best game in the arkham series?
Best game in the arkham series?
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City. I'm willing to fight anyone who disagrees. I know I'll win because God agrees.
Plot: City - Orings - Knight - Asylum
Bosses: Knight - City - Origins - Asylum
I was with you until you said bosses were the best in Knight. Jesus tapdancing christ you can't be serious.
I don't know why some people hates BAO.
Literally it tooks everything from City and make it better.
I finished Asylum and City, dropped Origins after about 5 hours and never played Knight. I liked City the most.
City is best if we're talking objective quality. Pretty much every element of the game is almost perfectly designed. My personal favorite is Knight though just cause I love the graphics and fun as fuck freedom of movement. The Batmobile was pretty weak but had it's moments.
Bamham is the best adaptation of the Ass Creed gameplay , period.
So if I were to get only two of the four games, which ones should I pick? Origins and City?
Asylum and Origins
Asylum and City
Get Knight too if it's possible. A lot of people didn't like it but I think it's the ultimate Batman game.
Not knight. What is it with the 3rd entry in a series always sucking shit? MGS and halo dont count
>3rd entry
user, I...
city plot is dumb
Your god is false
Knight is hands down the Best
>Superior to anything in anything
Get Asylum, City and Knight, get all three or resignate yourself to your own misery and admit you shouldn't play games because you're too poor.
Knight would be best gameplay wise and open world wise if they had not shoved the Batmobile into everything.
City is best overall and has the best boss fight - Freeze.
Asylum is well contained but has the worst gameplay.
Origins is a City like cashgrab that is fairly allright but has a contrived story to add everything City did but not really. Its has some interesting fights and moments, but is eclipsed by Knight still.
So it goes City>=Knight>Origins=Asylum
money isn't the issue... time is. I'd already be pushing it if I'm gonna try to play through two of them.
I only played Asylum and the direct sequel and found both excellent, with the latter being a little more fun.
Asylum. 3D Metroidvania style > Open world games. With less expectation for the player to faff about and fill time on their own, they made a much tighter and more enjoyable game.
Assuming you're not going to die in 6 months under slavery conditions you probably will eventually have the time to play them.
But they are all great games with the exception of Origins, Knight is the better one gameplay-wise.