>RIP cash grab scam piece of shit game.
RIP cash grab scam piece of shit game
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haven't they moved on to the new cowboy mmo scam?
have any of these open world survival multiplayer games made it out of early access?
yep, and they will keep creating these cancerous shitty survival games that never leave alpha while people keep buying them, its sad desu.
I don't get it. Why RIP? Did the developers get blown up or something?
the problem is that they get the money, they really dont give a fuck if their game doesnt leave early access.
Because their game is pratically dead
>DayZ Standalone
What is this?
Thanks for the context op
Can someone tell my the difference between this and PUBG? They seem like the same game to me.
Have you been living under a rock?
>tfw fell for the scarm
>tfw the devs know everyone will refund this piece of shit the moment it leaves """early""" access
It was fun as fuck so no.
Yes, lots of bugs, but still, the game was fun, devs ended up making lots of money, all is good.
Is this nigga serious?
Then why is no "Big Company" like EA making their own? With all their money, it should be easy as fuck, no?
It was fun for the time being, despite not having any zombies, I enjoyed squading up with the boys on /vg/. That said, I do hope they eventually leave early access so I can get a refund.
Because it's a very niche audience. Why sink a huge investment into it when it's not even that popular?
Steam closed that loop hole and is only under certain conditions now. Making a shitty empty game doesn't fall under that.
I thought gaben removed dayz or something
Don't do clickbait thread pls
Well they're not
Pretty sure Steam doesn't allow that anymore, unless the devs themselves allow it. And fat chance Brian "Suck-Streamer-Cock" Hicks will allow that
DayZ tried to foster more roleplay and survival aspects in their game + shitty AI zombies
PUBG removes all the pointless fluff and gives people exactly what they wanted out of Day Z, the battle royale experience.
The cheaters are rampant now more than ever. Literally watching a guy stream while invulnerable and duping ammo
>5 years later
>zombies still don't work
>most features still don't work
>RP survival game where most people are duping guns and ammo
I can't even be mad knowing what dean hall will experience in hell
Are you retarded?
DayZ is literally getting a new engine, the game is awesome and less buggy than fucking PUBG, lmfao.
>casuals still cant handle the permadeath
>meanwhile, the game has over 100.000 positive reviews on steam
t. hasn't played the game in 5 years
I dont know wtf this is either, put the spaghetti back and explain right now you sperglords.
>Dean releases only very first public alpha
>then leaves to start his own company, which he stated multiple times during the development; he was only ever in it to get the game to public alpha
>first alpha was the only patch which worked with zombies, gunplay, and decent netcode
>ever since he left, the dev team led by Hicks has somehow destroyed zombies, made the netcode even worse, ignored galring cheating issues and loot spawns problems while adding a million kinds of clothing
Ya no, Dean did nothing wrong but people like you (i.e. uniformed) will drag his name through the mud
the devs have no intention in finishing the game. they spent most of their time building a new engine for the next arma, and basically improved the game slightly. think this is the reason dean hall quit the company, knowing that the devs were just gonna scam the consumers and leave this game unfinished.
DayZ doesn't force encounters, it's a persistent world, you spawn where you log out, if you die it's over and you need to start from scratch.
it has actual survival mechanics (food, sickness, temperature, water)
it has actual ballistics
a blood-system
a map that's 3 times bigger
more weapons
more realism
better graphics
Okay, Dean.
>muh new engine since 2015
>less buggy
Not "hardcore" when it happens from bugs more than real gameplay kek
>Leave the survival shooter genre to me, senpai
>more realism
Kek I'm not in the greatest shape, yet I know I can hold a gun more steady after sprinting for 5 seconds than the game portrays
Shit game
It started as a popular Arma mod, got sold to Bohemia
and they're still building the new engine.
Great game but buggy (duh) these will be ironed out in.Beta with the new engine.
Banning people because they steam snipe you on a public server, thats the dayz dev teami for ya
You realize they're writing an engine, right? it's almost done, even. Playable demo at Gamescom
Still had way more fun with it than PUBG. Nothing beats being held up in a building with a random group of bros when some fuckers start taking shots at you on the roof. Held the doors and negotiated until they came in and it was a blood bath all around, lost a few good people. No other game has come close to being as tense as moments in that game were, with losses feeling so permanent. When someone who you were with died, it felt like they actually died since it wasn't as simple as just queuing up for another game, most times you would never see them again. Really a unique experience, and then PUBG comes along and just shits up the whole concept of these types of games.
