How long until Nintendo drop another swapnote on us with the Splatoon 2 miiverse because furfags can't contain...

How long until Nintendo drop another swapnote on us with the Splatoon 2 miiverse because furfags can't contain themselves?

Furfags need to die, but sometimes a I DO wish a had a buff dragon boyfreind.
Does that make me a furry?


This shit is really just depressing. Furries can't just let their fetish be their fap material, they have to make it their life style. Any community that tolerates them is torn a part because the furries want the community to be about furries. Shit's got nothing to do with Splatoon or Nintendo or video games. All you can do is report it. Don't feed them with anti-furry posts. People need to demand an actual moderation system so these people can be banned on site.

that's good art though, who the artist?

>be a furry into bara
>other bara furries are annoying as shit and need to shove their fetish down everyone's throat
this is frustrating

nvm, I'm retarded, it's in the pic

>Be a non furry into bara
>The porn is either depressing or furry

>Furry shit all over the place
>dies down for a day
>now trans shit is all over the fucking place
What is next, Squids protesting to take down the great zap fish or something? Shit is getting ridiculous.

>artist liking his nsfw twitter on the miiverse
>where kids can see it


>Nintendo game
>hurr furries durr

What if I told you that statistically Furrries make furry their life style and some people make it fap material? Out of all furries those who masturbate to it are the minority.

You know whose to blame for this right...

you mean squidiculous

Is everyone on splatoon a really good artist? I see so many screenshots with sweet art. I don't know how swapnotes work do people copy paste them or are they all original drawings?

I'd say you're a liar.

shit, how do I edit my post?

I don't care. I've fapped to all sorts of shit including furfaggotry. What matters is that there are enough to be cancer. If you identify as a "furry" you are cancer.
>Out of all furries those who masturbate to it are the minority.
This is bullshit because no matter where you are on the spectrum of furfaggotry, you masturbate to it.

At least isn't MLP shit

>broken english

Listen to this wise acolyte of Lego man.

I don't like furries, but I like splatoon.
I hate this, and I feel so frustrated that there isn't anything I can do. It's fine that furries like splatoon for some reason, but I wish they would stop shoving this down everybody's throat.

Furry shit is ten times worse.

They should be rounded up and killed

if i hide my power level but fap to furry, I'm one of them?
haha, no. pony faggotry is the only tag i filter, and I'm a degenerate.


MLP is okay when used in its intended purpose a show for children.Can't say the same about anything furry.

>I'm one of them?


whats going on here