"Videogames will never be a legitimate art form" - Damon Albarn

>"Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as Alejandro Jodorowsky informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form."

Was he right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Who HASN'T this quote been attributed to?

should've used liam gallagher

Literally fucking who.

Video games are toys

Yes, completely

New Gorillaz album was shite my man.

>Video games can't be art, now let me not defend my viewpoint or elaborate on it at all because I am so right.
He's just mad Youtubers are making more cash than him and is desperate for some validation and meaning in his life.

Damon wouldn't say that. The only thing he cares about is getting suitcases of weed and he's anti-anyone/thing against that.

>Roger Ebert Copy Pasta
>People are still going to be baited by this.

Don't soil Albarns name with this shit, he didn't do anything.

Even tho "The Fall" and "Humanz" were trash albums

No shit, it's only like the single most famous and laughed out line ever uttered on this subject.

Jesus you people are dumb and/or fucking new.

>he didn't do anything
After Parklife, that is.

> I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it.

Why would you say 'enlarge upon' instead of 'extrapolate'? This is the ultimate pseudointellectual writing style where you carpetbomb the biggest synonyms you know through your writing without considering what fits well.

>Damon Albarn
>Gorillaz singer in charge of telling people what's art and what's not

Let me know when this mother fucker ever even makes "art" himself. He's got not critical praise or high reception. He's fucking faggot that will be forgotten this second his band dissembles and/or he dies.

>I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool's errand
>say fucking stupid thing
>'that's wrong'
>refuse to defend position

sounds retarded


That bonus track or whatever Sleeping Powder was pretty great though. Couple tracks on Humanz were bearable, like Saturn's Bars, but yeah, disappointing in the extreme. I know Gorillaz has always been about guests and features, but this album felt almost entirely focused on that and didn't flow at all.


Ah, Gorillaz, the ``band'' where you feature popular artiss on every song in your album, contributing only a beat and minor vocals to an album which is supposed to be yours

The 23 year old rapper Vince Staples they featured in their first song off their newest album has more talent than Damon or Jamie

That's pretty fucking sad in itself.



>the fall
Look at this uncultured swine over here

Ebert is wrong desu. That old fart in the wind has no right to determine what art or culture is.

Neither will be making music with your ipad, you faggot.
Also Rez infinite just proved you absolutely wrong. That game is the definition of art.

If you care one way or the other about this just fuck off and kys.

humanz is hot garbage and he should feel bad about making it

but yes, he's right

Never heard of blur?

Am I getting reverse b8d right now?

I see you've only listened to humanz

my dick stabbing a puppy in the eye would be more respectable art than Humanz, Fagbarn

No dumbass, the fact that you fell for that misattributed quote. It's like the oldest meme on Sup Forums

I have yet to see even one (1) good argument from anyone as to why video games are not or cannot be considered art. If you believe that film and music and literature qualify as art then you concede that video games do, too.

I was genuinely disappointed in how bad their latest Gorrilaz album was.

Not one single song stood out for me. Not one. All the features sucked too.

Plastic Beach had quite a few good songs, but this new album was just fucking trash.

he's right.
also fuck anyone that tries for force the "video games are art" meme

>I have yet to see even one (1) good argument from anyone as to why video games are not or cannot be considered art.
There is no systematic argument. The best one could ever do is to argue that there hasn't been a game quite deserving of such title yet on a broad consensus, or just pointing out that most of the public do not see them in such way, but neither of those are sufficiently explaining why game's CAN'T be art - at best why it's premature to consider them part of the artistically reocognized family quite yet.

I'm sure somebody will swing by with one of those retarded "games are entertainment, not art" or "games are like sports, can't call that art" bullshit arguments you always see half-arsedly thrown around.

> Thinks I give a shit about Art

With film, music, and literature, the observer has no agency. He either gets it or he doesn't. With games, the player must have agency. The creator cannot just make the game however he likes, he must always consider the player's needs. That's why video games are not art.

Next time I try fucking someone up in Unreal Tournament I will sure as shit stop to ponder whether or not what I'm playing is "art".

Who the fuck cares, kys. Sage.

If it pisses off Kotaku, it's right in my book.

i don't know what's worse, op or the fact that almost everyone in this thread bought it

There was/is a gorillaz interactive website game, therefor gorillaz is not art by his own logic

The Fall was really good m8

There's more than 300 definitions of art.
Which one this guy refers to?

Blur you fucking underage

If a woman shoving Spaghetti-O's in her cooche is art to these freaks why would you want Video Games to be "art"? Video Games should prioritize being fun to play before trying to appeal to the art crowd.

