What did he mean by this?
This is my favorite design of Zero. Wish it appeared in more games besides that one crossover game no one liked.
>Megaman Zero 5 for the Nintendo Switch with HD 2D sprites never ever
He's dead Jim.
They can't make anymore zero games.
>Zero 5
Let it go
>people dislike this design
This shit just screams "overdoing it".
What did he mean by this?
what exactly was meant by this?
looks like a coca cola mascot
>Ware Wa Messiah Nari ! Hahahaha!
What did he mean by this
The translators wanted to make a cutesy game look edgy and mature.
Now imagine if Gunvolt had been a successor to the Zero series instead of just being mediocre.
>Mega Man
3 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 9 > 10 > 5 > 6 > 8 >1
>Mega Man X
1 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 3 > 8 >>> 7
>Mega Man Zero
2 > 4 > 1 > 3
>"I hid myself while I tried to repair myself."
What did he mean by this??
6 > 4
1 > 3
He was too crazy.
X4 feels sluggish and not good to play
Mega Man Zero 3 is too easy and has bland level design
Battle Network was the best sub-series
>7 better than 9
Get the fuck out of here
>Draw a girl
>Call it a Mega Man
>I'm gonna fucking gas that bald nigger sigma and fuck his kids in the ass
How did they get away with putting this in a SNES game?
It was a simpler time, before the ESRB
Apparently, robots need time to heal their wounds too
9 > 2 > IV > V > 6 > 3 > III > 1 > 5 > 4 > I >>>> 8 > 7 > II
Using roman numerals for Gameboy Titles. Haven't played Mega Man 8 & Knuckles yet.
9 > 2 > IV > V > 6 > 3 > III > 10 > 1 > 5 > 4 > I >>>> 8 > 7 > II
forgot 10
Superior Zero design.
Daily reminder that Zero is a true hero and you must show him respect.
Why do people think 9 is a good game? The OST is terrbile for Mga Man standards and the level design is bland and uninspired as fuck
best megaman is megaman network transmisson for nintendo gamecube
Is ZX advent worth playing? Changing into bosses seems pretty lame
Because it has the best level design and weapons in the series.
It's decent, better than ZX IMO
>Never played Mega Man and Bass
It's pretty mixed for me. I've been playing the SNES version using emulation so I'm not sure how it differs from the GBA port, but I think it suffers from similar problems to 7 where Mega Man's sprite is too big. Also lube up before you play it, because the game loves to fuck you hard. Literally the hardest game in the franchise.
I mostly agree with this order but I'm surprised by IV > V
Besides the levels using very samey tilesets since they're all space stations V felt like an overall improvement on IV.
>best design
lmao what? The only reason you will die in that game its because of insta kill spikes and holes.The enemies are extremely bland and awfully a challenge
> "Tried to repair myself"
> Last game he was a torso with with arm and a hole in his chest
> A few weeks pass
> He's brand new
playing it for the first time ever recently because Legacy 2, so far it's pretty enjoyable. Not my favorite, but still fun as heck. My main problem is that it draws too much from 2 that it hurts the gameplay. No slide, no charge shot, and even the stages and music feel too similar to 2's, especially Concrete Man's woods stage that opens with a drumbeat that echoes Wood Man's.
I love how in canon even Zero has no idea what he's doing alive.
>No crossover where Gunvolt reanimates Zero with his eletricity.
Fuck off retard
Fuck off retard
If you liked ZX, you should like ZXA, I feel. For the Pseudoroids forms, you'll only switch to each boss once or twice for one specific movements or puzzle, so you won't need them past that. You'll find yourself using the Guardian forms more.
>4 and 7 better than 9
are you fucking retarded? The level design in 9 is only matched by 2 and 3. 4 and 7 have some fucking awful stages and weak robot masters.
The beginning of Concrete Man stage already presents the player with more enemies (that are fun to tackle with) at once than most classic Mega Man games ever do. I replayed the game recently without much bullshit though I should be plenty familiar with that already.
Will do at some paint. MM8 has a decent engine already so I hope it can be refined into a better game.
The boss designs in V felt too abstract and disjointed to me. It's a close call but I feel IV is a more cohesive game overall.
You'll unlock charge and slide after you beat the game once
My favorite Classic game is 6
Zero is still alive. Just as a cyberelf though.
I'd put the first three gameboy games lower on the list. I think 1's better than all three of those, at least.