>yet I know I can hold a gun more steady after sprinting for 5 seconds than the game portrays
are you retarded?
That was a bug and has already been fixed like 2 years ago.
Uh huh. Why do you believe them anymore? Until I see actual released results, they are all talk. And who knows what new bugs and issue the new engine will introduce to old mechanics
Im are that I started out as a map mod, but I though it has since progressed into a full fledged game - released and whatnot. It's been a while hasnt it. So you're telling me the big hype from way back is still the same since then??
No survival tho? It's 16 players and ai and you run around in instanced maps, loot, kill ai/people then leave. DayZ is a persistent open world with accurate ballistics
I haven't died to a bug in DayZ since 2014, dude.
>he can't handle the permadeath
nothing new, you casual fag
Because we are literally playing a perfectly playable, bugfree, well-synced and good-fps version of DayZ standalone since about 1,5 years now.
It's the only realistic survival game out there.
>works for me :^)
There's a reason the ratings have gone from 90% to 65% in less than a year. Stop defending the shit; I loved the mod and gave the game a chance but it's shit and getting worse
Kek, you actually believe this
No, that's the War Z devs, not the Day Z devs.
>accurate ballistics
Bullets in DayZ follow a strict trajectory defined by a curve. There is no wind influence. There is no penetration. There is a set amount of damage (reduced by armor). Tarkov models penetration, wind impact, bullet velocity, fragmentation, ricochets and more.
I like Bohemia Interactive and keep up with development of the game.
You rewrite the fucking RV engine and it not take years.
The hype is dormant. It's in Early Access, with Beta being around the corner, will introduce the new engine and modding.
Who cares, some new shit will come out in a year or two effectively killing this game off for good and then PUBG, hopefully it will at least improve on the foundation of DayZ at least to some degree though I doubt it.
I'm not a full team of professional coders and developers so obviously I can't do it
DayZ does model penetration and richochets tho? Go look it up.
It does, when the netcode doesn't fuck up
Funny how the spend time and energy on a demo that will fool people about the current state of the game.
>muh update 0.xx will fix everything
Yeah they say that since summer 2014 with the 0.5 update
Battle Royale games like PUBG are the natural evolution of games like DayZ. There is absolutely no reason to play DayZ now that PUBG is out which is reflected by their tanking player numbers as of recently.
Then don't bitch. It's almost at Beta. NO MORE RV ENGINE.
>You rewrite the fucking RV engine and it not take years.
I hate seeing arguments like this. By this logic I would only be allowed to critique something if I would be able to make something equal or better myself? Are only developer's thoughts on a product valid? Not the thoughts of a consumer?
Sure. Good thing everything is gonna be replaced with new tech.
It's a demo of the Beta build they've been working on for the past 2 years. New engine.
All the backlogged content. (various guns, basebuilding, Tisy being contaminated, aerial vehicles etc)
I'm not saying that, but you should understand game development before bitching at perfectly fine games like 7 Days to Die, This and Project Zomboid. Games take time.
>really excited about the new stuff in the next patch :^)
>we had to push the engine back to the next patch but it's for the best :^)
>next patch: new engine, have some new coats in the meantime :^)
>whole team working really hard on the new engine to get it ready for the next patch :^)
Just replace "new engine" with any other glaring issue over the last 5 years and you have the development "prowess" of Brian "Talk Shit Get Blocked on Twitter like I'm a 14 year old girl" Hicks
>It's almost at Beta
I can´t hear that shit anymore. You have to be mental if you believe that. The list of features that are supposed to be in the game already is massiv.
But I´ll be sure that the new update get some new hats and some weapons.
PUBG is strictly PvP no zombies or anything like that you just jump out a plane go gather stuff and try to be the last one alive, it also has no survival elements like food/water to manage. DayZ has persistent servers and PvP is optional, where as PUBG has individual matches where the entire game is centered on PvP.
Thats not fucking Wildwest Online is it? I'm actually kind of excited for that game but I'm not getting near it if the WarZ devs are involved. I couldn't find anything about the devs being part of WarZ though.
Now your just being a pessimist.
If you look at the work already done, you'll see they care. .60 doubled peoples fps and made it playable, for instance.
Like I said eariler, I like Bohemia Interactive. I have faith in them.
You know what, I bit the bullet and bought 7 days to die after I saw it had building, mining, terrain deformation, and a 100% destructible environment. I originally thought it was just another clone of these types of games. I don't regret my purchase at all, even though I know it's never going to leave "early access".