They all boil down to the same thing, but "this guy" isn't refering to anything. It's a picture of a contemporary musician randomly placed next to a ten years old fucking Roger Ebert quote. And you fucks should not be here if you can't even recognize that shit.

Of course Americans would get baited by this
If Damon was right about anything it's how easy they're fooled and entertained

>"Videogames will never be a legitimate art form" - Damon Albarn
Um, think again sweetie.

Plenty of people. The fact that you don't care is something that nobody else cares. But thank you for letting us know, we will be sure to remember your amazing contribution to the thread.

Fuck you, Albarn, where's The Good, The Bad and The Queen 2?

Anything remotely artistic is art. Art is not defined by how artistic it's percieved to be. All art is merely good art or bad art.

I like Albarn and his music but he can be a cunt sometimes.

>Bioshit infinite.

But it's not like video games are all these procedurally generated, randomized things with no artistic intent behind the choices and mechanics, they're carefully-constructed experiences that are meant to evoke emotion in the person engaging with them. The "artist" doesn't disappear just because he's allowed you a comparatively tiny amount of freedom within the work. Someone had to design the levels, write the story and dialogue, act, animate, etc. The active vs. passive argument doesn't hold up, frankly. Video games are still very much a curated artistic vision. Are optical illusion paintings not art because they allow the observer to interact with them and change what they see?


Every now and again, I read somebody saying that exact sort of thing about Videogames... and I can't help but wonder why people want them to be considered art in the first place. It's a pretentious stance without benefit, as far as I'm concerned.

If a literal can full of feces can be considered art then vidya can be considered art too, I'd say it's the culmination of all mediums right now since it combines so many elements such as text, visuals, music, story, cinematography and si on while also being interactive which engages the player, a thing other mediums can't do to such an extreme degree.

Gotta be a normie at something i guess

Yeah they released one good album more than 10 years ago.

not a good example

No. He's just a pretentious cunt. Anything can be framed as art. Video Games are a very creative endeavour and pool resources from various artistically inclined individuals to make games a reality.

Aren't all creative works by definition art?

Well, there is not exactly one definitive definition of art, but mostly... no. There is a philosophy of radical postmodern relativism that implies something similar (more of "all works can be considered art, which is not exactly the same thing but it's close enough), but honestly it's strictly illogical bullshit.

Virtually all other theories of art, across of history and cultures, have been highly selective. In fact, the "being selective" is probably the only quality they all share across the board. Abandoning selectivity of art is literally abandoning the notion of art as a meaningful idea.

Yes, A Twix wrapper is art.

The idea that art has to reach a certain 'level' of artistic complexity before it can be classified as art is profoundly wrong.

Isn't that selection just between good and shit art though?

Do people unironically think Monopoly would be art if there was some communist undertones?

That's just pretentious bullshit. Art is completely subjective by nature. Being selective about art is essentially saying "I don't like this so it's not art and no one else is allowed to say it is". No one in the world is important or relevant enough to make that claim.

art in video games can be art
music in video games can be art
story in video games can be art

gameplay cant

deal with it autistic manchildren

>"Videogames will never be a legitimate art form"
Jesus these people are insufferable. What a fucking moron.

Art is subjective as fuck regardless.
However this coming from a sellout commercial muscian is original

>Isn't that selection just between good and shit art though?
No. The idea of "good art" and "bad art" is basically just people trying to fix the damage caused by artistic relativists as their approach has rapidly been proven quite literally counter-productive. It's a sort of a watchwork crap that allows the art relativists to drivel while the rest of the world ignores them in partical manner.

There is no reason why to adopt the artistic relativism to begin with though. Art is inherently a recognition of unique value by social consensus.
If it's bad, then it's not valuable, then it does not need to be called art.

>Art is completely subjective by nature.
Stopping your right there: No. And if this is literally the best argument you can make up, just fuck off and don't talk about subject matters that you clearly don't know shit about.

Explain how it isn't then faggot. Oh right you're just a pseudo-intellectual cunt trying to dissuade discussion and impart that you're opinion is correct without reason. Get the fuck out of here faggot

T. someone who took one art history class


Roger Ebert is a cuck

Dude, if you only argument is "wah I hate how you sound vaguely smart, shut up you must be a terrible person and that makes me win", you might consider not posting at all.

Not really. In fact art academia has been largely to blame for this mess.

Not nearly everyone. Just people dumb enough to join the discussion without even rudimentary knowledge of the subject or education.

