Have been slowly listing/relisting battered fish on the market board to lower the price so normies can do their summer...

>have been slowly listing/relisting battered fish on the market board to lower the price so normies can do their summer event easily if they need
>6 autists have telled me to bitch at me about undercutting

jesus christ i hate this game

How are they telling you shit when the items are listed under your retinue's name?

Because OP made up his story so he could have a reason to make this thread

crafted items have your charcter's name on it

Does that little arm blade that Lyse uses have any significance?

Arm blade and the retractable, weighted cloth on her other arm will be the DNC weapons.

Tank bros get in here.

Samurai should have been a tank.

>w-w-we're gonna get a DNC healer and SAM tank g-g-g-guys

>ask DRK to use CDs when they pull big
>he uses Blackest Night



What's the issue? he should be spamming the fuck out of that thing so you can spam quietus which then lets you blackest night more/abyssal drain self heal.

Of course he should be using other CDs too, but those arent up as often as Blackest night.

Battered fish is a level 5 Cul recipe. Anyone can do that for themselves. If someone is going to be lazy, make them pay for it.

>make an alt on mateus to see if its really as bad everyone says
>see like 50 people with rp tags and even fc with before level 20

>6 autists have telled me to bitch at me about undercutting

I feel like this shit doesnt happen. Maybe one person at best. Who the hell is gonna whisper someone showing their asshole is bleeding over 4k gil items

Why not just give them away like everyone else? You are literally sitting a pile of gil that you are not using anyways.

You don't get a big pile of gil by giving free shit to lazy people.

This is probably the laziest edit of this I've seen.

Who /male hyur/ here?

you want some lipstick to go with your post you faggot? play a female like the rest of us

no way fag

/female lalafell/ here, give me all your headpets and commends.

>getting a bit bored going through the HW postgame
>queue in for some extreme primals I haven't done yet, end up getting Garuda
>DRK immediately fires up grit, figure he'll want to MT
>he just stands there, okay, I'll go
>constantly have to fight him for aggro, he doesn't know how to use shirk, apparently
>he actually doesn't know how to do anything but spam his aggro combo
>he's also really good at positioning the boss right where she'll AOE all the squishies
>ask him if he wants to MT so I can at least focus more on damage
>"she just starts attacking me idk why man"
I can understand mouthbreathers in msq dungeons, but did this dude just pick up a tank and go out of his way to test it out in the most challenging content available to him? It's so fucking stupid I don't want to believe it but I can't think of any other reason you would be doing extreme trials without knowing the most basic and important part of your job.

I would laugh at this, but there are people in my fc who have given commendations based on character cuteness.


that depends, are you a healslut?

I've been tempted. Some asshole in Cactuar keeps undercutting the glamour prisms I sell from 7000 to 4000, and going as low as 1000 at one point.

>tfw SAM 2,400 dps on Susano EX
>Still clear it

Fuck my life.

Speak for yourself gaylord, anyone who plays a female wants a dick inside of them.

I play a male and I want a dick inside of me.

Catboys and lalaboys have too little testosterone in them to be called males. Sorry champ.

Wrong on both counts. Although I guess you'd be used to that.

>mfw I've made several million gil off battered fish
>mfw I buy the cheap fish and resell it at quadruple the price or higher
>Retards giving it away for free

/highlander grampa/.
There's only ever fewer than ten of us per server.

We're getting it never ever

>being this buthurt over basic knowledge literally everyone knows but you unfortunately.

Which one of those two do you play? I want to laugh at you.

Guilty as charged but what's your point?

he rouletted in with you and hasn't had the chance to MT much content because the game doesn't do shit to force tanks to learn their roles once introducing 8 man raids

go bed gramp

Just pointing out his hypocrisy.


I should have known you were the delusional type.

Extreme primals aren't in any roulettes though

Thancred's weapons look more like something a Dancer would wield desu. A decently sized main sword with a smaller offhand dagger.

>being this much of a cuck

thinking about it. It's cheaper for me to buy the complete edition on a new account then buy everything seperate on my old account. either that or i'm gonna be a lizard girl or a c@boi. was a generic hyur before and I just thought it was pretty boring.
I have zero interest in RP/ERP, I just like playing dressup, but I feel mad gay doing that on a hyur. might compromise and be a c@girl, but i'm pretty sure i'd get annoyed pretty quickly between perma virgin weirdo's and the fact that I'm a giant dude with a deep voice irl, and i just wouldn't want to explain anything in a FC Discord

DNC is already in the game :^)

this is why I hate level boost options in MMOs. it thrusts new players into endgame without 0 idea of how mechanics or things work. sure selling boosts makes the company a quick buck but overall it harms the community of the game.

Been a month since I last logged in, guess I'll see what's up and actually do the SB quests

>/highlander grampa/.

It's an acquired taste

He's just using ROG/NIN weapons, though. Most NIN weapons are the size of swords.

