Hey Sup Forums. I'm completely new to videogames. What are some games I definitely need to play...

Hey Sup Forums. I'm completely new to videogames. What are some games I definitely need to play? I have a somewhat modern computer.

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I've played Tetris at some point, I think. Also Tapper, and The House of the Dead.

Warcraft 3
Rome: Total War
Mount & Blade Warband
Divinity: Original Sin
ArmA 3
Mass Effect 1 & 2
A Wolf Among Us
Age of Empires 2 HD
Rise of Nations
World in Conflict
maybe Knights of the Old Republic 2

I think this should give you a pretty good overview of what PC gaming can provide

Thanks for the reply. I'll start with some of these.

Don't listen to this guy. You have to play a game called league of legends.

Go on Overwatch or Csgo and be as racist as possible. Bonus points if you use a 12 year old voice changer.

Sengoku Rance is a classic.

Corruption of Champions

came here to post this

What the fuck
How are you new to videogames

There are like 3 games worth playing around... league of legends which is a shitmoba, dota2 which is a shitmoba full of russians and csgo which is a tactic-shooter or something.
The rest is just memes.

desu this type of shit is actually fun
griefing in overwatch ranked and collecting reactions is a blast

start with the greeks

One of my friends apparently never played a video game until he was in his 20's, and that was only a few years ago.

I'll play it too.

Thank you.

I was adopted by a very strict family that thought videogames were the devil, so they were never part of my upbringing.

some of us don't wanna die of cancer user


Half-Life seires
Max Payne series
Portal games
Hotline Miami (2nd one sux real bad tho)

Also I strongly reccomend buying the valve complete pack when it's on sale because you'll probably end up buying a lot of the games in it
I think I've seen it at like 20 bucks before, I already owned some of the game in it but I still regret not getting it

Team Fortress 2
Pokemon Emerald
Super Mario Bros 3

Thank you very much.

Start with 70's arcade gen games then work your way through each successive gen.

dont listen to this nu-fun faggot

Also, if you ever plan on picking up a ps3 you should try
DMC HD collection
MGS legacy collection and never ever play V
Prince of Persia HD collection
Hitman HD collection

Also I think there's a big capcom sale on steam right now so pick up the resident evil 1 remake and RE4


oh wait you don't need a ps3 for some of those

Start with games that you can easily emulate to see if you like the hobby or not. are decent, as well as most older games.

Grab SNES9X and play Super Metroid.

>mfw Sup Forums creates the perfect gamer


not really interested in buying a console when there's decades of games I should try

Is emulation complicated?

>Is emulation complicated?
Only arcade and PS2, all other systems are basically plug and play

How old are you, OP?
Because if you're over 25 and own a computer I have just the game for you.

Depends on which kind of games you like.
I mean if you try to get into movies you won't start with classics from the 30s. You'd most likely get started with modern movies that are on a higher technical level and are more popular. Tbh i dont think someone who plays baldursgate for the first time can enjoy it the way someone would have enjoyed it in the 90s. Maybe im wrong but maybe you should save playing through classic games for later when you are more comfortable and experienced with videogames, cause a lot of them are difficult and not intuitive to control at all. Also it might be hard to set some of them up on modern computers, if you are not good with computers.
Considering this, i'd recommend you get something that looks fun to you and is not too heavily skillbased or complex. Something like for fps overwatch or teamfortress. If you like strategygames maybe try a total war game with a setting you like or civilization if you dont like realtime battles.It's really hard to make suggestions without knowing which genres you are interested in.
I wouldn't consider any videogame a general "must-play".

Age of Empires II

Any of the doom games apart from doom 3


23, but what's the game?

I'm pretty good with computers, I think. But I have no idea what kind of games I like. I haven't played enough games to classify them in "kinds".

>Is emulation complicated?
Not really, my man. Try Chrono Trigger while you're at it.

>23, but what's the game?
it's a summer meme

I'm going to give you your first exposure to Metal Gear Solid.

