Magic the Gathering General

With Magic the Gathering Arena and MtG MMORPG in the works, what would be your dream MtG game if Wizards of the Cost had an unlimited amount of money.

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A re-release of every card made into a big ass collection for $150-200.

Bring Magic Online to steam with updated graphics.


Action/adventure or RPG where you play as a Planeswalker.

You learn new spells and can even summon creatures.

Something that lets me just shit all over everyone else with a U-based deck/moveset.

Continuation of the duels series.

Do you mean walk around a 3d environment meeting other Planeswalkers and dueling them?

Or are you talking about removing the cards altogether.

AAA Shandalar reboot

I want to explore multiple planes, to go through dungeon crawls with traps and puzzles, to have a co-op two headed giant mode, to unlock legendary and Planeswalker cards by completing the unique quests the characters give out, etc, just a fully featured RPG adventure.

They'd never actually make Shandalar 2 unless they had unlimited money though. Nowadays the only purpose of magic games is to advertise the paper game or magic online. They wouldn't put something in a game if it didn't directly resemble playing with real cards.

>Magic the Gathering General.