How can we improve this cover art?

How can we improve this cover art?

My idea is that BJ should just be sitting down all tired and weary from killing so many Nazis.

draw in a couple of penises and swastikas

I fucking hate this board

BJ riding a giant turtle, whose shell is a nazi helmet

i just noticed it's just a bunch of helmets at the bottom, i always thought it was like scraps of the robot nazi suits
it would be cool if he was sitting on a pile of nazi corpses but i doubt they can show that on the cover

BJ is sitting like a king on a throne made of nazi helmets

take off the highschool letterman's jacket

have him sitting so we get that war-weary BJ we all love

oooh look at me i am zoo evil jaaa, i veel pull brains out of your head jaa zoo evil. i look really deformed zat is beecause i am zoo evil

Get rid of that awful yellow leather jacket for starters


He looks pretty weary already, OP. His eyes are half-closed and he's got a deep frown, scarred and covered with dirt and grime.

has the right idea. I hate that fucking stupid jacket.

let me fight japs as well as nazis


Was it established what happened to Germany's allies in The New Order?

idk mang. I wanna fight some spaghetti niggers too.



Can't wait to kill some nazis!

I'd guess they were put into the fold as a useful ally. The devs could probably shit out an expansion or even a full game about them though.

Hopefully he gets to wear set's Jewish super suit in the later game.

Italy got conquered. No idea about Japan

I can only hope, user. I can only hope.

I love the jacket desu

Germany backstabbed Italy, then, once they finished removing slavs, they moved on to occupy japan.

>unironically being hyped about nuwolfenstein
just what level of underage are we talking here?

>hilariously bad forced story shit

>ruined BJ, no longer a stoic and silent superspy, now he's a fucking cuck who whispers to himself constantly, half of it being pseudo-intellectual awful video-game-writing philosophy shit

>cod-style "aim down sights and wait for enemy to pop head out of cover" gameplay except now you can explore these shooting galleries after the firefight and collect useless fucking shit, having to mash the interact key every time, wow!!

>non-human enemies are total shit, no more actually scary mutants and zombies like in rtcw, now we have shitty robots with le emp grenade weak spot maymay

>terrible bosses

>quicktime events and cinematic takedowns

>being interested in a sequel to this garbage

>germany backstabbed italy
not like they were helping anyways desu
What happened to the based finns?

Hammer and sickle

Nah, he still has work to do so having him standing and advancing towards the viewer is best.

I scoured the newspapers in the resistance hideout, but found nothing.

Guess Deathshead found nothing of use for Spurdo


Butthurt whiny naziboo losers, they lost get over it

Youre aware this isn't man in the high Castle, right? The Germans betrayed and conquered the Japs. They didn't both get a nice addition to their empires.

This might not be canon, but do you honestly believe Germany, in the Wolfenstein universe, would let any other country run free, regardless of if they were an ally or not?

No, Nazi Germany wanted to control the world, and that's what happened in the Wolfenstein universe. I doubt Japan or Italy were allowed to rule themselves and instead were just annexed like every other fucking country on Earth

Good. I'm glad ol' spurdo isn't having to lick nazi bootheels at least. Although I can't say I wouldn't like to fight Lauri Torni as a boss.
Do they at least fight with the nazis?
Germany was too autistic in ww2 to have any long-term plans of world domination, they were more concerned with just shitting up europe.

It's not "stop liking things that I don't", it's "stop liking things that took a huge fucking shit on one of the most important FPS series and killed it".

user, use your thinker for a second

What do you honestly think those guys want when they post like that

>now he's a fucking cuck who whispers to himself constantly, half of it being pseudo-intellectual awful video-game-writing philosophy shit
Where was this? He didn't do it from the 30 minutes Bethesda showed.

People actually like the game, believe it or not.

I'm not talking real life Nazi Germany but Wolfenstein Nazi Germany

The Nazi's in Wolfenstein wanted the world and got the world

That post is about TNO
But don't worry, you'll have plenty of moments to tip your fedora toward the screen with edgy whispering in this new game

Half this place doesn't though. Thing is, that's the half he hails from. Don't even bother replying. You'll be playing chess with a pigeon.

Look, buddy, I just wanna fight japs, spaghetti niggers and nazis all in one game. Is that too much to ask?

>Took a shit on Wolfenstein
Not really, in fact it helped Wolfenstein a bunch. New Order was hell of a lot more popular than any other Wolfenstein game and sold pretty well too. People like the game, but I can see why you don't

I'd look to 5th and 6th gen games for that. Krauts already annexed the gooks and spaghetti niggers in this series.

What gen are we on now? 3rd?

Hey, I'm on the same page as you man. I'd love to fuck up everyone the Nazi's had allied with in WW2. The fucking warcrimes the Jap's committed were nearly up there with the Nazi's.


>Half of this place doesn't
What makes you think that?

The shit ishii was doing in manchuria makes mengele look like a fucking pediatrician. Too bad Macarthur had to be a faggot and give him immunity, though.

A classic series can be ruined with a new entry even if the new entry sells well and sparks some renewed interest in the original. Point is, what made the original good is dead and the magic's gone.

To you, it is.

Sorry, you'll have to wait until October for your dose of "hurr video game is an art form le edgy deep quotes by le BJ electric boogaloo" garbage

Hitler turned on Italy, according to an old newspaper in New Order. Not sure about Japan though.

