
I'm assuming it's no longer possible to get this Broly, right?

How often do units get rereleased?

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't know but bumping because I was waiting for a dokkan thread

>have that vegeta in that picture

>he's a good int per orb character

>find out you only get 1 coin per win



Whenever Bamco feels like wanting more money.

Is there a better rank up stage other than 21-1? I can no longer level-up refresh my stam by doing what I want along with this stage.

Japan has a Super Kid Buu fight so hopefully we'll get it soon.

I hate Dokkan Battle threads on Sup Forums.
I wanted them for a long time but now that they're here I'm seeing how unbelievably casual you all are and the stupidity of the people who tell you what units are good and what units aren't.

Usually gets released before a WT

Also this banner really needs fucking changing. Atleast 1 SSR a pull or something like naruto where 9 pulls grabs you the banner unit

Simple solution: don't enter them anymore

Managed to pull 2 copies of the SR 17 & 18 that can eventually become Legendary Rare. Is it worth the time and effort to gather the medals required to get them that far?

Pretty often. If not an STR banner like Vegeta, he'll be in the next Rising Dragon one for sure.

Also, does anyone else feel burnt out like a motherfucker from the LR Goku campaign? I didn't even go for SA15 on any of the strike chars and I'm barely able to drag myself through the Goku event itself.

If you're not running a double rainbow bulma team you're retarded. The subs don't even matter, just throw in some random shitty TEQ units and you can beat that shit in like 4 minutes.

Which banner? I want to pull from the same one just to spite you.

where the fuck has the inimitable fusion (super gogeta event) gone?
finally got him z-awakened and its gone

You mean int/str floaters

You gotta read the news about the banner. Usually when an LR is on a banner, the news will show the LR highlighted in the color of it's type.

I.E Majin Vegeta highlighted in blue, etc.

Also post yfw you get no LR's only lousy SSR's on the AGL banner

no I don't dumb dumb, I mean TEQ, because then you can tank an LR super when you're not paying attention because you're finishing that shit in four minutes.

Inimitable Fusion is up on Thursdays, my man.

Yes. They are pretty nice in a mono AGL if you still need a substitute, and are staples on extreme AGL if you plan on using that.

They have better links than LR Goku for sure but honestly just get them to TUR and not LR. They do wonders on an Extreme AGL team

I don't have that face I wasn't stupid enough to pull on a trap banner with Cooler and Gogeta on the way

>TEQ leader
>"just toss in some strange/int units"

Omega. I've literally pulled about 12-14 times on it and just keep getting the fucking dick. I've literally had about 8 multis where there was nothing about SR and I haven't pulled either of the 2 units I wanted in rose/phy omega

Fuck me. I pulled dick as well.

I tried farming the buu event for some medals but apparently i cant do it with my team. So i have to get medals to increase my team's level further but i cant even defeat the boss with lvl 80 what event should i farm?

Not grinding LR goku ?

>take over 20k damage with regular attack
>under 10k with str/int floater

>dumb dumb

I'm pretty sure that banner is rigged. I got gogeta in 5. I really want them to implement something like 9 pulls gets you the main card or 1 ssr a multi, too bad though it's bamco

you are forgetting teq units add more health to your team and do more damage if you are runnig Bulma + Goku lead

How much health like 10k? Can you do math on the values of trade off? They don't do shit for damage anyway, especially if they're just in sr state like he said.

>tfw awakened my team faster than I was getting more team cost
o-okay I don't mind 4 man teams

i run double bulma and have 110k hp
if i add 2 int floaters i have 95k

So just started the game, gave 3 10 pulls and got this. Am i set to keep going?

hell yes god yes

Are you retarded? Tank that 70K LR super on your dumbass str trunks because you were too stupid to put in units to give you 30% more health. Android 16 is the exception because he's a tank.

I run a mono TEQ team since all my units are UR and level 80+ and SA 10+. I usually get around ~100k in health and rarely do I use any items since I use Bulma's healing ability

>not the casualest of casual games

i suggest you use piccolo over trunks if you can farm him tomorrow

I got a SSJ4 Goku and SSJ3 Goku GT

When's the best time to start rolling for the best STR units for this team, now or wait for better summon events?


Is that how much damage you're taking from supers? Ouch. It's only like 40k on type disadvantage units.

not bad but i would reroll for ssj4 goku

you can try the gogeta banner for a str gogeta but the chances that you get him are low

Is it better if I just wait for events where you get a free roll after a few rolls for them

Keep that and work around Gogeta first then Vegito Blue

So that's cool but if you take a super and another hit on non bulma in one turn isn't that like almost 100k right there?

