice. Every gen has one friend, and for a lot (see: most) it ain't PC. Im sorry, it just isn't. Probably never will be. Theres a bigger world outside of Sup Forums

Sorry but I don't like payed online, dicks in my ass and 20 fps games but to each his own I guess.

Why did so many PS2 games have shitty, muffled voices/sound effects/music?

I'm looking at you, Killzone. But Killzone sure as shit wasn't the only one with this problem.


But user, good games are alive and well on handhelds. It's just the home consoles fucking everything up.

Hey, i aint arguing with paying a premium to get ahead, but it is what it is, and the people's wallets shout loudest and the people's platform right now, this gen is PS4z it is what it is.

>I think it picked back up this gen

You're dumb.

Really? Is that all?

Because that's when the internet caught on.

>Early 90s people were too young to own a PS2


Meant for

Yes. The Gamecube had more RAM for audio, and the Xbox had more RAM than both the GC and PS2 and it was more flexible in how it could be used


Hmm, makes sense I guess.

>too young to own a PS2
30 is on the horizon and I go as far back as PC Engine, Super Famicom, 3DO, and DOS.

The PS4 has been great even though it was pretty lacking starting off.

Faggot, I was born in 1991 and my first console was an OG Gameboy.

PS2 was either the third or fourth gaming machine I ever owned.


Your average ps2 game could be made for 4-5 million, where as your average ps3 needed 40-50 million.

Not all of us were children when the PS2 was out, kiddo.