How many of you decide which game you're going to get or play next based solely on if you like the cute anime grills in it?
Is there anyone here who'll outright refuse to play a game if it doesn't have cute anime grills?
How many of you decide which game you're going to get or play next based solely on if you like the cute anime grills in it?
Is there anyone here who'll outright refuse to play a game if it doesn't have cute anime grills?
If it has qt models I just hope they get ripped from the game. No need to buy them.
I but games based off wanting to play a game to scratch an itch.
I got P5 because I wanted a game about being /fa/ as fuck and stealing shit.
I got Thief because I wanted a game where I was more a classing asshole talking things because they are shiny.
>being such a thirsty basic pleb that you'll buy a game purely because it has le cute anmay grills
Hello there reddit
I don't, also nope. I'm not a degenerate and I feel sorry for anyone who does this.
>everyone who disagrees with my shit taste is reddit
Take a toaster bath retard
No, I pick games based on gameplay and if it appeals to me, never based on imaginary whores. Fucking pathetic.
These posts seem to counter about 75% of Sup Forums threads that are just people circlejerking to the girls in the game
I'm still glad not everyone here is a fucking retard though
Cute girls might make me check the game out but i wont actually buy it/play it if its shit
The retards and waifubait faggots are just loud and shitpost constantly
*sniiiiiiiiiff* aaaaaah~
Cute anime girls are always a nice incentive but never really a prerequisite.
I always base my decisions on whether or not there is a character(s) that can punch/kick shit in the game.
After that, it goes shield-users, spear users and then Healer.
If I have to go based on character design then it's always the Sensei-Cakes followed by Tomboys.
This. If I want cute girls, I'll look at porn.
I play-buy some games that have cute girls in it as sequels.
what I mean is, I first buy a game because the gameplay caught my eye, since I'm an old fag, I tend to like simple games such as beat em ups, puzzles, shootemups etc. so for example I bought Senran Kagura because of the beat em up nature of it. I ended up loving the characters.
I now buy Senran Kagura games not because of the gameplay, but because I want to see more interactions between the characters, gameplay is sill important, but first I just want more character interactions, if the gameplay is absolutely terrible (Bon Apetit) I don't get it, but if its serviceable I do
I'm not a virgin so no, I don't buy games just for the girls
I know I don't care if the game has or hasn't animu grills and I certainly don't base 99% of my purchase on things like that.
I won't deny that if I'm already interested on a game, it having hot chicks very well could be the tipping factor that makes me buy that shit.
This thought process lead me to playing the two best games this year.
Its ok to jerk it to the cute fictional girls in a game.
What is not ok is letting them take over your mind and determine your decisions.
I buy games that I hear good things about, that I may enjoy. Then I fall for the qt3.14 2d grills.