Oh for fuck's sake user.
What normally happens in these threads? Really. Its a miracle this shit hasn't gone to the r_theDogs yet.

Everyone here is normally in a pissing contest to see who's the most bitter, contrarian, obnoxious, inflammatory, jaded, pseudo-intellectual shitter. I can hear the cracking as half this boards users shove their heads further and further up their own asses.

To anyone who knows anything about the originals, it is. This is garbage for edgy teens who want to act like they "don't play any of that call of duty crap hurr le old school XD" while not knowing anything about old fps. Maybe at best they have a fucking zdoom folder with brutal doom or some shit

Can you tell me what BJ said that hurt you?

"Fuck you, moon"

user, count the buzzwords in each of his posts.
How many can you spot? Once you've spotted them, you can tell us if your think he's actually here to discuss anything.

He's just another bored faggot here to vent the frustrations of his never ending depression on anonymous users of a Cambodian fishing net forum.

He shouldn't talk
And he sure as shit shouldn't be saying pseduo-intellectual horseshit that sounds like a fanfiction every time there aren't any enemies around

>It's an "It's new, so it's garbage" episode

Nice try. I rate Doom 2016 as one of my all-time favorites though. Nu-Wolf is just actual shit.

Good point, he's just another jadded faggot.
>He shouldn't talk
Why not you fag?

That's a good point. Thanks to whole ANTIFA bullshit going on, so many people think this game is SJW shit, which is a real shame since people didn't think that way for The New Order.

puppet governments

they also dropped a nuke on manchuria or something. an article mentioned something about supercities they were building there

Yeah, but the problem is that your comparing TNO with the older games way too much.

Because it's almost as bad as making Doomguy talk

So glad they kept the baby portrait on the difficulty select screen.

They nuked China and the US

How? Because their games were similar?

replace the jacket with literally anything else

change the posture to make him weary but still ready to fight

Even when setting aside the older games, it has so many shortcomings. This post is full of buzzwords for comedic effect but each point is actually a legitimate criticism Especially #3

The game is essentially a cod campaign with corridor exploration

did they nuke china or manchuria?

>ts a miracle this shit hasn't gone to the r_theDogs yet.
why are you anti white leftists so triggered by white people not hating their own race?

I kinda like the corridor exploration, it made the game feel more focused and giving it more of a solid pacing.

Plus the shooting in the game was godly.

How is this game anit-white?

both, I think

you help black supremacist, ANTIFA, and communists to kill white people

What do you think he's going to do
What do you think he's here for

why does the man who single handedly killed mecha-hitler need to team up with a bunch of yellow bellied commie fuckwads to slay some nazis?

Why do people go into threads of the games that they don't like?

I don't know why thry feel so attached to ww2 era Nazis. Hell even the KKK is scared of the Nazis.

not your safespace, cuck

grow up

because this time he isn't going up against some castle guards and is instead fighting the entire world so he probably needs all the help he can get

Blowjobs Bleszinski has already been through here

I guess he's just not as unstoppable as Doomguy?

I mean, with a guy in a helmet, you can pull the lifeless avatar cipher thing much more easily, but when your protag has a face, it's much harder, or at least somewhat more awkward. If he talks, other characters become somewhat more of a necessity.


stop being a subservient cuck

your bait is painfully cringey, just please stop.

I think the big hang up with the whole race portrayal in video games thing isn't that they're necessarily anti-white or anti-male, it's that white males are the only race that can be used for all different type of characters. if a character is a woman, minority, gay, etc, then the character is always invariably this perfect mary sue with no character flaws. They can't be evil, they can't be comic relief, and they can't have major flaws, because this would bring the fun police out of the woodwork to berate the developers for being insensitive or whatever.

We need to start having more diverse characters in all archetypes, not just one-dimensional fanfic tier MUH BADASS WOMYN WHO CAN KILL 50 PEOPLE WITHOUT EVEN TRYING. That one user who made the post about if Guybrush from Monkey Island was a girl summed it up nicely.

>just please stop.
why, do you want an SJW safespace?

So helping Americans and killing Nazis is anti-white? Also how is the black bitch a supremacist? Hell if you get ride of the Germans you help out the KKK.

then stop replying to his bait you idiot

killing white people to help out black supremacists and communists is anti white

killing white people who have pride in their own race is anti white


Also, as nice as the gunplay was, I hope he moves faster in this one. Its heavily implied that he's using the Yiddish magic suit that Caroline had, so that better get him going faster.

Finally someon who can criticize a game in a civil way. Japan can still do evil black characters I.E. Balrog or Black Baron, even black directors do it see Luke Cage. It's just that some whites feel like it'd be racist for some reason.

You don't kill the KKK you literally help them you idiotic faggot. Also killing ww2 nazis doesn't make you a commie.

A normal haircut instead of a Justing Bieber comb-over for 12 year olds.

I'd also have him posing with one foot on a Marx or Lenin statue head. He's killing scores of German National Socialist Party soldiers, may as well be destroying figure heads of socialism also.

this looks decent. why do every game cover has to be the mc holding a weapon and looking "cool"?

Why would the Germans have a statue of a commie?

>no more actually scary mutants and zombies

I think this annoyed me more than anything else they fucked up with on TNO. I got excited when they introduced one of those giant roid rage mutant super soldiers and thought "sweet, now we'll be getting monsters" aaaaaand no, back to shooting boring bullet sponges 95% of the rest of the time.