You folks know all too well that you have fucking grounds to actually talk about this. It's actually bizarre that you did not consider that a problem, or did not actually prepare yourself for running into someone who does.

This is probably the most up his own ass snide post i've seen on Sup Forums in a long time. Congrats.

>Walk around the Museum of Modern Art, look at those masterpieces it holds by Picasso and Jackson Pollock, and what you are seeing is a series of personal visions. A work of art is one person's reaction to life. Any definition of art that robs it of this inner response by a human creator is a worthless definition. Art may be made with a paintbrush or selected as a ready-made, but it has to be an act of personal imagination.

>The worlds created by electronic games are more like playgrounds where experience is created by the interaction between a player and a programme. The player cannot claim to impose a personal vision of life on the game, while the creator of the game has ceded that responsibility. No one "owns" the game, so there is no artist, and therefore no work of art.

>This is the essential difference between games and art, and it precedes the digital age. Chess is a great game, but even the finest chess player in the world isn't an artist. He is a chess player. Artistry may have gone into the design of the chess pieces. But the game of chess itself is not art nor does it generate art – it is just a game.

How autistic are you?

>Jackson Pollock



Considering the faggotry that passes for art these days and the sub-humans supporting it, I fail to see how this is a bad thing.

This is fake but Damon Albarn hasn't produced a single good song in his life, so it wouldn't matter if it was true either

Did he really say that?

Still haven't explained to me how art isn't subjective. Nice projecting there though you forgot one thing that you don't sound vaguely smart in the slightest just insecure enough that you have to come on Sup Forums to argue people you know nothing about including their background in the arts yet dissuading anything they have to add to the discussion. Again, you're a massive autistic faggot please go kill yourself.

As I am d'accord with your overall statement regarding modern art I still support the message of the quote I posted claiming video games are not art.

I don't know if video games in and of themselves are an art form, but many video games are compromised of various pieces that are indisputably art. From illustrations to graphic designs to set pieces to motion and voice acting to the entire thing being arranged together. It is all objectively art.

>Still haven't explained to me how art isn't subjective
Because it's established though social agreement, concensus or convention you retard. Like all meanings actually are.
Subjective means "report on immediate, individual, private state of mind of an INDIVIDUAL subjected to the phenomenon in question".

Art however, is a TERM and INSTITUTION: with it's own established discourse, shared recognition, hell, even legal ramifications.
It's a normative category. At the very least, it's a word we use and which have some degree of agreement on what it means: even if most people use it intuitively without having well formulated explanation of what it implies.

Art falls under the same category as all meanings of words, as well as all ethical notion fall under: it's a concept that we define through general agreement or consensus of relevant bodies of authority. Not through what one, single individual person feels like.

Your own private opinion of feelings on what is art does not matter until it's shared or recognized by relevant parts of the society enough to form at least tacit consensus. Because otherwise - it's literally meaningless.

And this is reflected in how we treat it. Legally, among other things. It's also how it functions: and it DOES ACTUALLY HAVE A FUNCTION. It's even a human universal: a notion shared among all societies at all points of history.

As a general rule of thumb: subjectivity is worthless.

>Again, you're a massive autistic faggot please go kill yourself.
This is quite literally how you react when somebody does not validate your incredibly poorly educated, intuitive and generally fucking stupid feelings, kid.

I have no idea who this man is or why his opinion is relevant. Nothing even in that quote presents a convincing argument, it can essentially be boiled down to "These things are art because people that lived before my time said so, but this new thing isn't just because"

How can he talk about art after the awful piece of shit that was humanz?

The man is above all not even an author of that quote and holy shit how new are you people to not know this shit?

>relevant parts of the society

And what parts are those?

It's a discourse that goes back and fourth between academia which plays generally the biggest part, professional critics, legal administration, the artists themselves, and the general public.

The more you want to be art, the more you aren't art.

If I don't recognise the man nor the quote, is it any surprise that I would be baited?

If nothing else, you should be able to recognize the bloody quote.

Red Dead Redemption. Art. An artistic statement of the old West. Boom. I just fucked your snob point of view, pal. What is art? Something that makes you feel. RSR made me FEEL.

Hey faggots. Why not decide individually for every game ? I dont think counter strike is art. But heavy rain is maybe. Kinda like you wouldnt consider a reality-show art, although it's scripted and acted, would you?

Yes, he is correct. Board games will also never be art.

There are a LOT of advertising people out there who would consider corporate pieces to be works of art. Twix is one among many. Budweiser toads? That's art too, baby.


That is about the dumbest definition of art i ever heard. When i rape your mother it'll make you feel too... or when i fart in your face... is this art to you?