What are you anons thoughts on episode 1?

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I liked it

good god that movement is buttery

It made me wonder why it took 20 years for a developer to suddenly remember the lost art of making FPSes without it feeling like a Serious Sam-like

Can't wait for EP2/3

seems the guy over at PC Gamer never played Duke 3D

It was okay, really fucking easy and all the maps besides one or two were pretty tiny compared to Doom and Quake. Now I don't like Doom 2's almost maze-like design, but I would've appreciated having some bigger levels, because on my first run through killing 90% of enemies, trying to get on top of buildings and finding secrets it took me about 58 minutes to get through all the levels.

>don't have time to play with myself

Oh so it plagiarises Duke's quotes too on top of everything else, huh

looks good I won't buy it for 20 bucks and certainly not if I'm not getting the whole thing right away

awesome bait. it's not like duke plagiarised "They Live" or something

If that's plagiarism, then every other thing that came out of Duke's mouth in D3D was also "plagiarism"