>I'm going to give you your first exposure to Metal Gear Solid.
>Posts metal gear revengeance
proof mgr fans are retarded

btw, if you're going to play quake use quakespasm, don't do any of that hd pack nonsense unless you really like how it looks
it's pretty easy to get running, you just unzip it in your steam folder, delete the application called "WinQuake" and give its name to the quakespasm application so when you can just open quakespasm through the normal steam thing
you need to add in the music yourself, also just a matter of unzipping

yeah, mgr was a good time but idk who would think that's a good entry point

Which games have you played? Which did you like best? Did you go to the steamshop and look at the most popular games trailers?
Back in the days we read reviews of the games in magazines to see which games were interesting, today you can watch other people explaining or reviewing about every game in the world on youtube, that might help also.

Deus Ex but with these patches:

Sure, I'll keep this in mind. Thanks

This one too.

I've played only played a handful of old arcade games, so for all practical purposes I've played nothing.
I'm aware there's a lot of information around, but it's hard to start as an outsider to the hobby.

Fallout games would be great, user. Try playing The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time on SNES and N64 emulators, respectively.

What are you interested in, what's your age, which games have you played?

Some general advice: If your computer can run them, I highly suggest getting a PS1 emulator and a PS2 emulator. They were the best consoles of their respective generations, and there are a lot of very good games for each of them. You can download the games from a number of different sources, like The Iso Zone.

Alternatively, you could probably get a used PS2 pretty cheap. It can play PS1 games, too, though you'll still need a PS1 memory card for savegames.

As for more specific recommendations, it's kind of hard to do that when I don't know what kind of games your interested in. Here are a few of my favorites, though, and their genres:

Freespace 2 - An arcade-style space sim where you fly a space fighter. Though it's technically considered "arcade", it actually has a lot of depth. You'll probably want a joystick if you want to play it, though it's not required. You should also get the Freespace Open installer, which will automatically download and install a vastly improved version of the game and several very good user-made campaigns.

Descent - It's kind of like Doom, but you're flying a spaceship, and you can move in every direction at once. A joystick would be ideal, but mouse and keyboard will also work fine.

Neverwinter Nights - A fantasy RPG based on D&D. The original campaign isn't considered to be very good, but the two expansions are, and there are also a lot of modules made by the community that are available at the Neverwinter Vault.

Shadowgrounds and Shadowgrounds: Survivor - Action/shooting games played from a top-down perspective. Very fun. They came with level editors, but I don't know if anyone ever did anything with them.

Torchlight and Torchlight 2 - Fantasy hack-and-slash RPGs. Hack-and-slash means that they use several RPG mechanics, but combat is more fast-paced and takes place in real time.

Oblivion and Skyrim - Fantasy action-RPGs played from a first person perspective. Lots of mods for pretty much anything you want.

Also, every game mentioned in this post, except for Skyrim, is available on GOG.com, which is also a very good source for PC games in general. You'll need to use Steam if you want to play Skyrim. However, I recommend buying the original version of Skyrim, not the Skyrim Special Edition. Despite some technical upgrades, the Special Edition is the worse version of the game, because many of the best mods don't work with it and probably never will.

>recommending Oblivion and Skyrim but not Morrowind

Morrowind is vastly overrated, and full of clunky mechanics that someone entirely new to games will probably have a hard time dealing with.

I'll check those out.

I'm interested in music and architecture, I'm 23 and I've only played a handful of old arcade games.

I'm not planning to buy a console, sorry.
Thanks for the recommendations.
>You'll probably want a joystick
Shit, I should have mentioned I don't have any game peripherals. I hope most of the games in the thread are ok with mouse and keyboard.

Can you download a program called Speccy so you can show us your PC specs? This is important.

play furi, hotline Miami, and Victoria 2 or really any niche game until you find the type fit for you

Get a wired Xbox 360 controller and you'll be set.

mouse and keyboard is a game peripheral and it is the best one :)
there's very few games you'd need a controller for, especially in this thread

I built my PC, so there's no need for a program, maybe?
I've got an i5 CPU, a gt 720 GPU, and 4GB ram

Hotline miami came up a lot ITT. I'll probably try it first.

Ok, thanks.

