ITT: Games that only Oldfags remember
ITT: Games that only Oldfags remember
is this like agario
Was this on Atari?
Man, this game got popular when I was a freshman in high school. Shit bait.
whatever happened to the guy who made this, last i remember he was making like $50,000 a day at this games peak
Probably got greedy and didn't sell so now he has nothing
It wasn't THAT hard.
Where do these money come from? Ads or something?
>Initial release date: May 24, 2013
Get the fuck out.
ads and licensing
yup if i remember it had banner ads at the bottom of your screen as you were playing
This game is 7-8 years old
Only oldfags will remember this.
Anyone remember that app where you were a bird and you were trying to gain momentum by diving into valleys? th
Was bizzare how popular the game was when it came out. I remember when the developer removed the game and people were selling phones that had it installed on ebay for well above the phones retail price.
>tfw you remember two things from the same year but one seems much older than the other
Fuck off. Flappy Bird is kid stuff. This game here, is a game that only oldfag remember sinking hundreds of hours into, trying to make a jump right after dropping off from a ledge.
Tiny wings. Good shit.
fuck son you hit me big time with the nostalgia
holy shit I forgot about this
>it had a DS game
I did not own this game, one kid at school had one of those game megapack cartridges with like pokemon green and shit, and it had this on it
That ballgame on Nokia mobiles
Twitch Plays Pokemon is a fucking nightmare now. I keep going back expecting it to be good again, but it\s the same 3 or 4 "chat leaders" telling everyone what to do. There's no more chaos because everyone is trying to beat the game rather than have a good time. At least I have Chatot Dungeon.
feels bad man
you still fell for it you fucking retard
Stop! The nostalgia is too much!
Get on my level faggot
Good times.
I had one of those. Didn't have Pokemon on it, though.
nice bait
Fuck the black ball
Bet not one of you faggots ever played this floppy disk promotional taco bell game
Goddamn I played that so much as a kid on my friend's dad's office computer.
Same with that hot wheels browser game where you make your own path and the first burnout game demo where you smashed a car into a donut sign.
>this game got popular when I was a freshman in high school
This post could pass as bait.
Anybody remember this gem?
If you don't remember this in gonna be angry.
Step aside.
holy, this takes me back, the whole of Sup Forums was playing that stupid difficult kiddie game
>May 2013 was 4 years ago
>Freshmen range from 14-15
>People who were 14 in 2014 are allowed on Sup Forums
Apparently it's on Android now. Makes sense, I guess.
Alright this made me want to go find an old game I played back in the late 90's or early 2000's.
I remember it was some game's demo and the only level we had was a donut shop and the goal was to crash your car into the donut shop and get as many points as possible from the destruction.
I can't remember anything about it other than that, anyone else remember this game?
I used to play this on my dad's computer. I had no idea what I was doing.
I'm so old it hurts, and it won't stop hurting.
My fukkin shit
Wait, so was there a LR1 for the DS or is this a sequel to the flash game?
I am making a dmod literally right now
I used to play this on the school computers since I couldn't get into Runescape.
Just a sequel to the flash game
It's also on Wii
That's actually pretty impressive. I would never expected a flash game from the mid 2000s to get sequels on Nintendo consoles.
Where did everything go so wrong?
wasn't even the only one
This man knows what's up.
It's bad that I know all of these games... I'm so fucking old! I'm still not married and didn't finish college, should I just end it? I'm 34 guys.... I just can't keep going like this. Games are the only thing I have left.
Mom, please stop posting.
You're lucky, I'm turning 32 next month and I haven't enjoyed a game genuinely since I'm 24.
statistically speaking you have another 35 years to do something that makes you feel your life wasn't wasted
that's your whole life so far, but you don't have to waste 18 of those years being a child put through mandatory education.
only ancient seniorcitizenfags will get this
Pools closed niguh
I used to run falling furnis and hot or nots and made shit tons of coins
Anyone play this?