I'm making a Procedurally Generated Platformer. Tell me how not to fuck it up. I'm not going to do art or music, so just mechanics
Help me not fuck up a game
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you already fucked it up. Try not to fall for a shitty fad next time
You make it not procedurally generated
Change the genre.
OP here
What do you guys not like about Procedural Generation?
>giving actual attention to the levels you design
>shitting something out through an algorithm
gee, I sure do wonder what is wrong with procedural generation in a non-rpg environment.
Not a single action game with procedural generation has produced proper level-designs. Don't bother with it, it is a shitty fad
Of all the genres to use it in, platforming might be one of the worst.
How would you utilize it OP?
Alright, what if there are two modes. One that is hand made with a story and one where levels are Lego'd together?
Skip the procedurally generated part, a shitty game made of randomized platforming will end up being trash, look at all of the best platformers of all time. All of them use handcrafted levels.
OP Here
Levels would be Lego'd together. There would be premade sections which would essentially click together. There would be some non-PG stuff, but thats mainly big story areas
In that case levels will be highly generic and it'll all feel the same. I'm not saying you can't make a good pro-gen platformer, just that it has never been done before.
Could technically work, but you'd have to make A LOT of "bricks" for it to work. Otherwise you'd often end up with repetitive or otherwise bland levels.
About that, you might wanna watch this:
Why do you want to go for Procedural Generation would be a better question and what games inspired this decsion
I'll be making lots of bricks then. I assume people don't want samey levels, like most roguelikes
Yep, i saw that. One of the games that inspired jigsawing
I wanted to go for PG because of all the PG games I like. Flinthook, Immortal Redneck and Isaac cemeted the PG idea
Puzzle piece a bunch of handmade shit together. Give player a ton of movement mechanics which also function as attacks. Give all puzzle piece rooms modifiers to change layout based on movement mechanics player has. Make player move quickly with fast paced shit. Avoid using instant death falls or spikes. Room reroll ability. Really don't make the focus on random generation platforming it's difficult to make and will likely not be fun. Maybe make enemies or bosses have generated bullshit and you hack them and do fast randomly generated levels to change the enemies abilities to be beatable.
1. Doing that. Not just having a bot throw up shit everywhere and call it a level.
2. Rail Jumping is going to be a thing, lots of these
3. Can you explain this one further please?
4. Speed is a massive part of this game
5. There are no insta-death anything. And no fall damage either
6. Each level is all on one big map, for maximum fluidity. Level transition slow down gameplay, so they'll only be for entering boss arenas
7. Nope, platforming will all be hand made.
8. I love that idea. Not going to use it for the Big Bads, but will probably use that for a boss
For 3. Add some extra things to each room that only appear if the player has access to certain movement abilities. Like check if you have unlocked double jump then room objects flagged with double jump can appear or disappear. Mostly so rooms can be reused with added mechanics based on what the player is able to do. Or add difficulty by removing objects and having player use new tools to win.
Very Cave Story. Will do.
end your life beforehand?
>Having a discussion about how not to make a game shit
And then this faggot showed up
Alright, I've got to sleep now. Unless anyone else wants to add anything, I can write everything down and leave the thread to die
Waifus sell games.
I can't argue with you there. I wish it weren't true, alas it is