It's true that just about every PC game except hardcore flight sims can be played just fine with a mouse and keyboard, but a decent gamepad would be a good investment for emulation purposes.

Your PC is pretty underpowered but most games ITT are either old or don't have high system requirements, so you'll be fine for now.

Play Super Metroid. It's a masterpiece with a simple learning curve that is perfect for someone without much gaming experience.

>it's hard to start as an outsider to the hobby
I see.... you need a more practical approach.
If a friend of me, who never played videogames, asked me which games i'd suggest, just like you did, my answer would probably be "type "steam" into google, go to their store and click through the offers. You can sort them by quite some filters like "most popular". If a game is under the most popular on steam it's probably in most cases not complete trash, also they have a solid playerbase and you have good chance to find friends in the specific community of the game you are interested in, which makes playing a lot more fun."
So for example the first thing that pops up for me is "cities skylines" if you are interested to build you own city in a game and like the graphics and mechanics displayed on the storepage, that might be a good game to get started with. If you are not interested, you just look at the next game... at least that's how i'd approach it.

>recommending Skylines instead of the GOAT city builder

xbox 360 controller is great, i recommend you emulate some older games, from the Genesis/NES/SNES eras, try SMB, Mega Man, Castlevania, Earthworm Jim, Sonic, etc, look for some list of the best games for those platforms and start there, also you can go to /vr/ and there's a Chart Thread rn with lots of useful information.

You might find city-building games interesting. Sim City is the obvious choice, and then there are the Caesar/Zeus/Pharaoh/Emperor games, if you're interested in ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt/China. They're all on GOG, too.

You might also like using the toolsets in Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion/Skyrim. You can make some pretty interesting environments with them.

Any of the Grand Theft Auto games maybe not III because it's the worst of them because it was the first 3d GTA.
Star Wars Battlefront 1&2 by Pandemic not EA for fucks sake.
Left 4 Dead 1&2 but play with friends not retards or play with retarded friends.
Resident Evil games really fine with starting 4 but if you like camera perspective the first 3.

You should play spacechem

Top kek

Yeah, I figured.

Thanks, that's the kind of experience I'm looking for.

I'm not really looking for what's new and hot. In most cases I probably wouldn't be able to run those games. Just looking for classics or must-plays from almost half a century of video games.

I'll check that thread, thanks.

God no. Urban planning is hell, why would someone do it for fun?

Thank you.

It was an example. I didnt play skylines. Played simcity 4 though and wouldnt recommend. It's old af and you feel it. The new sim city also seems to be shit.

>God no. Urban planning is hell, why would someone do it for fun?
Hah, fair enough. It was just a guess, anyway.

> Just looking for classics or must-plays from almost half a century of video games
Then download emulators and play pong and space invaders i guess?!That doesnt sound like fun though.

>God no. Urban planning is hell, why would someone do it for fun?
Because it's absolutely fucking groovy.

Mega Man 2. Everyone should play it at least once in their life.

Also after you've played a few games you should try aurora 4x
It's one of the more easy ones as well

>the average Sup Forumsirgin reading comprehension

If you're ever unsure about a game, here's a tool that checks if your computer can run it:


>the average 16yo average internetretard doesnt see the point cause the exaggeration upsets him

if you really want to experience the pinnacle of video games may I suggest the souls series - dark souls 1 and 3? They're somewhat hidden gems too and maybe a bit hardcore

Oblivion and Skyrim also let you play Nehrim and Enderal, respectively.

>God no. Urban planning is hell, why would someone do it for fun?

Fidel Castro Simulator can make it fun

>Everyone should play it at least once in their life
The kind of game I'm looking for, then.


Oh, this will come in handy, thank you.

>Fidel Castro Simulator
this does sound interesting though

Deus Ex is a must play.

Dude i dont know what's wrong with people in this thread, cause nobody said Muscle March before... Muscle March is the best game ever made and the majority of experienced videogamers would agree that it's in its own league. It just has the perfect balance between fun and challenge and also has nice graphics, but can be run on basically a potatoe. I'd go with Muscle March all day long.
