This is the ultimate gaming combo of the entire gen. Go ahead, try and prove me wrong. I'll be ready to laugh when you say "b-but xbox can't play Detroit Gone Human.."
This is the ultimate gaming combo of the entire gen. Go ahead, try and prove me wrong...
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no reason for an xbox. it's the worst option for multiplats.
wow, its almost like you dont wanna play exclusives or something
Any xbox games worth having are also on PC, and you don't have to pay to play them online.
Wrong. You've got the better infrastructure and typically more players. All you've got is 1080p (which the One X takes care of just nicely)
Did you buy that one just for fucking gears? Christ
>more players
o i am laffin
>better infrastructure
objectively false
will xbots ever learn
>A weak PC with a literal 1 exclusive that's worthwhile, sunset overdrive (Microsoft releases their first party games on PC even now) AND less multiplats than PS4 (Losing out on Transistor and Pyre alone is a massive blow)
>And a WiiU but portable
Fucking kek. This might be the absolute worst combo of the entire gen.
Gaming PC, 3DS, Vita, and WiiU is the true masterrace. Gonna get a PS4 if KH3 remains console exclusive and a Switch once they have games and they get rid of that beta test tier first model with a hardware revision.
considering the PS4 has a bigger user count, your own argument about the "more players" supports getting a ps4. do you usually go about creating arguments that work against yourself like that?
>just buy a new console so you can play at the current standard
sure senpai