I like how easy and relaxing the game is. Rush adapter is also dope as fuck.
whats the lore behind mythos zero
What's the hardest MMZ?
1 due to the continue system.
Megaman games are kinda hard desu but I enjoy every series and have played many of them
I don't remember much about 4-6 though, should I replay them?
Holy shit thanks for telling me. Is that how you get the screw in Plug Man's stage, or can you actually do it with an item?
they're pretty dang fun, and I think they're easier than the first three since they give you the slide and charge shot mechanics.
What's in that Saturn?
It's still weird as fuck for a game on a Nintendo console.
What do you think of the ZX games? Personally I loved the first one, hated the second one. Played both at release, so no nostalgia glasses.
looks like a little girl in a plastic costume
You can get it with Hornet
Charge and slide are exclusive to Proto Man mode. You'll also have a shield while jumping and take double damage.
They're fine games though kinda lazy. I replay them as often as the other classics.
Kinda meh. ZX does not understand what makes Metroidvanias fun, it just takes too long to get to the levels. ZXA was an improvement.
GBA or DS, Sup Forums?
Back when even artgames were games
I enjoyed both the ZX games even if they have bad maps, though it has been a while since I last played through them and I never did it on Hard mode. They were fun.
for Zero?
I'd say DS since they're all in one game and you have the option for easy mode if you really suck balls at video games. Also I like the art in the bottom screen.
The GBA versions can be emulated on literally anything. The DS collection honestly doesn't add much, aside from the EASY mode that gives you all abilities maxed right at the beginning, kinda ruining the whole point of the series.
It was also in Onimusha Blade Warriors.
The hard modes are a lot of fun in the ZX games. In the first one you get to play with the X form thru the whole game instead of just the prologue and his double charged shots help a lot with defeating the sped up bosses.
"I am the Messiah!"
Either. They're both the same aside from some dialogue changes (changing "kill" and "die" to "retire" and "perish").
i liked ZXA way more than ZX overall both of them were really easy for me even in expert mode
>that pic
i wish user in Sup Forums were still the same as that pic i haven't seen some of them in ages
Anybody think Elysium is a colony ship? Just colony drop back into terra.
What is a "colony ship"? It's clearly networked with crap all over the planet in orbit and on the planet in ruins. It seems more app to call it a mother ship.
People like completely throwing this out as a localization issue but that's not accurate either; in the JP script Rockman still said "I should kill you", he just said it at the start of the scene and hesitated when Wily referenced the 1st law of robotics.
Problem with mentioning the laws at all is that Asimov's entire robots franchise is about how robots wind up breaking the laws. And Mega Man showed he COULD break the laws of robotics since he broke the First and the Third Law at the end of his dialog by allowing Wily to be harmed by falling debris while saving himself.
That could've gone a lot of ways if the whole thing wasn't snapped back on.
>tfw no 6'8" bulky Zero bf
X and Zero are manlets
aren't they teenagers anyway?
Agreed. I also enjoyed star force
X is an adult Megaman and he's relative in height to Dr Light, who I imagine is somewhere in the ballpark of 5'8", being modest, and Dr Light has never been portrayed as a manlet. Pre-X4 Zero towers over X, so you know Zero has gotta be well into 6 foot something. Not only is he taller, but substantially bulkier as well.
>not ZX3
you dumb fucking nagger
did they fuck?
>fucking a roastie when mechanically perfect reploids are available
wew lad n
>that MMZ ranking
What the fuck? 3 is the best by far
Gunvolt is a worthy successor you assggot. You're the one who's unable to play Gunvolt the right way [how it's supposed to be played].
Also, I'm a girl.
Ciel was such a good girl. She deserved better.
She deserved to BE Zero.
I wish ZX gave us more info about her.
You know you're a pleb when your favorite classic Mega Man is 2 or 3.
>3 somehow the worst
fuck off dude
>a worthy successor
Where's the sword? Where's the combo system? Where are the elves? Why are the wall jumping physics different? Why are the jump physics different? Why is your damage locked behind a two-step process which makes the general flow slower?
It's nowhere near a successor.
>3 is the best by far
It's way too easy.
>It's way too easy.
Easier than 4, the game where your rank doesn't fucking matter because EX skills are handed to you just for changing the weather, which means you can just disregard the cyber elf penalty?
No, easier than 2. I wish it wasn't the case, I really do, because 3 is the best in everything else except for maybe the finale, but the final boss being so easy is kind of disappointing.