>might compromise and be a c@girl, but i'm pretty sure i'd get annoyed pretty quickly between perma virgin weirdo's and the fact that I'm a giant dude with a deep voice irl, and i just wouldn't want to explain anything in a FC Discord
Firstly, you will never encounter those fucking weirdos unless you go looking for them, barring the occasional very rare retard who messages you in passing ":))) wow ur cute" type shit. I've had it happen to me once in the three years playing this game and it was a fucking lalafell. Blacklist and move on.
Secondly, nobody sane gives a shit about you playing a catgirl in a game full of catgirls, and if anyone gives you shit stop being a beta autist and tell them to fuck off it's just a game, and if they do give you shit for it they're retarded. Anyone getting their panties in a twist over who plays what videogame races or genders is a colossal retard and you'd be better off without them anyway.

Is this a new character for SB's patch quests?

>also on Cactaur
>I buy that guys glamour prisms instead of yours whenever I need one
You need to learn what the market wants user

unsub from my game!

Unsub from THIS!

>this isnt an emote

>put something up on the board
>immediately undercut by like 1g
>1g lower item sells
>mine never does
>even if i go lower
what the fuck man this shit is pissing me off

*unsubs behind you*

>Want to finally get around to doing Coils since I have WAR and PLD around 50
>mfw looking at these guides
Is there even a Coils (Savage)? These have a lot more to them than Alex and Omega normals. Would it be possible to solo coils with an i320 DRK? I'd almost rather just solo than than deal with insane queue times and wrangling sprouts.

I can imagine this raid was pretty fun at release though, since you need to actually use status effects like heavy and silence at some points

How can you tell if someone did their weekly clear of savage?

*it was a bot account* pssh...nothin' personnel... ijin

iirc the third tier had savage raids, but they were more for bragging rights than gear. Might be wrong on that bit though.

But yeah, Coils were a real wringer, I was never able to clear T5 even at i120 because people were just that bad.

When you're enter a savage fight and the game tells because of some fuckboi who got the clear, you only get one chest.

Know the feeling brah.
I can macro 320 HQ gear but I have no desire to sell them because I'd have to check retainers every fucking 10 minutes.

i have more than one character and i buy my own items like this sometimes to piss people off


If people are really autistic they can search your retainer's name on the lodestone and find your PC name

Coil normal modes are current Omega savage modes, We didnt have story modes until 3.0 I am still bitter about this, fuck story mode.

2nd coil had a Super Savage tier that had no new gear and was only for titles, soloing is going to be fairly difficult on some fights that actively just one shot you if you fuck up.

Elezen master race. The best thing is that if you play as one, the plot of the entirety of Heavensward and large portions of ARR/Stormblood becomes "a group of elves solve everyone's problems".

lel Fucking with the economy is kind of an endgame for me, I have ruined prices on many items on different games for the lulz.


so some faggot can join the party, say he hasn't cleared and fuck us out of 2 chests? what the fuck was yoshi thinking?

Looking to transfer away from louisoix server. Any good with medium to low population on chaos or aether? I want to be able to get a house in shirogane and meet nice people
I might do a bit of rp

I guess I'll just together an unsync'd party on the PF for them. I'm not willing to witness and suffer just for a wind-up Louisoux. Maybe I'll find a group in the future that's willing to do it with me, but I know I won't find that in my current FC

/female hyur/ master race
Give me all your cummendies

What's worse is that you don't even have to complete the fight. As soon as fuccboi gets in the instance with you, you've all lost that chest permanently for the week.



Only if you clear. You get the message as soon as you go in if somebody's already cleared and is trying to fuck you out of a drop.

It used to be worse. statics in Coil (before they fucking fixed it) could get PuGs and troll them out of drops for 3-4 floors because there was no duty commencement confirmation prompt.

How to get a house in XIV Shirogane

Before they apply 4.1
Go to Shirogane, pick plot
Stand next to the placecard
Log off
Wait for maintenance
Log on the second maintenance is finished
Buy it.

We're all still good people.

DRK should be the canon job.

you'd only be able to do that for ward 1 since that's the only one open right now

imagine the amount of people with the same idea

not only that, but you should be refreshing that launcher 2 hours before maintenance even ends in case an early end


>Log off
>Wait for maintenance
>Log on
>Cry because all the property has been bought

Well, even in T9, you still have to do mechanics with the meteors. Or maybe not, if you out gear it to the point of ridiculousness.

>want to make 50m to buy a mansion in shiro
>trying to sell with these undercutters
fucking christ

I wish they would make MNK a tank. It's clear they are steadily losing their place in this game, especially with the introduction of SAM and RDM. There's literally no reason to take a MNK over either of them. Even worse is that they're far easier to everything with.

So when will ARR get better shaders?

To "kill" everything with.

the shaders are fine, the problem are the low resolution textures they still use from PS3.


>waahhhh capitalism is mean to me

git gud faggots


>log on
>some fag with his friends jump around the sign to prevent people from clicking/targeting
>said fag buys it
>you don't make it in time to another ward/plot
>watch as the plots slip through your fingers like sand

>buy fish from vendor
>hit a gathering node a couple of times for one mat
>buy the rest at CUL guild
>done in 10 minutes

Yet some people need to buy the fish or get it for free. What the hell?

how do I make friends in this game

You are a mistake

>tfw you were on a low pop server and practically guaranteed any plot you wanted
>tfw SE "fixed" everything for you by filling your server with Balmongrels

Nice skunk hair

>plug in DS4
>hit the X-button next to the sign
>fag's friends go "wtf" when gamepad proximity targeting ignores players