I haven't tried any multiplayer with PVP though, that sounds like asking for trouble.
>game playable after 4 years
>only after several of the biggest streamers called out the dev team
This senpai.
I think people who want a survival game that's actually about survival enjoy this game. The only game that comes close is Miscreated and even that isn't good enough for me.
Thats what the game is lacking. Not the shitty movement system or the worst close combat mechanic ever.
I´m glad we getting more guns.
What about the dynamic events they were talking since 2014 or the fucking zombies?
Why would I have to understand the process behind gamedev before critiquing a game? I pay for a product, and thus I have expectations of it (although I have no idea how this has gone with Dayz, all I know iz that I was disappointed when I got it).
Sure, knowledge of the gamedev process can help me understand why things became the way they are, but that still would not excuse overselling a product or unfulfilled promises.
How many car drivers know how a car is made? Yet they can still complain about their car, right?
It hasn't been 4 years and .60 hit back in July of 2016 senpai.
The shitty movement system is getting replaced with everything else in .63/BETA (next update)
PUBG takes the good parts of DayZ and makes a game out of it
RUST has been the better game for a long long time now.
Sure, if your into basebuilding and pvp/raiding.
t. Someone who doesn't like actual survival games
(The Long Dark and Miscreated are other good examples)
>Like I said eariler, I like Bohemia Interactive. I have faith in them.
Nah. People like you only got on the Ofp/Arma train since the DayZ mod. They never had expierence them before. Bohemia was nearly dead before the DayZ mod gave them a massiv push. Never cared about their games and never ever fixing them.
Oh my mistake, 3 years and 8 months
You DayZ drones are pathetic
Because ultimately the misunderstanding of the reality of gamedev leads to unrealistic expectations.
Hence everyone here but me and 2 other people.
People are sinply misinformed. It's not a big deal imo.
>it's 16 players
so? Does that magically make it not survival?
It's also going to have an open world mode with 64 players + ai, so fuck you
I heared that three times since the last 3 years. It´s getting old by now. They should make up something new.
no they definitely do allow it
they are probably embezzling the funds with ridiculous work expenses so they can claim bankruptcy the exact moment it releases , and steam will be left to foot the bill. its probably the biggest scam in history of gaming
Beta imminent :^)
??? I bought Arma 2 in 2010. I liked it.
The game itself is decent but holy fuck are the devs bad.
>Project Zomboid
The only reason it took so long was because the devs didn't understand the basics of development and lost most of the game because they didn't use online source control
Cool. DayZ already has that and will continue to improve when Beta hits with 100 players and lots of ai
This piece of shit was supposed to be on consoles years ago. Is it even playable yet on PC?
I've been excited for Tarkov for awhile but I don't want to pay the outrageous asking price. It's also being pretty blatantly shilled around here which is a major red flag for me.
OP spends the entire threads samefagging and going on an autistic shitfit about the paid closed beta and early access being completely different things.
Oho. If it has the same shitty AI as the other Bohemia games.... and it certainly will. Thats gonna be a disaster.
Yes. But like I said earlier, Beta is around the corner and will make the game great (plus modding)
The "next update" meme never included the entirety of the new Enfusion engine, while the next update actually will.
What's wrong with the developers? I haven't owned the game long enough to see how development goes.
The A.I. will be pretty good from the info I've gathered
Early access isn't a product, you are effectively donating to the developers to help fund the development and getting alpha access in return.
And soon, there will be no reason to play PUBG. The cycle continues
Nothing. Uninformed people who have no idea what they're talking about.
The devs are working hard on finishing Beta.
You fucks said the same shit about the other stuff. I.E. the renderer will never release (it did)etc
This. Retards.
dayz tards deserve it. arma 3, a real game.
>DayZ tried to foster more roleplay and survival aspects in their game
Which was fun until battleroyal KOS newfags came in and ruined the game. If PUBG came out sametime as DayZ that never would have been a problem.
To be fair I haven't played the game in years but it used to take them months to release a couple of minor bug fixes. I gave up on the game when it took them 3 months to fix the sound so that all the zombies on the map didn't sound as if they were 2 feet away
This. DayZ and PUBG are completely different experiencs.
You should. They've done completely redone the engine and it's almost done. They're doing gameplay things now, the core base tech is done.
You don't mean the dev updates do you? That would be pretty foolish user
Remember that video they released showcasing zombie hordes.... 2 years ago?
Zombies soon guys, just ironing out some bugs