I have ss gohan possessed that buffs even more for 30% with double bulmas and he still takes almost 25k damage on regular hits.

Goku supers 70k on teq

My rotations are
Bulma + Chun
Bulma + LR Goku

So if he supers bulma for 65k i can still take 2
20k hits or 17-18k if piccolo is around

Trunks gives himself ki so yo don't need to worry about his supers. piccolo is just bad, I wouldn't waste my time on him.

how long till lr goku ends?

Piccolo at Sa 15 supers at 9ki and give 15%atk and def to you ard hitters (huge on LR goku)
I run both because i don't have GT gohan

It seems like all teq might be safer but require more items.

The XP grind is killing me. Still 10 ranks away from being able to switch out this Saibaman. I don't even want to think about the grind to have enough room to awaken my units.

Endless suffering.

if you have LR/TUR goku you only need to use orb changing items and maybe 1 senzu when you get a bad rotation

>that team set up
The only one who is getting a real boost is Fasha and a slight boost to omega

Switch omega to leader under you awaken everybody

so I'm supposed to unlock bulma's hidden potential before I dokkan? what the fuck do I do now that I've already used 10 awakening medals

Once everyone is awakened and the Saibaman is swapped wouldnt everyone be up to at least Super STR and benefit from Goku?

You don't need to use orb changing items at all. Just save up orbs for him.

This is my problem with all teq. It's basically a question of defense vs hp. You don't need to super with anyone but Bulma/Chun/LR Goku and in fact you shouldn't because you will eventually cuck one of them out of supering if you try to hit with everyone or even one more person.

How many rainbows you got, Sup Forums?

post yfw Gigantic Meteor in WT

From SS4 Goku, Super STR characters get 3 ki and 100% boost. Extreme STR get 40% boost. That's it.

>You don't need to use orb changing items at all.
i just like finishing the stage in under 4 minutes lol

Better than Shenron

Depends on your box

Well no shit but shenron will boost everyone on his team except for bulma, ss4 is only boosting fasha and shenron.

Nani the fuck!?

They both failed btw


So if you take an LR Goku friend then you lose hp and defense.

Hp stays almost the same because of Lr goku's stats
But you can 2 turn the last phase

I keep mistiming the screenshot but anyone else seen android 18s infinity bullet super attack sprite? It's dreadful, puts me off using her

Finished that Goku yet?

Super Saiyan 3 Broly in Global when?

Before STR Ultimate Gohan, but not any time soon.

Is PHY SS3 Broly any good? I have a rainbow PHY SS Broly I'm sitting on right now.

Haven't even started it. Fuck the grind for Strikes. Hopefully they do this event again next year or some shit like Frieza.

He's a great FTP unit, yeah.

Nah i got two omegas and one phy broly. Just random

No thanks, LR Gohan is good enough for me. Got both Omega and Gogeta, while also having SS4 Goku. Im set for the next year

>people still think lr goku is the main prize

not doing it for the kais?



Why post it again?

I fucking hate you. Nice pull though m8


We were all very impressed the first time


you want the teq one

>50 stones when we're getting 22 daily for almost no effort
>kais that they hand out like candy every time theres an event

Nice try, Bamco spy!

>>free multisummon
>>kais that they hand out like candy
not true at all, do you only have those 3 good units or something?

>when you're that assmad that you try to trick an user
He got the right one, dont be a bitch.

Ok guys I'm gonna pull on the AGL banner wish me luck

>free multisummon
>get this

God speed.

I got broly, who needs that trash getes

>don't be a bitch
>user posting shitty low quality pic of lucky summon again just to farm yous
Should we all just post the same lucky summons to farm yous now?

True, it's why I never summoned once since starting the game. What's the point? I might get nothing.

A-At least i can get his Super Atk up haha

I got plenty of SSRs that are considered good. Rose, TEQ Gold Freezy, Goku Black, God Vegeta/Goku, plenty of good STR for SS4 Goku. Alot of the feature characters during the SS4 Banner, and most of the ones in the Gogeta/Shen banner.

The only notable ones i dont have are Vegito and all those other fused variations, and the Buuhan im always hearing about. But i've been steamrolling through everything just having SS4 Goku.



Check back whenever a new banner goes up. It'll never be a featured unit, but the news feed will mention (in the fine print) if there are any LRs that can be pulled.

In the meantime, keep an eye out for the Caulifla/Kale banner. That one will have all summonable LRs up for grabs.

Not too shabby for a sealer.

>calling oceanus shit

she's the best R unit in the entire game with shocking speed/sealing

What the fuck is this tablet shit?
